Конспект внеклассного мероприятия для 5 класса 

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Конспект внеклассного мероприятия для 5 класса


Тема: Halloween Party.


- знакомство учащихся с традициями англоязычных стран (на примере Хэллуина);

- воспитание толерантности;

- развитие речи.


                                             Ход мероприятия


1) Приветствие, целеполагание(1 минута).

Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am glad to see you at our Halloween party. Today we’re going to read some information about this holiday, learn symbols of it and watch a video. Of course, it will be very fun.

Let’s start.


Организационный момент (3 минуты).


Who is on duty today? What day is it today? What date is it today? Who is absent at our Halloween party?


3) Изучение нового материала (15 минут):

А) Чтение текста «Хэллуин»

Now please look at the screen. Let’s begin reading about Halloween (slide 1,  2) (Pupils read and translate the texts with the help of a teacher).

There are some symbols of Halloween (slide 3).


B) Введение лексики по теме «Хэллуин»: a pumpkin, a spider, a ghost, a black cat, a witch, a mummy, a monster, a skeleton, a vampire, a haunted house, a bat, Trick or treat (Фронтальная и индивидуальная отработка слов).

C ) Первичная проверка понимания (4 минуты).

Выполнение задания – найти 10 слов в пазле, правильно прочитать и перевести (слайд 5).

D) Good for you. Continue reading and find out what “Trick or treat” means. (slide 7-8)



Физкультминутка (4 минуты)

 Are you tired? Let’s have a rest and play the game “Spider web”. Please stand in 2 circles. Children stand in a circle. A ball of yarn is thrown across to another child. The child holds on to a piece of the yarn and then throws the ball across to another child. Continue until a spider web is created. The team who does it faster is the winner.

Thank you. Sit down.


E) Another symbol of Halloween is Jack-o’-lantern. Do you know anything about it? (slide 9-10)

F) Reading and translating texts about Halloween cake and information about Halloween in the past (slide 11-12).


7) Закрепление полученных знаний (6 минут).

This is all I want you to know about this wonderful holiday. Now it’s time to watch video about Halloween. Watch it very carefully and then answer my questions in Kazakh.


Видеоролик длится 2 минуты 53 секунды. Задача учащихся – используя контекстуальную и языковую догадку, понять общий смысл, послушать английскую речь, просмотреть кадры об этом празднике и ответить на вопросы (на казахско языке).



1) Какие символы Хэллуина вы увидели? (можно назвать по-английски: привидение, пауки, скелеты, тыквы, монстры и т.д.)

2) Сколько скелетов говорило «Выкуп или жизнь!»? (три).

3) Сколько пауков было у дома? (два).

4) Самый популярный овощ праздника? (тыква).

5) Как украшают дома в США в этот праздник?

6) Празднуют ли Хэллуин в Национальном зоопарке? Как? (да, угощают животных).


8) Проведение конкурсов (15 минут).

Молодцы! Сегодня мы потрудились не зря и узнали много нового. Но какая же вечеринка без конкурсов! Let's stand up and play some games. I need 2 teams.

Eyeball Relay


Supplies needed:

1 Ping pong ball for each team (painted like an eyeball)

1 spoon for each team

Divide children into teams. Give the first child on each team a spoon and a ping pong ball.

Set up the course to where they have to carry the "EYE" on the spoon to the end of the course and come back. Hand off to the next child and continue until all children have played on the team. First team done wins!

Mummy Wrap


Supplies needed: Toilet paper on a roll, a chair.

The task is to make a mummy(choose 1 person in a team)by wrapping him or her in a toilet paper. They should do it fast and neatly.

Balloon Sweep


Supplies needed:
1 Broom for each team
1 Balloon for each team

Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. The children are to run relays sweeping the balloon along the course and back to their team. First team having all their classmates through the course wins.


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