Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Correct them if they are wrong: 

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Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Correct them if they are wrong:

1.  The humid and mild climate of Great Britain is bad for plants and flowers.

2. The poppy is the symbol of peace.

3. The white rose is the national emblem of England.

4. The thistle is the national emblem of Ireland.

5. The shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Ireland.

6. The thistle is a wild plant with prickly leaves and red, orange, or purple flowers.

7.  But one of the Norsemen stepped on a rose.

8.  Leek is a vegetable related to the onion but with wider green leaves above a long  white bulb.

9. The daffodil is also associated with St Patrick’s Day.

10.  Daffodil is a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower of early autumn.

11.  The Irishmen wear this national emblem on St Patrick’s Day, March 17.

Give a written translation of the text. Arrange a competition for the best


8. Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

war, to be abolished, to be divided, smooth leaves, on the west coast of Scotland, with the intention of giving gifts and leaving the country, to be brisk, to put on, in the ancient century, late winter

Grammar Exercises

1. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Passive Voice:

1) The flowers were bought by me yesterday. 2) The flowers are often bought. 3) The flower has been adopted as England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses. 3) The flowers will be bought by me tomorrow. 4) The flowers are being bought now. 5) The flowers were being bought at five o’clock yesterday. 6) The flowers have already been bought. 7) The flowers had been bought when I came. 8) The flowers will have been bought by five tomorrow.

2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

 1) Деревья были посажены прошлой осенью. 2) Деревья сажают каждый день. 3) Деревья будут сажать завтра. 4) Деревья сажают сейчас. 5) Деревья сажали вчера в 6 часов. 6) Вы когда-либо сажали деревья? 7) Деревья уже посадили, когда я пришел. 8) Деревья уже посадят завтра к  двум часам.


Speech Exercises

1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) What is the national flower of England?

 2) What is the symbol of peace?

 3) What is the national symbol of Scotland?

4) What is the national symbol of Wales?

 5) What is the national symbol of Northern Ireland?

 6) When were two roses united into the Tudor rose?

7) What plant is a thistle?

8) Why did the Scots take the thistle as their national emblem?

9) Who is the patron saint of Wales?

  10) What plant is a leek?


Retell the text.

                       Text 5. Flower Bouquets

Bright, vibrant flowers seem to be popular with people today. More modern flowers such as lilies are now being combined with old favourites like the Irish and Chrysanthemum. The tulip is another very popular flower. In Australia the tulip is in season from April until September or October.

Bright yellows, oranges and reds are often put together in baskets, bowls and bouquets. Green foliage such as Eucalyptus leaves is added to break up the color.

The most popular type of flower arrangement is the bouquet. They are hand-held and less expensive than arrangements in baskets and bowls. There can be a variety of flowers in a bouquet or just one type of flower.

Australians usually send flowers for special occasions, such as, the birth of a baby, weddings, birthdays, and funerals. Australia has a special day called “Daffodil Day” on the 1st of September. On this day it is a tradition to buy a bunch of daffodils as a sign of respect for cancer sufferers. All proceeds from sales that day go towards cancer research



bouquet                            букет

vibrant                             (зд.) броский, яркий

lily                                    лилия

iris                                    ирис

chrysanthemum [krι'sænθәmәm]  хризантема

tulip                                 тюльпан

foliage                              листва

wedding                      свадьба

funeral                            похороны

bunch                              букет

respect                        уважение

cancer                             рак

sufferer                          пострадавший

proceeds                        доход

combine                    1) объединять(ся) 2) комбинировать,         сочетать(ся),смешивать(ся)

bowl                               ваза для цветов

eucalyptus [ ֽju:kә'lιptәs] n (pl –ses [-sιz], -ti) эвкалипт

arrangement             расположение, аранжировка

occasion                    событие

research                   научное исследование, исследовательская работа



Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

bouquet,popular, chrysanthemum, Australia, foliage, arrangement, eucalyptus, expensive, occasion, vibrant, bunch, tulip, iris, lily, daffodil


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

to seem, the lilies are now being combined with old favourites like the Irish and Chrysanthemum, to put together in baskets, bowls and bouquets, green foliage, to break up the color, the type of flower arrangement, hand-held, a variety of flowers, for special occasions, a special day, to buy a bunch of daffodils, a sign of respect



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