Fin d  in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. 

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Fin d  in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Высоко в горах, высотой в 100 метров, дышать кислородом, полезные вещи, древесина, выращивать, сеять семена, Новый Свет.


Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

To grow everywhere, far out in the ocean, giant sequoia, pine trees, to be impossible for plants, to come from plants, to make clothing. To give beauty, basic food crops.


Find in the text antonyms to the following words.

low                                      today

few                                       high

big                                        build

small                                    without

possible                                many

destroy                                 large

yesterday                              small

with                                      everywhere

nowhere                                impossible


Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary.

1. At last he could …freely.

2. … is a small hard seed.

3. Plants … from seeds.

4. … is an instrument with lenses for making very small objects appear larger.

5. The fire destroyed thousands of acres of …

6. There are a lot of …fields in our country.

7. He is a rare …

8. They … a plot of land with grass.

9. Are you a … member of society?

10. The Sahara …. Is the hottest place in Africa.


Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Correct them if they are wrong.

1. Life is possible without plants.

2. People began to build houses from timber only 30 years ago.

3. People do not like to look at fields of grain.

4. We breathe the oxygen which comes from animals.

5. There plants which are 2, 000 years old.

6. Plants can’t grow high in the mountains.

7. All plants are large.

8. People started to change plant 10,000 years ago.

9. Christopher Columbus saw the new corn in the New World.

10. There are 20,000 species of plants.


                                Grammar exercises

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Если бы у меня было время, я бы посадил дерево.

2. Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы купил микроскоп.

3. Если бы я мог, я бы построил дом.

4. Если бы я был садовником, я бы посадил цветы в нашем саду.

5. Если бы я был фермером, я бы выращивал зерновые культуры.

6. Если бы Колумб приехал в нашу страну сейчас, он бы увидел новые деревья и растения.

7. Если бы я захотел отдохнуть, я бы поехал в лес.

8. Если бы у меня был микроскоп, я бы смог рассмотреть очень мелкие растения.

9. Если бы мы не дышали кислородом, мы бы не смогли жить.

10.  Если бы я поехал в Калифорнию, я бы увидел секвойю.


Complete the  following sentences.

1. If I lived in the desert …

2. If I lived in the forest …

3. If I found a cat …

4. If I saw a dog in the street …

5. If I grew roses …

6. If I bought flowers …

7. If I planted a tee …

8. If I lived 10,000 years ago …

9. If I ate vegetables …

10. If I grew food crops …



                         Text 2. Plants and nature  


    Plants and animals are organic nature. On the Earth plants make one third.

    Animals and man will not live without plants because the cycle of nature links them. This natural process gives man and animals oxygen and food. The Sun gives energy for this process. Plants are special living things: the accumulate sunlight and make organic matter from inorganic in their leaves. Plants use sunlight and make their food; they give off oxygen into the air during this process.

Man and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, which plants

Combine with sun energy, water and minerals from the soil: and in this way make their food. After plants and animals die, rottingprocess will give back minerals to the soil, where plants will again use them.

    Plants also play a very important part in conservation and protection of soil, water and animals. They protect soil from the wind and keep water in the soil.

    Trees give off a lot of oxygen into the air. For example, a hectare of pine forest gives oxygen for ten people. It is necessary to have 1,000 square kilometers of forest for ten million people.

 If there are many parks and trees in a city and many forests around it, then its population will have enough oxygen to breathe.


cycle                  цикл

energy                энергия 

accumulate         накапливать

give off               выделять

breathe out         выдыхать

carbon dioxide   углекислый газ

rotting process   процесс гниения

conservation       сохранение     

protection              защита

wind                      ветер  

square                   квадратный

population             население

enough                  достаточно




                                   Vocabulary exercises

I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

Cycle, accumulate, sunlight, breathe out, carbon dioxide, process, protection, square kilometer, population, enough.



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