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Донецкой народной республики. Министерство образования и науки






Кафедра зарубежной и отечественной филологии













                                         Макеевка 2017


Методические рекомендации к проведению практических занятий по  английскому языку для студентов 2 курса  направления подготовки 35.03.05 Садоводство[сост. Н.В.Соловьева]. – Макеевка: ДонАГРА, 2017. – 54 с.



Педерсен А.А., кандидат филологических наук, зав.каф. зарубежной иотечественной филологии



 Данные методические рекомендации предназначается для студентов 2 курса направления подготовки 35.03.05 Садоводство.

         Цель методической разработки – подготовить студентов к самостоятельному чтению и пониманию английской литературы и к устному общению на английском языке в пределах изучаемой тематики.



Рассмотрено на заседании предметно-методической комиссии кафедры зарубежной и отечественной филологии

Протокол № 1 от «02» октября 2017 года

Утверждено на заседании кафедры зарубежной и отечественной филологии

Протокол № 1 от «02» октября 2017 года

Рекомендовано к использованию в учебном процессе Решением Учебно-методического совета ДОНАГРА

Протокол № 2 от «11» октября 2017 года



© ДОНАГРА 2017





1. Введение…………………………………………………………………..3

Section 1.Plants and flowers                               

Text 1. Man and plants………………………………………………………. 4

Text 2. Plants and nature…………………………………………………….. 7

Text 3. A tree in a city……………………………………………………….. 10.

Text 4. The national emblems of Great Britain……………………………… 12.

Text 5. Flower Bouquets………………………………………………………19

Section 2. Gardening

Text 6. The history of gardening and the Egyptian Gardens………………….24

Text 7. Nikitsky Botanical Garden……………………………………………29

Text 8. Botanical Garden ofMoscow State University……………………… 36

Text 9. Botanical Garden in London………………………………………….41

Section 3. Landscape and design

Text 10. Landscape design…………………………………………………… 44

Text 11.The principles of landscape design……………………………………49




Данные методические указания предназначается для студентов 2-х курсов направления подготовки 36.03.05 Садоводство.

Цель методических указаний – подготовить студентов к самостоятельному чтению и пониманию английской литературы и к устному общению на английском языке в пределах изучаемой тематики.

Методическая разработка построена на текстах, насыщенных садово-парковой лексикой. Такие тексты повышают интерес студентов к изучению языка и способствуют лучшему усвоению материала. Кроме того, они дают больше возможностей для разговорной речи.

Методическая разработка построена по тематическому принципу и включает 3 раздела. Каждый раздел содержит oт двух до шести  текстов и снабжен активным словарем. Далее следуют лексико-грамматические упражнения. Некоторые из них можно использовать для самостоятельной работы студентов дома.


                             Section 1. Plants and flowers.


                       Text 1. Man and plants


    Plants - grass, flowerers and trees – grow everywhere: high in the mountains,

far out in the ocean and in many deserts and polar regions.

    There are over 350,000 species of plants, Some are so small, that we see them only with a microscope, some are very large, such as the giant sequoia trees

In California, they are over 100 metres high and about nine metres wide. Plants are very old living things. Pine trees live over 300-350 years. There are platans in Russia that are 2000 years old. Life is impossible without plants. We breathe the oxygen which comes from plants, we eat the food which also comes from plants or from animals that eat plants. Many thousand years ago man built houses and made useful things from timber which we got from trees. He made his clothes from plants too.

    Plants also give beauty. People like to look at flowers, at fields of grain, they

Like to be in the forest. Man began to change plants about 10,000 years ago, when

He began to grow the first food plants. The first farmers saw that there were

good plants and not so good plants. They sowed the seeds of good plants and grew new plants from them. In this way man developed the basic food crops of the world. For example the Indians developed little ears of wild corn into large ears with many grains, which we use today. When Christopher Columbus came to the New World the new corn grew over large territory there.


desert – пустыня

polar –     полярный

species – вид, разновидность

giant – гигантский

breathe – дышать

useful – полезный

timber – древесина

grain – зерно, хлебный злак

develop - разрабатывать 

ear –     колос

New World –   Новый Свет




                                   Language exercises

I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

desert, species, giant sequoia, to breathe, oxygen, developed, grain, timber, beauty, microscope.



cycle                  цикл

energy                энергия 

accumulate         накапливать

give off               выделять

breathe out         выдыхать

carbon dioxide   углекислый газ

rotting process   процесс гниения

conservation       сохранение     

protection              защита

wind                      ветер  

square                   квадратный

population             население

enough                  достаточно




                                   Vocabulary exercises

I. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

Cycle, accumulate, sunlight, breathe out, carbon dioxide, process, protection, square kilometer, population, enough.



humid                      сырой, влажный

probably              вероятно

poppy                   1) мак 2) маковый

thistle                   чертополох

daffodil                1) нарцисс 2. a бледно-желтый

leek                        лук-порей

shamrock             1) кислица 2) трилистник

clover                        клевер

adopt                   1) принимать; to ~a decision принять решение 2) заимствовать

civil                       гражданский

regime                   режим, строй

defeat                   1) поражение 2) расстройство (планов)

                2. v. 1) наносить поражение 2) расстраивать (планы)

unite                    1) соединять(ся) 2) объединять(ся)

wild                      дикий

prickly                     1) имеющий шипы, колючки 2) колючий

purple                      1) пурпурный цвет, пурпур 2) фиолетовый цвет

ancient                 1) древний, старинный 2) античный

intention                  намерение, стремление, цель

plunder                грабить, воровать

set                         расставлять, располагать, размещать

pitch                         разбивать (палатки, лагерь)

camp                        лагерь

guard [ga:d] n охрана, стража

sentinel                1. n часовой; страж; to stand ~ over охранять

                        2. v охранять, стоять на страже

protect                     защищать

slaughter             совершать массовое убийство, резать, убивать

cause                       быть причиной, вызывать

shriek                  пронзительный крик

flight                    бегство, поспешный отступ

patron saint        святой покровитель

monk                   монах

medieval             средневековый

relate                   состоять в родстве, иметь отношение

bulb                     луковица

alternative           альтернативный выбор

vulgar                  грубый, простонародный

common              простой, обыкновенный

quote                   цитировать, ссылаться на к.-л. На ч.-л.

float                     паром, плот

                            2. v плавать, плыть по небу

host [hכust] зд.        множество

notion                     1) понятие, идея 2) точка зрения, мнение

preach                 проповедовать

the doctrine of the Trinity  учение о Троице

pagan                       язычный, неверующий

bear                      1) носить, нести 2) иметь

ste m                      ствол, стебель

mystery                  1) тайна 2) церковное таинство




Vocabulary Exercises

1.  Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

shamrock, purple, prickly, thistle, clover, poppy, bulb, daffodil, humid, to relate, to protect, wild, leek, to bear

2.  Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

символ мира, две розы были объединены…, поражение короля, нарцисс и лук-порей, дикое растение, листья с шипами, наступить на чертополох, белая луковица, обыкновенный в форме колокольчика цветок, множество золотых нарциссов, белый клевер, три листа на стебле, иллюстрация церковного таинства

3.   Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

to be good for plants, a kind of clover, to be the national flower, to step on a thistle, to take the thistle as the national emblem, to live on bread and leeks, prickly leaves, to wear leeks, to be a vegetable related to the onion, a long white bulb, to think the leek vulgar, to be a very common bell-shaped pale yellow flower, a host of golden daffodils, a small white clover, bearing three leaves on the stem, an illustration of the mystery

4.   Find in text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

the moist climate, thorny leaves, to apply to the onion, to cite, heaps of golden daffodils, a popular point of view, having three leaves, example of the mystery, to tread on a thistle

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) The flower of March is a …. 2) The plant has long … and a sweet pleasant sweet. 3) … are bright red or yellow flowers. They look like cups. 4) Are you prepared to … yourself in case of attack? 5) A living thing that grows in soil and has leaves and roots is called …. 6) No one goes to college with the … of failing. 7) I found these daisies growing … in the meadow. 8) We offer courses that … English literature to other subjects. 9) You’ll … be gone by the time I get back.10) Bright yellow, orange and red … are often put together in baskets, bouquets.

Grammar Exercises

1. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Passive Voice:

1) The flowers were bought by me yesterday. 2) The flowers are often bought. 3) The flower has been adopted as England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses. 3) The flowers will be bought by me tomorrow. 4) The flowers are being bought now. 5) The flowers were being bought at five o’clock yesterday. 6) The flowers have already been bought. 7) The flowers had been bought when I came. 8) The flowers will have been bought by five tomorrow.

2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

 1) Деревья были посажены прошлой осенью. 2) Деревья сажают каждый день. 3) Деревья будут сажать завтра. 4) Деревья сажают сейчас. 5) Деревья сажали вчера в 6 часов. 6) Вы когда-либо сажали деревья? 7) Деревья уже посадили, когда я пришел. 8) Деревья уже посадят завтра к  двум часам.


Speech Exercises

1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) What is the national flower of England?

 2) What is the symbol of peace?

 3) What is the national symbol of Scotland?

4) What is the national symbol of Wales?

 5) What is the national symbol of Northern Ireland?

 6) When were two roses united into the Tudor rose?

7) What plant is a thistle?

8) Why did the Scots take the thistle as their national emblem?

9) Who is the patron saint of Wales?

  10) What plant is a leek?


Retell the text.

                       Text 5. Flower Bouquets

Bright, vibrant flowers seem to be popular with people today. More modern flowers such as lilies are now being combined with old favourites like the Irish and Chrysanthemum. The tulip is another very popular flower. In Australia the tulip is in season from April until September or October.

Bright yellows, oranges and reds are often put together in baskets, bowls and bouquets. Green foliage such as Eucalyptus leaves is added to break up the color.

The most popular type of flower arrangement is the bouquet. They are hand-held and less expensive than arrangements in baskets and bowls. There can be a variety of flowers in a bouquet or just one type of flower.

Australians usually send flowers for special occasions, such as, the birth of a baby, weddings, birthdays, and funerals. Australia has a special day called “Daffodil Day” on the 1st of September. On this day it is a tradition to buy a bunch of daffodils as a sign of respect for cancer sufferers. All proceeds from sales that day go towards cancer research



bouquet                            букет

vibrant                             (зд.) броский, яркий

lily                                    лилия

iris                                    ирис

chrysanthemum [krι'sænθәmәm]  хризантема

tulip                                 тюльпан

foliage                              листва

wedding                      свадьба

funeral                            похороны

bunch                              букет

respect                        уважение

cancer                             рак

sufferer                          пострадавший

proceeds                        доход

combine                    1) объединять(ся) 2) комбинировать,         сочетать(ся),смешивать(ся)

bowl                               ваза для цветов

eucalyptus [ ֽju:kә'lιptәs] n (pl –ses [-sιz], -ti) эвкалипт

arrangement             расположение, аранжировка

occasion                    событие

research                   научное исследование, исследовательская работа



Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

bouquet,popular, chrysanthemum, Australia, foliage, arrangement, eucalyptus, expensive, occasion, vibrant, bunch, tulip, iris, lily, daffodil


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

to seem, the lilies are now being combined with old favourites like the Irish and Chrysanthemum, to put together in baskets, bowls and bouquets, green foliage, to break up the color, the type of flower arrangement, hand-held, a variety of flowers, for special occasions, a special day, to buy a bunch of daffodils, a sign of respect


Grammar Exercises

1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Tenses of the English Verb:

1) When I saw Ann, she was sorting the flowers which she had picked in the field. 2) People are planting tulips now. 3) I have bought a bouquet of lilies for my mother today. 4)  When I went out into the garden, the sun was shining and birds were singing in the trees. 5) They grew all their own vegetables. 6) I have planted a small apple tree in the garden. 7) I will pour water on plants in order to keep them healthy tomorrow. 8) My father has been planting lilies for two hours. 9) We have brought a lot of flowers from the wood. Now we will make bouquets.

2.  Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the Tenses of the English Verb:

1) - Что ты делаешь? – Сажаю цветы. 2) Когда он пришел домой, цветы уже посадили. 3) Моя бабушка сажает цветы каждый день. 4) Она посадила цветы на прошлой неделе. 5) Ты уже посадила цветы? 6) Она сажает цветы уже 2 часа. 7) Когда я пришел домой, бабушка сажала цветы. 8) Я завтра посажу цветы.



Speech Exercises


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) Do you have a favourite flower?

2) What kinds of flowers are popular in your country?

3) If you could create a bouquet of different flowers, which flowers would you 


 4) On which occasions do Australians give flowers? On which occasions do you 

   give flowers?

 5) Do you have a special day like “Daffodil Day” in your country? If you could

   create such a day, to whom would you give the proceeds?


Retell the text.

                                 Section 2. Gardening

     Text 6. The History of gardening and the Egyptian Gardens

 The earliest evidence for ornamental gardens is seen in Egyptian tomb paintings of the 1500s BC; they depict lotus ponds surrounded by rows of acacias and palms. The other ancient gardening tradition is of Persia: Darius the Great was said to have had a “paradise garden” and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were renowned as a Wonder of the World. Persian influences extended to post-Alexander’s Greece: around 350 BC there were gardens at the Academy of Athens.

The most influential ancient gardens in the western world were the Ptolemy’s gardens at Alexandria.

In Europe, gardening revived in France in the 13th century. French parterres were developed at the end of the 16th century and reached high development under Andre le Notre. English landscape gardens opened a new perspective in the 18th century.

Egyptian Gardens

Gardens were much cherished in the Egyptian times and were kept for secular purposes. Gardens in private homes and villas before the New Kingdom were mostly used for growing vegetables and located close to a canal or the river. However, in the New Kingdom they were often surrounded by walls and their purpose incorporated pleasure and beauty besides utility. Garden produce played an important role in the foodstuff but flowers were used in garlands to wear at festive occasions and for medicinal purposes. While the poor kept a patch for growing vegetables, the rich people could afford gardens with vibrant trees and decorative pools with fish and waterfowl.

The ancient Egyptian garden differs from a garden in our days. Flowers like the iris, chrysanthemum, lily and delphinium (blue), were certainly known to the ancients but do not feature much in garden scenes.

Due to the arid climate of Egypt, the tending gardens meant constant attention and depended on irrigation. Skilled gardeners were employed by temples and households. Duties included planting, weeding, watering the plants, pruning of fruit trees, digging the ground, harvesting the fruit.


evidence                         данные

ornamental                   декоративный

tomb                               гробница

Egyptian                         египетский

painting                              живопись, роспись

depict                                  изображать, описывать

lotus                                     лотос

pond                               пруд, водоем

acacia                             акация

paradise                         рай

Babylon                         Вавилон

renowned                           известный, знаменитый

Persian                          персидский, иранский

influence                       влияние, воздействие

extend                           простирать(ся), тянуть(ся)

post                                после-, по-

Greece                              Греция

Athens ['æθιnz]               Афины

revive                                   восстанавливать, возобновлять, приходить в себя

parterre [pa:'teә]                  цветник

cherish                                  заботливо выращивать (растения)

secular [ 'sekjulә]                 мирской, светский (не церковный)

purpose                                 намерение, цель

incorporate                           соединять(ся), объединять(ся)

besides                              кроме

utility                                     выгода

produce                            изделие, продукция, продукт

foodstuffs                         продовольствие, продукты питания

garland                             венок, гирлянда

festive                                   праздничный, веселый

medicinal                         лекарственный, лечебный

patch                                 заплата

afford                                позволить себе

vibrant                                 (зд.) броский, яркий

waterfowl                             водоплавающие птицы

differ                                различаться, отличаться

lily                                    лилия

iris                                   ирис

chrysanthemum [krι'sænθәmәm] хризантема

delphinium                     дельфиниум, шпорник

feature                                 изображать, обрисовывать

scene                                эпизод, сцена

arid                                       сухой

tend                                       ухаживать, заботиться

irrigation                         орошение

employ                             нанимать,  предоставлять работу

temple                              храм

household                            (зд.) королевский двор

weed                                    полоть

prune [pru:n]                      подрезать (деревья)

dig                                       копать, выкапывать

harvest                           собирать урожай

skilled                                 квалифицированный


Vocabulary Exercises

1.  Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

 ornamental, lotus, acacia, cherish, garland, foodstuffs, medicinal, irrigation,          weed, prune, dig, harvest

2. Find in text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

живопись египетских гробниц, окруженный акациями, античные традиции садоводства, «райский сад», чудо света, западный мир, лечебные цели, дельфиниум, сухой климат, подрезка деревьев, прополка, вскапывание земли, собирать урожай фруктов


3. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

 the earliest evidence, to depict lotus ponds, growing vegetables, in garlands, at festive occasions, decorative pools, for medicinal purposes, Egyptian garden, due to the arid climate, skilled gardeners, planting, weeding, watering the plants, pruning of fruit trees, digging the ground, harvesting the fruit


4. Find in text synonyms to the following words and word combinations:

to represent, famous, the miracle, to reach to, horticulture, to achieve, intention, except, curative, to unite, profit, wages, the bright trees, dry, qualified


5.  Find in the text antonyms to the following words and word combinations:

the gardens were destroyed, to separate pleasure and beauty, to put off, the poor people, with pale trees, at sad occasions, the humid climate


6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary:

1) Yesterday I saw many … by Picasso. 2) An area of water that is smaller than a lake is called a …. 3) Teachers have considerable … over what is taught in the classroom. 4) I asked if I could … my holiday. 5) She had fainted, but soon …. 6) The … of this dictionary is to help students of English. 7) We’ll … some of these ideas in the final report. 8) Did you talk to anyone … Joan? 9) A ring of flowers or leaves that you decorate something with is called a …. 10) Our approach … from theirs in different ways.


Grammar Exercises

1. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Sequence of Tenses:

1) He said that he had weeded the flowers. 2) I was sure that she was weeding the flowers. 3) My mother informed me that they would weed the flowers in the evening. 4) He asked me where I lived. 5) I thought that you had already pruned the trees. 6) I was sure that he spoke French very well. 7) She said that Andrew had told her that he was cherishing the lilies. 8) He knows that you have weeded the flowers. 9) I hoped that I would find him at home. 10) He said that he had dug the ground.

2. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1) Мы увидели, что наш сын играет в саду. 2) Она сказала, что мама уже прополола цветник. 3) Моя сестра сказала, что хочет выращивать ирисы. 4) Он спросил, где мы будем собирать урожай. 5) Я не думал, что вы все будете ждать меня. 6) Она спросила нас, кто хочет полить хризантемы. 7) Он сказал, что его мама сажала деревья уже более 2 часов. 8) Я знал, что мой брат увлекается ландшафтным дизайном. 9) Я боялся, что он не получит зарплату. 10) Мой друг позвонил мне и сказал, что болен и не сможет прийти ко мне на день рождения.



Speech Exercises


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) When and where did the earliest evidence for ornamental gardens appear?

2) What can you say about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

3) When did gardening revive in Europe?

4) What cli5mate was in Egypt?

5) Where did the skilled gardeners work?

6) What kind of gardens could the rich people of Egypt afford?

7) Did the ancients feature the flowers like the iris, chrysanthemum, lily, and delphinium in garden scenes?

8) What duties did the skills gardeners have?

9) Are you fond of gardening?

10)  What are your duties in gardening?


  2. Retell the text

           Text 7. Nikitsky Botanical Garden

The Nikitsky Botanical Garden, a unique preserve of Crimean nature and a supreme example of park architectural landscaping, is the largest scientific-research establishment in the south of Russia. More than 28,000 species and hybrids of various tropical plants have been collected in this treasury. The trees and shrubs (1,500 species) are planted in individual groups or picturesque clusters that blend into a single artistic design. There is also a wonderful rosarium and a special display of clematis and chrysanthemums.

Hundreds of thousands of visitors from Russia and from abroad come to Nikitsky Botanical Garden every day. It was founded in September 1812 as the Imperial Botanical Garden. For this purpose the site was chosen near Nikita, a village founded by Greek settlers four centuries before. Today, the Nikitsky Garden’s plant collection number more than 28,000 species, varieties and hybrids. Numerous visitors to the Garden show special interest in the great variety of subtropical trees. The Nikitsky arboretum, where more than 1,500 species of ornamental trees and shrubs are collected, covers an area of over 40 hectares and consists of four separate parks: the Upper Park, the Lower, the Maritime Park and the park on Cape Montedor.

A tour of the Nikitsky Garden begins with the Upper Park. It was laid out in typical landscape style during the last century. Here you can see rare species of conifers, ever-green shrubs, a splendid rosarium, a rock garden and displays of chrysanthemums and new varieties of the clematis.

Past the entrance to the Upper Park, in front of the main office building, there is a parterre. Chinese palms grow on the lawns of the parterre, a group of slender pyramidal cypresses and columnar English yews flank the path leading to the office building.

The Nikitsky rosarium is a really marvelous sight to behold. Here you will find various species of roses of native and foreign selection.

Chrysanthemums are the reigning beauty of the park in autumn.

Outstanding amidst the infinite wealth of greenery is the weeping glaucous Atlas cedar, a truly natural wonder whose boughs drop to the very ground. It is native to Algeria’s mountains and can be grown only through grafting. This tree terminates the Upper Park.

Here wide stairs descend to the Lower Park, the oldest section in the Nikitsky Garden. During the first years following its foundation palms and bamboos were imported from abroad. Today, you will find century-old groves of Lebanon cedars with their unusual flat crowns, mighty oaks and silvery olives. These groves have become unique monuments of nature. Sun-loving plants with thick pulpy leaves and stems are put outdoors in summer. They are mostly natives of Mexico: agaves, prickly-pears, etc. next to them, at the end of the palm alley, there is a decorative Japanese banana, noted for its large species.

The Nikitsky arboretum wears its green attire all the year round. Even in winter, when the ground is covered with a thin snowy carpet, you can still see flowering shrubs here and there. At all seasons of the year the Nikitsky Botanical Garden is visited by many tourists.



preserve                                 (зд.) заповедник

unique                                        1) единственный в своем роде; уникальный; ~ feature особенность конструкции 2) замечательный, необыкновенный

Crimean                                крымский

supreme                                1) верховный, высший

landscape                                  ландшафт, пейзаж

establishment                             учреждение, заведение

species [ 'spi:∫i:z]                      (pl без изменений) вид, разновидность

hybrid [ 'haιbrιd]                      гибрид, помесь

treasury                                       сокровищница

shrub                                            кустарник, куст

picturesque clusters                живописные группы (пучки, гроздья, кусты)

blend                                         смешивать(ся), сочетаться, гармонировать

rosarium [rכu'zeәrιәm]                 розарий

display                                      выставка

clematis [ 'klemәtιs]                     ломонос, клематис

site                                            участок, место

purpose                                   намерение, цель

variety                                    многообразие, множество

arboretum [ֽa:bә'ri:tәm] n (pl –ta, -tums) древесный питомник

ornamental                                 декоративный

hectare                                        гектар

to lay out                                 разбивать (участок), планировать

rare                                          редкий

conifer                                         хвойное дерево

evergreen                                вечнозеленый

splendid                                       великолепный, роскошный

rock                                              горный, каменный

parterre                                       цветник

lawn                                         газон, лужайка

slender                                        стройный

pyramidal                                   пирамидальный

cypresses [ 'saιprәs]                    кипарис

columnar [kә'lΛmnә]                 стебельчатый

yew [ju:]                                      тис

flank                                           примыкать

path                                        тропинка, дорожка

behold                                         смотреть, созерцать

outstanding                            выдающийся, знаменитый

amidst                                       среди

infinite                                          безграничный

greenery                                       зелень, растительность

glaucous                                   1) серовато-зеленый, серовато-голубой 2) тусклый

cedar [ 'si:dә]                                 кедр

truly                                          1) правдиво 2) в самом деле, действительно

bough                                        сук

drop                                               зд. падать, спадать

grafting [ 'gra:ftιη]                        прививка (растения)

Algeria                                          Алжир

terminate                                 завершать(ся)

descend                                    спускаться, сходить, снижаться

valuable                                        ценный, дорогой

foundation                                    основа, основание

bamboo [bæm'bu:]                        бамбук

palm [pa:m]                                  пальма

grove                                         роща, лесок

flat                                                 ровный, прямой

crown                                             крона, верхушка дерева

mighty                                            могущественный, громадный

oak                                                  дуб

olive                                                маслина, олива (дерево, плод)

pulpy                                             мягкий, сочный

agave                                              агава

prickly - pears                                 имеющие шипы (колючие) груши

alley                                                аллея

noted                                              знаменитый, известный

attire                                               наряд


Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

preserve, Crimean, landscape, species, rosarium, treasury, chrysanthemum, variety, ornamental, arboretum, conifer, splendid, parterre, lawn, cypresses, columnar, path, greenery, cedar, grafting, prickly-pears


Grammar Exercises

Speech Exercises


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) How many species and hybrids of tropical plants have been collected in the Nikitsky Botanical garden?

2) How are the trees and shrubs planted there?

3) When was the Nikitsky Botanical garden founded?

4) What kind of trees can you see there?

5) How many species are there in the Nikitsky arboretum?

6) What parks does the Nikitsky Botanical garden consist of?

7) What can you see in the Upper Park?

8) What can you behold in the Lower Park?

9) What plants are natives of Mexico?

10) When is the Nikitsky Botanical garden visited by tourists?



 2. Retell the text.



activity                               деятельность

construction                          строительство, стройка

premise                                 помещение, дом (с прилегающими пристройками и участком); владение

lay out v планировать, разбивать (сад, участок), выкладывать

species                                    (pl без изменений) вид, разновидность

plant                                        растение, саженец

variety                                    1) разнообразие, множество 2) сорт, вид

provide                              снабжать, обеспечивать

remarkable                        замечательный, удивительный

diverse                                разнообразный, разный

  arboretum [ֽa:bә'ri:tәm]       (pl –ta, -tums) древесный питомник

  plot                                        участок (земли)

  ornamental                           декоративный

orchard                            фруктовый сад

  shrub                                     кустарник, куст

herbaceous                        травяной, травянистый

gain                                          добиваться, получать, приобретать

construct                            строить, сооружать, воздвигать

alpine                                  альпийский

breed                                   разводить, выводить (животных, растения)

staff                                         служебный персонал, личный состав

hothouse                              оранжерея, теплица

affiliated society [ә'fιlιeιtιdsә'saιәtι] филиал

exact                                    совершенно правильный, верный

acquire                                приобретать, достигать

former                                    прежний, предшествующий

value                                     смысл, значение, ценность



Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

to lay out, premise, species, plant, variety, remarkable, diverse, arboretum,

 ornamental, plot, orchard, shrub, herbaceous, hothouse


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

the Botanical gardens, educational activities, during construction, new 

premises, plant species, general visitors, to enjoy, of live nature, in botany, the

  wild herbaceous plants, a wealth of experience, in parkland, the alpine plants,

  the exact place, the hothouse collections


Grammar Exercises

Speech Exercises


1. Answer the questions to the text:

1) When was the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University founded?

2) What collection has the arboretum?

3) What do the departments of the Garden at the Vorobyovy Hills demonstrate?

4) What departments are there in the Garden at the Vorobyovy Hills?

5) What plants are there in the Botanical Garden?

6) When was the hothouse collection founded?


 2. Retell the text.



                  Text 9.. Botanical garden in London


    There are eighty parks in London, large and small. Three of them are in the

centre of the city: Hyde Park, Regent’s park and St.James’s Park. The others are in different parts of London. London is a very green city. 

    In the south-west London, near the river Thames1 there is  a fantastic park of of Great Britain — the Kew Gardens.2 It is a botanical garden. All year round you see lots of flowers there because Kew gets its plants ß 100,000 different plants -  from almost all countries of the world. The plants, whichа like hot weather live in greenhouses, for example, palms grow in the palm house. The first palm was planted here 150 years ago. Now not only palm trees, but bananas and oranges grow here too. Another house, which people like to visit, is the cactus house. Cactuses came here from deserts where month after month it doesn’t rain.

        There are hundreds of different trees in 120 hectares of Kew. Some of the trees are 200 years old. The workers of the garden planted them when Kew was quite young. In some countries trees become scarce. The workers of Kew go to these countries and come back with the seeds of these trees and plant them at Kew. Thus the trees which are few in the world live in this garden.

        Kew is important for men, who are fond of nature, trees and flowers, and for young men who are going to study botany and gardening. Every year sixty young men from all over the world come here for three-year-course of gardening at Kew. After this course they work in big parks and gardens in many different countries. In three museums of Kew visitors see timber from the trees of many countries, food plants, medicine plants and industrial plants. 300 people work at Kew now. In fine weather about 20,000 people a day come to visit Kew.



greenhouse –   парник

palm –              пальма

cactus –           кактус

hectare –         гектар

scarce –          редкий, недостаточный

seeds –            семена

to be fond of – нравиться

botany –               ботаника

gardening –          садоводство



Vocabulary Exercises


1.Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

The Thames, Hyde Park, Regent’s Park, St.James’s Park, Kew gardens, palm, cactus, greenhouses, hectare, scarce, botany, banana, orange.

2.Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word  


Три из них, на юго-западе, ботанический сад, круглый год, почти со всех стран мира. Были посажены, которых мало в мире, любить природу, 3-х годичные курсы, в хорошую погоду.Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Near the river Thames, fantastic park, to live in greenhouses, palm trees, cactus house, month after month


4.Find in the text antonyms to the following words

village                         plant 

far from                       young people

cоld weather                in greenhouses

in the open air              different

identical                       near

cut down                     city

old people                    hot weather

 5.Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the active vocabulary.

1. … is a building used for growing plants.

2. … is a science of the structure, distribution of plants.

3. … is a public garden or public recreation ground in a town.

4. There are a lot of … in our museum today.

5. … is a metric measure of area.

6. All young


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