Chapter 6: The Day that Started it All 

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Chapter 6: The Day that Started it All

A Brutal Room

Ogami Banri: Yuki and Momo-kun, huh?
Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah. They’ve been doing a lot for me…….
Nikaidou Yamato: I was really cheeky towards them, but……. But now, I can’t thank them enough– words won’t cut it.
Ogami Banri: Haha. I see. I get happy whenever you guys praise those two– as if I’m the one getting praised.
Nanase Riku: Both members of Re:vale are really good people. Have they always been that way?
Ogami Banri: No, uh……. Momo-kun’s always been a good kid, but Yuki’s personality has mellowed out quite a bit.
Nikaidou Yamato: You call that mellow?
Izumi Mitsuki: Your inner thoughts slipped out just now, old geezer.
Ogami Banri: He used to be really quiet and was pretty presumptuous. He wouldn’t even try to establish interpersonal relationships with anyone. Yuki was a real troublemaker back then. His face was his only redeeming point.
Izumi Iori: Ogami-san, you really aren’t holding back.
Ogami Banri: All of his enemies religiously hated his guts. That’s the kind of guy he was. He’s always been stoic when it comes to music, though.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I wanna hear one of Ban-chan and Yukirin’s songs. One where you guys are singing together.
Osaka Sougo: I am interested as well. Would it be possible to listen to one of those songs?
Ogami Banri: Ah….. Yeah, sure. It’s a little embarrassing, but I’ll bring one of our CDs over next time.
Izumi Mitsuki: Yay! I can’t wait to hear!
Nanase Riku: Yeah, Banri-san’s really cool! It’s such a waste that you work behind the scenes!
Ogami Banri: …….
Ogami Banri: So I’m not very dependable in the office, then?
Nanase Riku: Huh!? No, that’s not what I mean!
Rokuya Nagi: Why did you come to Takanashi Productions, Banri? And why did you decide to become an office worker, of all things?
Ogami Banri: Because I reached my goal, I guess?
Nanase Riku: Goal?
Takanashi Tsumugi: It’s almost time to go to the next location, everyone.
Nanase Riku: Okay! Well, we’ll be on our way now! Please let us listen to it when we get back!
Ogami Banri: Alright. Have a safe trip!
Izumi Mitsuki: I’m glad you’re back, Manager!
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I feel energized after seeing our Manager’s adorable smile!
Izumi Iori: The sun is awfully bright…. It’s summertime already, I see. Our 1st Anniversary Tour is going to start soon.

Okazaki Rinto: Good morning! Please take good care of Re:vale today! Hmm……?
Staff: ……I peeked into Re:vale’s dressing room just now, and it was super tense in there. I guess all those rumors about how they don’t get along are true…….
Staff: It felt like they were gonna start fighting each other to the death in there….
Okazaki Rinto: Huh!? That tense!? I wonder what happened to those two…….
Okazaki Rinto: Yuki-kun, Momo-kun, don’t fight!
Momo: ……We weren’t fighting.
Yuki: ……We weren’t fighting at all.
Okazaki Rinto: Alright, you guys were definitely fighting. I can tell just from the atmosphere in here, you know. So are you guys fighting about today?
Momo: Sorry, sorry. It’s nothing big! Yuki’s really gentle, that’s why. He was just worried about me!
Momo: But then he was like, ‘There’s a certain limit to things’…….
Yuki: You don’t like that I went to meet Tsukumo.
Momo: What I’m mad about is the way you went about it! Remember what you said to me when I tried to stop you from going?
Yuki: I don’t remember.
Momo: You told me that if I didn’t let you go see him, then you were gonna disband Re:vale! I can’t believe you said something like that so easily!
Yuki: I’ve tried to stop you before and if anything, you’re the one who never listens, Momo. Do you remember what you said to me?
Momo: I think it was, 'I don’t know what Ryou-san’s gonna do to you, it’s dangerous……’
Yuki: Not that. You told me that he was good at mental attacks, and because I have a lot of trauma, he was definitely going to send me home in tears. That’s what you said to me.
Yuki: You took me for a fool.
Momo: I didn’t! I was just worried about you, Yuki! And despite all of that, you threatened to disband……!
Yuki: I figured you wouldn’t listen to me unless I said that. I mean, I’d lose if it turned into a fistfight. But that’s just how much I didn’t want you to go–
Momo: Just hit me with your car next time!! That would’ve been better!
Momo: After you said 'disband,’ my legs froze– I couldn’t even move an inch. It was like I subconsciously trying to protect myself from danger, even though I was really worried about you……. I don’t want to feel that miserable ever again!
Yuki: Well, that’s on you, not me.
Momo: ……. Okarin, can you hit me with a tranquilizer dart real quick? Before the most bizarre incident to even happen in entertainment history goes down here? (1)
Okazaki Rinto: I’m afraid I can’t do that. I don’t have a hunting license.
Yuki: You wouldn’t be able to do it anyways, Momo. Just to set things straight, I’m the one who’s pissed here. Not you.
Yuki: I can’t believe you put up with that psycho. To think that I had believed you out of the goodness of my heart when you told me he wasn’t really a bad person…. I could weep right now.
Yuki: Listen. Don’t ever try to fool me, ever again.
Momo: We’ve talked about this before. We decided that you’d handle Hoshikage while I’d handle Tsukumo, and make sure things were going smoothly with them. Didn’t we decide that together?
Momo: We’ve just been doing our respective jobs, that’s all. All this talk about whether or not I fooled you is coming from a completely different dimension. If anything, don’t get in my way, ever again.
Yuki: ……. Okarin, bring me tequila right this instant. I might go mad if I continue this conversation sober.
Okazaki Rinto: I’m afraid I can’t do that. You both have to work soon.
Yuki: Did you really think you could control him by yourself?
Momo: Ryou-san’s really fickle and only wants to do things for his own enjoyment. Once he finds another thing to play around with, he’ll give up on whatever he’s currently doing.
Momo: If you throw his plans off trajectory, then the next step would be to suck up to him…. Or at least that’s what should’ve happened. You made Ryou-san mad, didn’t you?
Yuki: How did you know?
Momo: He sent me angry stamps and disentanglement puzzle stamps for five whole hours, alternating between the two. What the heck is a disentanglement puzzle anyways?
Yuki: Who knows? I haven’t got a clue.
Momo: Anyways, we gotta butter him up, get back into his good graces, and carefully steer him back on course…. I’ll go apologize to him this weekend–
Yuki: What? Apologize? What was the point of me visiting him then?
Momo: That’s what I wanna know!
Yuki: ……Why must you act like an animal incapable of comprehending human speech? Is this some kind of harassment?
Momo: What do you mean by animal!? Also, why would I be harassing you in the first place?
Yuki: Because I let Ban listen to the demo before you. Didn’t I apologize for that already?
Momo: …….
Yuki: ……. Is this the first time I’ve brought it up……?
Momo: ……It is, and I’m shocked. But……. I’m more shocked that you’d think I’d harass you over something like that!!
Yuki: I didn’t think you would. It’s all because you keep saying unreasonable things, Momo!
Okazaki Rinto: Stop, stop! Stop right there.
Okazaki Rinto: Yuki, you crossed the line by threatening to disband. You too, Momo. You also told me that Ryou-san was a good person too.
Okazaki Rinto: That’s why I’ve let it slide every time he made fun of how my hair is parted 7:3……. Please refrain from interacting with bad people. (2)
Momo: But if I did that, then he’ll only keep getting worse. Ryou-san’s gonna be company president after this.
Yuki: See, Okarin? Momo’s being unreasonable.
Okazaki Rinto: Yuki-kun…….
Yuki: Do as you like. There’s no point in saying anything.
Okazaki Rinto: You don’t have to put it that way….
Yuki: I would never stoop so low as to flatter someone I could barely stomach, just to maintain my position in the industry. And I’m sure Ban wouldn’t either. (3)
Momo: ……. You said that on purpose just now, didn’t you.
Yuki: I did. I wanted to believe you were the same, Momo. But I guess I was just forcing my ideals onto you.
Yuki: Go ahead, wag your tail and suck up to him. Bet it feels great to sit on that big, fluffy ol’ throne you’ve set out for me.
Yuki: Except I won’t be anywhere near that.
Momo: …….
Staff: Re:vale, you’re up next. ……Re:vale?
Okazaki Rinto: Y-yes, of course. They’ll be out in just a moment. Let’s talk about this afterwards, alright?
Yuki: There’s nothing to talk about.
Momo: Yeah……
Okazaki Rinto: I’ll make sure you do! For now, concentrate on the work before you. Alright, go get 'em!

Mr. Shimooka: And now, the duo everyone’s been waiting for! Re:vale!
Audience: Kyaaaaa …..!
Audience: Momo-chan! Yuki-san!

To be continued….

TL Notes/comments:

thank u kuri for proofreading!!!!!!

(1) technically said tranquilizer gun but i hear this more often so yea.
(2) here is a visual wrt the 7:3 hair part thing LOL
(3) 'in the industry’ is assumed since that was the entire pretense of the whole ryou-momo deal (protect yuki’s place in the entertainment industry while ryou tore down everyone else, in exchange for a recording of yamato confessing that he’s chiba shizuo’s bastard child). p sure that’s what’s being referenced here too.

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!



Yuki: I would never stoop so low as to flatter someone I could barely stomach, just to maintain my position in the industry. And I’m sure Ban wouldn’t either.
Momo: ……. You said that on purpose just now, didn’t you.
Yuki: I did. I wanted to believe you were the same, Momo. But I guess I was just forcing my ideals onto you.
Yuki: Go ahead, wag your tail and suck up to him. Bet it feels great to sit on that big, fluffy ol’ throne you’ve set out for me.
Yuki: Except I won’t be anywhere near that.
Momo: …….
Staff: Re:vale, you’re up next. ……Re:vale?
Okazaki Rinto: Y-yes, of course. They’ll be out in just a moment. Let’s talk about this afterwards, alright?
Yuki: There’s nothing to talk about.
Momo: Yeah……
Okazaki Rinto: I’ll make sure you do! For now, concentrate on the work before you. Alright, go get ‘em!

Mr. Shimooka: And now, the duo everyone’s been waiting for! Re:vale!
Audience: Kyaaaaa …..!
Audience: Momo-chan! Yuki-san!
Mr. Shimooka: Popular as ever, I see! At long last, “NO DOUBT,” the theme song for the movie “Mission,” will be released their upcoming Best Hits album!
Mr. Shimooka: In the five years you two were Re:vale, you guys have sung tons of songs. Which one is your favorite, Yuki-kun?
Yuki: Right now, it’s “NO DOUBT.” The lyrics are good too.
Mr. Shimooka: Your newest song, huh! What about you, Momo? What’s your favorite Re:vale song?
Momo: Huh? Uh, favorite from what?
Mr. Shimooka: Ahaha! Your favorite out of all the Re:vale songs!
Momo: “We, the Incomplete”……. Wait, never mind! One of ours, right? “SILVER SKY” I guess? That one’s chock full of memories from our fifth anniversary!
Yuki: …….
Mr. Shimooka: I love that song too! I hope you all look forward to hearing their best album! After all, it’s filled with Yuki-kun and Momo-kun’s favorite songs!
Momo: Yep! Please look forward to it!
Mr. Shimooka: Now, let’s have 'em sing for us! Here is Re:vale’s “NO DOUBT!”

Takanashi Tsumugi: Alright! Gotta work hard to make up for all the time I was away from the front lines!
Midou Torao: …….
Takanashi Tsumugi: Ah……. He’s really tall…. Taller than Tamaki-san perhaps? Is he a model? Or someone debuting soon?
Midou Torao: Hey.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Y-yes? Are you talking to me?
Midou Torao: Where’s the front desk?
Takanashi Tsumugi: If you go from the entrance by the security room, the front desk–
Midou Torao: Ooh, you’re pretty cute up close. You’ve got the figure of a kid, though.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh?
Midou Torao: Forget about the front desk. What’s your name?
Takanashi Tsumugi: My name? I-I’m Takanashi Production’s–
Midou Torao: I don’t need your titles. Just tell me what you want me to call you.
Inumaru Touma: You dumbass! This ain’t the place to be picking up girls!!
Midou Torao: Don’t get in my way.
Inumaru Touma: Sorry about that, Nee-chan! You can ignore him and go!
Takanashi Tsumugi: A-alright. If you’ll excuse me……!
Inumaru Touma: Poor thing. Hell, she was terrified.
Midou Torao: ……. She’s totally my type. You think she’ll fall for me?
Inumaru Touma: You’re really fucking optimistic, you know that?
Midou Torao: I don’t have a single pessimistic bone in my body. Never have, ever since I was born.

Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan, did you hear? Apparently we’re gonna start doing a radio show soon.
Osaka Sougo: I did hear. I was told that the radio show will discuss music news and information. There’s another radio show I listen to, and the people from that show will also be working on this one. I can’t wait–
Osaka Sougo: ……! Quick, be my wall!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Again!? Fine. Like this?
Midou Torao: Get outta my way.
Yotsuba Tamaki: –He moved me away, even though I was being a wall!?
Midou Torao: Osaka Sougo, correct?
Osaka Sougo: …….
Midou Torao: Remember me? We’ve met countless times at parties.
Osaka Sougo: ……I do remember you. Midou Torao-san, if I recall correctly? It has been a while since we last met.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan, can I stop being a wall? Who is this dude?
Midou Torao: Haha. Never crossed my mind that you’d be an idol.
Osaka Sougo: I could say the same thing. What brings you to a TV station, Midou-san?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hey, Sou-chan. Who is he?
Midou Torao: So, I heard you got disowned. The Osaka Financial Conglomerate played a pivotal role in the modernization of Japan– I’m sure they’re very strict about maintaining their dignity.
Midou Torao: You used to be his pride and joy, too…. The president looks a lot older nowadays.
Osaka Sougo: …….
Midou Torao: I’m sure that man despises music. After all, it took his younger brother’s life and stole you away. Perhaps you should try being a better son to him some time. (1)
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hey! Who the hell are you?
Midou Torao: Sorry for interrupting, kiddo.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m not a kid!!
Midou Torao: I heard you were brought up in an orphanage.
Yotsuba Tamaki: So? What’s your point?
Midou Torao: Well, you’re paired up with someone like him. I’m having a real hard time believing you two can continue on as a duo.
Osaka Sougo: ……What exactly do you mean by that? Tamaki-kun is a very kind and considerate boy. There are many things I can learn from him.
Osaka Sougo: Of course, there are things I’d like you to learn from him too, Midou-san. For example, answering someone when they ask for your name.
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun, allow me to introduce him. This is Midou Torao-san, an old acquaintance of mine.
Yotsuba Tamaki: O-okay…….
Midou Torao: ……Pleased to meet you.
Osaka Sougo: Midou-san. This is Yotsuba Tamaki-kun. He’s a part of MEZZO" with me. I do hope you’ll make an effort to be respectful, and please take good care of him. (2)
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m Yotsuba Tamaki.
Midou Torao: Hello.
Osaka Sougo: Now, if you’ll excuse us. We have urgent matters to attend to.
Yotsuba Tamaki: ……Sou-chan, are you mad?
Osaka Sougo: Mad? I’m not mad at all. Do I look angry?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah, you look pissed.
Osaka Sougo: I see……. Perhaps I did something rude just now.
Yotsuba Tamaki: ……. He said your dad looked a lot older lately, right? Did he get sick?
Osaka Sougo: ……I do not know.
Yotsuba Tamaki: …….
Osaka Sougo: ……So he despises music? When he’s a sponsor for TRIGGER’s music show?
Osaka Sougo: ……You’re the ones who took my uncle’s life away, not music…….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan…….

To be continued….

Translator notes/comments:

thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!!!!

(1) 親孝行 = filial piety. “A virtue of respect for one’s parents, elders, and ancestors. Being a filial son meant complete obedience to one’s parents during their lifetime and–as they grew older–taking the best possible care of them.” (thanks wikipedia)
(2) boi do i h8 keigo, lmk if i messed anything up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


Heretic Classmate

Izumi Iori: ……Apparently a new student is transferring in today. It’s a little unusual that they’d be transferring at this point in the year.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Haa …….
Izumi Iori: What’s the matter, Yotsuba-san?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan’s worrying about family stuff. And whenever he’s worried, the mood around him is super depressing. The only thing he’ll say to me is, “It’s alright, Tamaki-kun”…….
Izumi Iori: It’s because the circumstances surrounding Osaka-san’s family matters are very complicated. Perhaps a minor is incapable of providing sufficient advice to him?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah, but he helped me out before, so I wanna help him too.
Izumi Iori: Ah…. Isn’t that person over there the transfer student, Isumi-san?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I think so. He’s on the phone. Looks pissed, though.
Isumi Haruka: ……Shut up! Acchan, you dummy! I’ve already decided, okay? I’m going to triumph over that man!
Isumi Haruka: Konbucha!? I don’t need that! It sounds super gross!
Isumi Haruka: Ah……! That stupid woman just hung up on me! It was an international call too……!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Who were you fighting with just now? Your girlfriend?
Isumi Haruka: …Oh, it’s you two……
Izumi Iori: We are your classmates. I am Izumi Iori, and he is Yotsuba Tamaki…….
Isumi Haruka: Hmph. I knew that already.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hey, why were you so mad during that call just now?
Isumi Haruka: It’s nothing. Just some stupid, noisy woman who can’t cook.
Izumi Iori: I see. Do you anticipate becoming accustomed to this new school?
Izumi Iori: I myself am not very sociable, so please excuse me. However, if there is anything you do not understand, feel free to ask Yotsuba-san about it.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah, sure thing. There’s a lot I don’t get though, so you should probably ask Iorin about those things instead.
Isumi Haruka: What a puzzling pair of people….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Also, just Tamaki’s fine. And for you…. Is ‘Isumin’ okay?
Isumi Haruka: Are you an idiot?
Izumi Iori: This is Yotsuba-san we’re talking about, so indeed he is.
Yotsuba Tamaki: That was so mean, Iorin!!
Isumi Haruka: Please mind your own business. I don’t need the likes of IDOLiSH7 to take care of me.
Yotsuba Tamaki: ……Hey, what do you mean by that?
Izumi Iori: So you don’t like us? By the way, do you mind detailing what specifically decreased our favorability to you? Also, when did you first become aware of that?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Why are you surveying someone who just said he hates us!?
Izumi Iori: I apologize. I couldn’t help myself….
Isumi Haruka: Hmph…. How foolish!
Isumi Haruka: You’re all going to meet your end soon. You better be delighted to hear that.
Yotsuba Tamaki: He’s gone….
Izumi Iori: …….
High School Girl: I switched over to the brass band club~
High School Girl: I just wanted to try it out after watching IDOLiSH7’s TV show! They never fail to make me laugh every week! I cry from laughter sometimes!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ah…. They’ve seen our show.
Izumi Iori: ……That corner. Why has it been so well-received, and to this extent?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Isn’t 'cuz of Rikkun?
Izumi Iori: ……. What’s your reasoning behind that?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Hmm…. Just a feeling.
Izumi Iori: Primal instinct, huh…….
Yotsuba Tamaki: I mean, doesn’t it kinda feel like last year’s SoundShip? Whenever Rikkun plays his instrument.
Izumi Iori: ……SoundShip? Are you referring to when we sang “Let's☆SUMMER!” in TRIGGER’s stead?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Kinda, yeah.
Izumi Iori: …….

Nanase Riku: –Thank you for tonight! Our last song will be “Sakura Message!”
Audience: Kyaaaaa…..!
Nanase Riku: Do you guys like this song? Me too! I love it! Let’s sing it together!
Audience: Kyaaaaa…..!
Audience: Rikuーー!!
Audience: Riku-kun!!
Izumi Iori: I feel like the number of voices calling out Nanase-san’s name has increased …….
Izumi Iori: Nanase-san is singing. Nanase-san’s singing is the best. I know that.
Izumi Iori: Nanase-san is smiling. He always has a smile on his face during concerts. He certainly has a charming smile. However …….
Izumi Iori: He doesn’t smile nearly as much during the “A Lovely Night with IDOLiSH7!” corner. He’s taking on the challenge seriously, after all …….
Izumi Iori: ……This disconcerts me.
Izumi Iori: It feels as if it’ll fall right out of the palm of my hand.
Izumi Iori: As if I’m getting left behind …….
Audience: Riku-kun, you’re the best!
Izumi Iori: Even though I wish for those cheers, more than anyone else. (1)

Radio Show Staff: Sorry to bother you guys when you’re so busy. I’ll try to make this quick.
Osaka Sougo: Oh no, don’t worry about it. We look forward to working with you.
Yotsuba Tamaki: We look forward to working with you.
Radio Show Staff: The title of the radio show is: “MEZZO”’s Long Hit Album.“ The current show’s coming to an end soon, so we wanna have you guys do the same thing and host a music program.
Osaka Sougo: I’ve heard about it before. That show was hosted by Mitsui-san, a DJ and the ex-vocalist for Sabrina.
Osaka Sougo: Mitsui-san had a great wealth of knowledge about music, but made sure the show was easy to follow along and didn’t go overboard with details. I used to listen to the show quite a bit.
Radio Show Staff: I see! That makes things easier, then. The average listener age is on the higher end, so ideally it’ll be a very calm show.
Radio Show Staff: But since we’ve got MEZZO” here, I’d like to grab younger listeners too.
Radio Show Staff: Both of you have very calming voices and speaking mannerisms, so I’m sure radio-fanatics will love you guys too! Also….
Radio Show Staff: If we have Tamaki-kun introduce the songs that Sougo-kun recommends, then it’ll be easier for the listeners to understand and listen along.
Radio Show Staff: Do you two usually ask each other about your favorite songs?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Not really…. He’ll tell me if I go 'Hey, whatcha listening to?’ though.
Radio Show Staff: Is that so? Sougo-kun always answers very enthusiastically in magazines and on late-night music news programs though.
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun isn’t very interested in the topic, so I figured it’d be pretty boring if I talked too much about it….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Well, that’s because you talk about it in a really boring way. If you make it easier to understand, then I’ll get it.
Radio Show Staff: Exactly! Just like that! I want you to interject with your point of view whenever there’s something we might think of as obvious, but you don’t! Got it, Tamaki-kun?
Radio Show Staff: I want you guys to be laid-back and free. The last show ran for a really long time, so I’d like you two to continue this show for as long as possible too.
Radio Show Staff: Five years, ten years…. I’m trying to make this MEZZO"’s life work, you see.
Osaka Sougo: Ten years…. I’ve never thought that far into the future….
Radio Show Staff: Haha, well. This is just an old geezer’s wish.
Yotsuba Tamaki: You won’t throw us out? Even when we don’t sell anymore?
Osaka Sougo: T-Tamaki-kun…….
Radio Show Staff: Ahaha! Well, what about you guys? You better not throw us out if you get more popular, alright?
Radio Show Staff: We’re gonna earnestly produce the show, so you two better earnestly go about hosting it! It’ll go by in the blink of an eye if we both get serious here.
Radio Show Staff: Five years, even ten years will fly by in an instant. I can already envision your laughing, surprised faces in the booth.
Radio Show Staff: Instead of 'MEZZO", an IDOLiSH7 sub-unit,’ MEZZO" will firmly be standing on its own two feet in ten years. We’re gonna kick start that right here.
Osaka Sougo: Yes….
Yotsuba Tamaki: Understood.

To be continued….

Translator notes/comments:

thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!

(1) intentionally left vague. cheers for himself? or the cheers for riku?

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


Their Meeting

Yuki: ……Momo, I crossed a line last time.
Yuki: It’s my fault. I’m sorry. I was just worried since you were dealing with someone dangerous.
Yuki: You always treat me so well, and I…. You…. You mean a lot to me too…. ……More than the universe, and for all of eternity…….
Okazaki Rinto: What are you doing, muttering to a fire extinguisher?
Yuki: Woah–
Okazaki Rinto: ‘Woah?’ Now that’s something I rarely hear from you.
Yuki: Not really…….
Okazaki Rinto: Say it to his face, okay?
Yuki: So you were listening….
Okazaki Rinto: What you have down is pretty good, though the stuff about the universe and eternity are a bit much. It’s kind of funny.
Yuki: …….
Okazaki Rinto: You promised to talk it out with each other today. Make sure you go and do that, alright?
Okazaki Rinto: The two of you have managed to come this far even without saying much to each other, and as a result, both of you aren’t very good at discussing the important things.
Okazaki Rinto: I’ll make sure to support you two even more from here on out…….
Momo: Good work! I’ll be heading out first!
Okazaki Rinto: Momo-kun! What about the talk?
Momo: Can’t we do it tomorrow? I have plans for tonight.
Yuki: ……Do you really intend on going? Even though I said all of that? I guess you just don’t understand Japanese whatsoever.
Momo: I do. I’m gonna go anyways.
Yuki: When did you become so unreasonable?
Momo: Aren’t you the one misunderstanding things here?
Momo: You’re the one who’s been listening to me all this time, Yuki. Ever since we started.
Yuki: …….
Momo: It’s all because of my ego. Everything, ever since the very beginning. I know that. Even so, I want Yuki-san to stand at the top.
Yuki: Even if I end up hating you?
Momo: If I was really scared of you hating me, Yuki-san, then I wouldn’t have told you that in the first place. I wouldn’t have asked you to let me replace Ban-san.
Momo: I was well aware of just how close you two were. ……Ah– I gotta go. Sorry. See ya later.
Okazaki Rinto: Please wait! I wanted the two of you to talk it out amongst yourselves, but if you insist on going then I shall also attend.
Momo: You can’t, you can’t! If he makes fun of your hair and calls you Mr. 7-to-3 again, I might just smack him in the face!
Okazaki Rinto: But–!
Momo: You’ll have to take more stomach medicine if I get arrested! It’ll be okay! See ya tomorrow!
Okazaki Rinto: ……Momo-kun….
Yuki: …….

Yaotome Gaku: ……Ah. I got a RabbitChat from Yuki-san.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I got one too.
Kujou Ten: Me too.
Yaotome Gaku: 'Since Momo won’t listen to me, I want you to tell him not to go, Gaku-kun.’
Yaotome Gaku: 'I’m sure he’ll listen to you, since you’re the Most Desirable Man.’
Yaotome Gaku: ……The hell is this?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Mine’s pretty much the same thing. 'I’m sure he’ll listen to you, Ryuunosuke-kun, since you’re both part of the Idol Sports Club and get along swimmingly.’
Kujou Ten: 'There’s no way he’ll shoot you down, Ten-kun, since you go out to eat with him fairly often.’ ……. 'Tell him not to go’….
Kujou Ten: To where exactly……?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Who knows…….
Yaotome Gaku: I really don’t get Yuki-san’s messages sometimes…….
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: 'I saw. It was good.’ ……Yeah, it’s kinda boggling when I get messages like that. It’s kinda hard to ask him what he’s referring to.
Kujou Ten: Sometimes he’ll send a message that’s like, 'You free?’ And just when I think there’s something he’d like me to do, it was just because he wanted to check.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: 'Don’t go’…. I wonder what happened? Did he fight with Momo-san?
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah, I remember Momo-san saying something about going back to his parents’ house the last time they fought. Maybe this is where we should step in, as kouhai?
Kujou Ten: What are you going to do?
Yaotome Gaku: Mediate.
Yaotome Gaku: 'Dear Momo-san, Yuki-san’s reflecting upon his actions right now, so please come back from your parents’ house.’
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I’ll help you out. 'It’s often said that it’s not wise to interfere in a couple’s fight, so please spare me on this count’…….
Kujou Ten: Wait, Yuki-san should actually be reflecting upon his actions.
Kujou Ten: 'Dear Yuki-san, please go meet him yourself instead of relying on others’…….

Ogami Banri: ……Ah. I got a RabbitChat from Yuki.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I received one too. 'I want you to stop Momo,’ it says.
Nanase Riku: I got one too……. 'He won’t listen to me, but I’m sure he’ll listen to you, Riku-kun, since you’re just like his little brother.’
Takanashi Tsumugi: 'There’s no way he’ll turn down a girl’…….
Ogami Banri: 'He used to be a fan of yours, so he’ll definitely obey you’…….
Izumi Mitsuki: 'You’re also part of the sports club, and he really loves you, so why don’t you try asking him nicely’…….
Rokuya Nagi: OH……. 'He thought your broken Japanese was pretty funny, so please stop him with your broken Japanese’…….
Osaka Sougo: 'He’s weak to people who are really serious, so just like that’…….
Yotsuba Tamaki: 'I’ll buy you King Pudding, so’…….
Izumi Iori: 'Please demonstrate just how powerful a high school boy’s charm is’…….
Nikaidou Yamato: 'Do something about it with your glasses’……. Hey now. This is getting a little sloppy…..
Ogami Banri: I guess he fought with Momo-kun. It really must’ve been something if he messaged all these people, since Yuki’s supremely lazy.
Ogami Banri: I’ll tell him to go make up with him.
Nanase Riku: Yuki-san’s lazy…? He messages you really often though, Banri-san.
Ogami Banri: Oh, he’s just excited because it’s been five years. Once things calm down, I’ll change my number again and he’ll forget to register it, since he’ll regress to being a sloth again.
Ogami Banri: I’ve been watching them all this time on TV, so there’s really isn’t any reason for me to get excited over him all of a sudden. I will admit though, that difference in excitement level is kind of a pain.
Izumi Mitsuki: If you lost all contact with your best friend for five whole years and they said this to you…. Heck, I’d burst into tears too if it were me….
Nikaidou Yamato: Definitely makes sense to cry at that. But why did he fight with Momo-san in the first place? He’s such a good person.
Izumi Mitsuki: Sometimes he gets a bit nosy since he’s prone to worrying about people, but he’ll never raise his voice at you. Hmm? What’s wrong, old geezer?
Nikaidou Yamato: Nothing, just…. Reflecting upon my actions a bit……. (1)
Ogami Banri: Momo-kun’s a really good boy. I hope he’ll stop holding back soon and just be friends with me like normal.
Rokuya Nagi: What made you and Yuki decide to start Re:vale?
Takanashi Tsumugi: I’ve always wanted to hear the story behind Re:vale and Banri-san.
Ogami Banri: It’s nothing big, but if you insist, Tsumugi-san. Shall I talk a little bit about the past once we get to a good stopping point in our work?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Is it really okay?
Ogami Banri: Of course. Especially if it’ll help IDOLiSH7’s own activities out as a reference, even if it’s just by a little. I’ll let you guys listen to the song I brought too.
Ogami Banri: “We, the Incomplete.” It’s a song full of our memories– Yuki’s, Momo’s and mine.

Momo: Good evening, Ryou-san!
Tsukumo Ryou: Why, hello there, Momo! I can’t believe you came! What’s this? Your phone’s going off like crazy.
Momo: I’ll check it later. More importantly, here! Ta-dah!
Momo: It’s your favorite, a toy kitchen set! I brought it as a gift! It comes with a cutting board and kitchen knife! And a soup pot, to boot!
Tsukumo Ryou: Wow! How splendid! I just love how all the food is taped together in one piece!
Tsukumo Ryou: The best thing about this is how you can make new varieties of food! You can give a fish a grape for a head, or stick a fried shrimp tail into a strawberry! Doesn’t that look perfect?
Momo: I’m glad you’re happy! Since you like good food and toy kitchen sets so much, why don’t you become a chef, Ryou-san?
Momo: You could have a restaurant, all to yourself! I’m sure that’s way more awesome than being an entertainment agency president!
Tsukumo Ryou: But you see, entertainment agencies are just like restaurants! You spice people up with a little seasoning, put them on plates, and sell them there too!
Momo: …..I see!
Tsukumo Ryou: Ah……! Why did you close the toy kitchen set?
Momo: Ta-dah! Present number two!
Tsukumo Ryou: Wow! Is it Christmas tonight?
Momo: It’s a fossil mining ki! You can find fossils by digging through this lump of sand!
Tsukumo Ryou: This is great, Momo! It satiates both my curiosity and thirst for adventure!!
Momo: Say, Ryou-san. How about flying off somewhere far, far away– like Egypt? You should try excavating an archaeological site! How about it?
Momo: Maybe you’ll find an unnamed king’s tomb! Your name will go down in history! And at the very end, you could even get sent off on the Nile River! (2)
Momo: Isn’t that exciting?
Tsukumo Ryou: But you see, entertainment industries are just like big excavations. You dig up a mummy from the sands, carefully unwrap all of the bandages from them, then turn them into a star!
Tsukumo Ryou: Speaking of which, my inauguration party is coming up soon. Doesn’t that excite you? Are you coming too, Momo?
Momo: Ahaha…. Being president is boring! It’s a lot to handle, really hectic, and the responsibilities are huge! Also, you have to be in the president’s office at all times, yeah?
Tsukumo Ryou: No worries, I’ll put all of the toys I got tonight in my office.
Momo: …….
Tsukumo Ryou: You broke your promise to me, Momo. Once my dreams come true, Yuki’s on the fast track to getting his bones ground into dust.
Momo: You sure you’re not confusing 'promise’ and 'threat’ with each other? Just kidding! Gotcha. How about this, then? I’ll grovel.
Tsukumo Ryou: I feel like you’re the type to grovel without batting an eyelid, so this doesn’t seem all that rare.
Momo: Don’t make fun of me. I’ve only done it to one other person.
Tsukumo Ryou: To whom?
Momo: ……To Yuki-san. When I begged him not to quit singing.
Tsukumo Ryou: Why, I’ve never heard about this before! I might just change my mind if you tell me the story behind your grovelling, Momo.
Momo: …….
Tsukumo Ryou: But first, cheers! These toy kitchen set cups work perfectly as shot glasses.
Tsukumo Ryou: This tequila was born from agave from a moonlit night. The past, present, and future are all intertwined. Cheers, Momo.
Momo: ……Cheers.

Osaka Sougo: I’m going to play the CD, if that’s alright.
Nanase Riku: Yes, please!
Izumi Mitsuki: ……Wow! The intro’s super cool! Ah…. It’s Banri-san and Yuki-san’s voices!
Ogami Banri: This was the song he showed me when I first met him. It’s been tweaked a bunch of times though, so it’s pretty different from the initial song.
Nikaidou Yamato: When did you meet him?
Ogami Banri: I met him when I was in 11th grade, and when Yuki was in 10th grade.
Izumi Iori: He wrote this song at that age……?
Ogami Banri: Amazing, right? One of my friends in the light music club let me listen to it. I liked it so much, I went to meet the composer himself.
Ogami Banri: My friend told me that it was by some guy from another high school that also did music. ……If I remember correctly, it was just a little before summer break…….

Banri’s Friend: Hey Ogami, long time no see. Haven’t seen you since middle school. These guys are my buddies from light music club. Lemme introduce 'em to you.
Ogami Banri: Who is he?
Banri’s Friend: Ah, he’s not part of the light music club, but I convinced him to come. Isn’t he a real hottie? He’s crazy popular.
Ogami Banri: Definitely looks like he’s a hit with the ladies. Nice to meet you, I’m Ogami Banri.
???: …….

To be continued….

Translator notes/comments:

thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!

(1) the actual word is penitence or smth but that’s hard af to shoehorn into a sentence so yeah
(2) negl that second part kinda confuses me
ALSO that entire banri bit towards the end is kinda vague subject, SO o(–<

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!



The Beginning of the Past

Ogami Banri: If I remember correctly, it was just a little before summer break…….

Ogami’s Friend: Hey Ogami, long time no see. Haven’t seen you since middle school. These guys are my buddies from light music club. Lemme introduce ‘em to you.
Ogami Banri: Who is he?
Ogami’s Friend: Ah, he’s not part of the light music club, but I convinced him to come. Isn’t he a real hottie? He’s crazy popular.
Ogami Banri: Definitely looks like he’s a hit with the ladies. Nice to meet you, I’m Ogami Banri.
???: …….

Ogami Banri: Even though I had just introduced myself, Yuki looked really bored and kept staring outside the window.
Ogami Banri: I remember thinking, 'Maybe he’s just shy.’ But nope, he stayed like that for the next thirty minutes.

???: …….
Ogami Banri: Is this dude a fossil or something……?
Ogami’s Friend: How about we get to the real issue at hand here? I brought the song Ogami made for last year’s school fair with me.
Ogami’s Friend: Oh? Wanna give it a listen?
???: …….
Ogami Banri: He put in those earbuds like it was a real pain in the ass just now…….
Ogami Banri: Oh?
Ogami Banri: He finally looked up.
???: Name?
Ogami Banri: The song’s……? I haven’t given it one yet.
???: No. You.
Ogami Banri: Well, that was a little rude. Isn’t he younger than me……? (1)
Ogami Banri: I’m Ogami Banri. I introduced myself earlier, you know.
???: Any other songs?
Ogami Banri: I didn’t bring them with me. They’re at my house, though.
???: Alright then. Let’s go to your house.
Ogami Banri: What?
???: We’re gonna go now.
Ogami’s Friend: Huh!? Wait, hold up!

Ogami Banri: You sure that was okay just now? Your friends–
???: They’re not my friends.
Ogami Banri: ……Name? I mean, what’s your name?
???: …….
Orikasa Yukito: Orikasa Yukito. Everyone calls me 'Yuki’ though.

Ogami Banri: ……And just like that, I met Yuki through my friends. Eventually, we started to write songs together.
Nikaidou Yamato: I can’t believe you decided to work with someone with an attitude like that……. Mad props to you, dude.
Ogami Banri: Yuki’s songs were really good. We both listened to pretty similar stuff, and I was just happy to have Yuki’s voice singing my songs.
Ogami Banri: We were going to be a band at first, but we bumped into all sorts of trouble…….
Nanase Riku: What kind of trouble?
Ogami Banri: We were in dire need for members, so we’d get people to help play for us. But all of them would quit, one after another.

Orikasa Yukito: You don’t have to come anymore.
Bassist: I wouldn’t, even if you asked……!
Ogami Banri: W-wait……! Yuki! Just what didn’t you like about him this time!?
Orikasa Yukito: Way too overbearing.
Ogami Banri: That’s rich, coming from you!
Orikasa Yukito: I was talking about his sound. He was terrible, and yet he played so insistently. That’s not what you wanted either, right Ban?
Ogami Banri: Yeah, but…. You’re supposed to talk about these things and gradually get on the same wavelength…….
Orikasa Yukito: There’s no way he’d understand that.
Ogami Banri: ……Guess we gotta recruit people again…….
Orikasa Yukito: I’m hungry.

Ogami Banri: We’d always end up in fights because of his face too…….

Man: The fuck are you doing, makin’ eyes at my girl? Damn brat!
Woman: You’ve got it wrong! I was just helping out Yuki-kun’s band! He said he liked the way I play the bass….
Orikasa Yukito: Precisely. What I’m after is her bass playing. Neither her heart nor her body are my type.
Ogami Banri: You…. You didn’t have to put it that way…….
Woman: ……You tricked me! You’re awful!
Orikasa Yukito: I didn’t trick you at all. What, was there something you were expecting out of me?
Ogami Banri: You really didn’t have to put it that way…….
Orikasa Yukito: What a pain…….
Woman: Go! Go kill that brat……!!
Man: You fucking bastard……!
Ogami Banri: Please wait! Calm down–
Ogami Banri: Ow–
Orikasa Yukito: …….

Orikasa Yukito: What are you thinking about?
Ogami Banri: I was thinking about how we should disband before someone gets shanked because of you.
Orikasa Yukito: I see. I thought of a band name.
Ogami Banri: Were you even listening to me? Ow….
Orikasa Yukito: What?
Ogami Banri: Drinking coffee stings a lot right now.
Orikasa Yukito: That sucks.
Ogami Banri: Wow, this asshole….
Orikasa Yukito: I think you’ll like the band name.
Ogami Banri: What is it?
Orikasa Yukito: Re:vale.

Ogami Banri: Yuki was absolutely terrible at socializing with people, irresponsible, and overall a slob. But when it came to songwriting, he was sincere and worked really hard at it.
Ogami Banri: Worked too hard, even……. He’s the type to get completely and utterly attached to his songs. That’s how we ended up fighting a lot.

Ogami Banri: Wouldn’t it be better if we went with a different phrase here?
Orikasa Yukito: ……Why.
Ogami Banri: I feel like it’s coming on a bit too strong, in terms of flow. Maybe a little more relaxed would be good…… How about that? That thing from before…….
Orikasa Yukito: I’m not changing it.
Ogami Banri: I’m absolutely positive it’s gonna work better. If you don’t lighten it up a bit here, then it’ll kill the chorus. And the chorus is really, really good.
Orikasa Yukito: Shut up.
Ogami Banri: …….
Orikasa Yukito: This song is fine as it is. ……I won’t change anything, even if it’s just shifting a note half a step!

Ogami Banri: ……And right when I thought that, turns out he’s pretty flexible.

Orikasa Yukito: So I tried changing it.
Ogami Banri: It changed.
Orikasa Yukito: How is it?
Ogami Banri: It’s great! It’s just as I imagined! Heck, it’s even better than imagined! You got the refreshing, relaxing feel pat down!
Orikasa Yukito: Heheh….
Ogami Banri: While we’re on a roll, why don’t you complete “We, the Incomplete?” I’m sure the fans will love it if we performed it live.
Orikasa Yukito: I won’t be completing “We, the Incomplete” any time soon.
Ogami Banri: Why not? If you tweak it too much, it’ll go bad.
Orikasa Yukito: It was the first song I wrote. I’m very attached to it.
Orikasa Yukito: If possible, I’d like to keep tweaking it– forever. It’ll change little by little, day by day, into the melody I want it to be.
Orikasa Yukito: And then the next day, something else will sound better to me, so I’ll change it again. I don’t care if it’s never completed. If anything, I prefer it that way.
Ogami Banri: That’s very like you, Yuki. But you know, I want everybody to hear it soon. After all, I was really touched when I first heard it.
Orikasa Yukito: …….
Orikasa Yukito: No. It’s fine as is.
Ogami Banri: Really?
Orikasa Yukito: Yeah…….

Ogami Banri: I think there was a lot on Yuki’s mind back then.
Ogami Banri: As Re:vale put on more and more concerts, we’d get more and more famous. But with that fame came more things that’d exhaust Yuki.
Ogami Banri: The cause was pretty simple, though.
Nanase Riku: Things that’d exhaust Yuki……? What were they……?
Ogami Banri: It was all because of his personality and the way he looked.
Ogami Banri: Regardless of how hard he worked and how good the song was, there would always be dudes who’d trash talk it because they were pissed at Yuki, either because of his appearance or his personality.
Ogami Banri: On the other hand, songs that we didn’t feel too hot about would get rave reviews from our fangirls.
Nikaidou Yamato: So people would judge Yuki-san himself instead of his songs?
Ogami Banri: Yep. You can’t really blame them, though. Not when he looked like that, and had such a sour personality.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Well, I mean…. His visuals come flying at you way before his song does, so…….
Ogami Banri: Even so, Yuki wanted people to look at the songs we wrote, and not at him.
Ogami Banri: That’s why he was pretty troubled back then, in his own little way.

Bassist: I’m not playing with you guys ever again! I don’t wanna play that nitpicky, lameass song anymore! Not if I get bossed around that much either!
Orikasa Yukito: …….
Ogami Banri: You said you liked it! I thought you joined because you heard that song…….
Bassist: Yeah, I liked it. Past tense. But after getting chewed out like that, hearing that song makes me wanna hurl!
Orikasa Yukito: Oh? So other things can come out of that mouth, then? Not just complaints?
Bassist: You bastard……!
Ogami Banri: Stop it!
Bassist: Tch…….
Bassist: Don’t get too carried away now, Yuki! Listen guys, your songs won’t make anyone happy!
Orikasa Yukito: …….
Ogami Banri: Haa ……. Guess we gotta start looking again.
Orikasa Yukito: …….
Ogami Banri: ……Don’t let it get to you. If it bothers you though, maybe you should consider fixing that attitude of yours.
Ogami Banri: You’re a downright chatterbox when it comes to music, but you won’t talk about anything else. That’s why people keep misunderstanding you.
Orikasa Yukito: Perhaps.
Ogami Banri: Don’t 'perhaps’ me.
Orikasa Yukito: If I change, then so too will the music I write. Just like a kid who stopped believing in Santa.
Orikasa Yukito: Do you really want to listen to something that boring? I’m disgusted.
Ogami Banri: Hey now, don’t take it out on me. Also, if that’s the case, then just don’t let it bother you in the first place. Fair enough, right?
Orikasa Yukito: It doesn’t bother me. I never believed in their aesthetic sense, and never will. Not even a single bit.
Orikasa Yukito: After all, they think I’m only doing music to be popular. I don’t need to do anything to be popular.
Ogami Banri: That. If they had just sat down and thought about it for a second, then it would’ve been obvious.
Orikasa Yukito: ……I agonize over composing, and everyone dares to think I’m doing it for my own image? (2)
Orikasa Yukito: As if anything good could be born out of those sorts of feelings. How arrogant and conceited.
Orikasa Yukito: I don’t care if they don’t love me. I want everything, from the lowliest of bugs to God himself, to love my songs. Just my songs.
Orikasa Yukito: Ban, am I in the wrong?
Ogami Banri: …….
Orikasa Yukito: I desperately wrote those songs after so many sleepless nights spent thinking, after hours upon hours, after countless fights with you……. And yet….
Orikasa Yukito: Why…. Why must these good-for-nothings touch my songs with their filthy hands?
Ogami Banri: Yuki…….
Orikasa Yukito: Don’t touch them. That’s not what they were written for.
Orikasa Yukito: I only want the people who’ll treasure my songs to listen to them. As for everyone else, I could care less if bees flew into their ears and built a hive so that they’d never hear again.
Ogami Banri: …….
Orikasa Yukito: ……I’m so frustrated…….
Ogami Banri: I pray your songs will never get dirtied, even if they get touched by filthy hands.
Ogami Banri: I pray your songs will never get renounced, even if people renounce you.
Ogami Banri: And I pray that people won’t love your songs just because they love you. (3)
Orikasa Yukito: …….
Ogami Banri: No matter how terrible you are as a person, you’re the only one who can write those songs. And I’ll always want to hear them.
Orikasa Yukito: Ban…….
Ogami Banri: They’re the best songs. That’s why I wanna listen to them.
Orikasa Yukito: …….
Ogami Banri: Got it, Yuki?
Orikasa Yukito: Yeah…….
Ogami Banri: Let’s complete it– “We, the Incomplete.”
Ogami Banri: And starting next concert, we should stop playing instruments and just sing. Let go of all of the things you were fixated on.
Ogami Banri: You get way too attached to your songs. I think it’s best if you let go, and distance your heart and your hands from finished works. That’s why we should put some space between you and your songs.
Orikasa Yukito: ……So no more live instrumentation?
Ogami Banri: Yep. That solves the band problem too.
Orikasa Yukito: So you want us to stand on stage and just sing? That’s it? Shall I play the tambourine while we’re at it?
Ogami Banri: No…….
Ogami Banri: Let’s dance. Just like how idols do. I did it at the last school festival, and it was pretty well received.
Orikasa Yukito: ……Won’t it look lame?
Ogami Banri: We gotta dance well enough that it won’t look lame.

Ogami Banri: And that’s how Yuki and I became the idol group Re:vale.

To be continued….

Translator notes/comments:

thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!

fun fact, my character short hand for young!yuki is ‘orks’ bc o-r i- k a- s a but also bc young yuki is kind of awFUL in terms of personality, definitely a 15 yr old boy

(1) callin someone (esp someone older than you) 'omae’ (rude/informal way of addressing another person) is Bad Shit, so yea
(2) hyouka means evaluation/how other people assess you/etc but i figured this is p close and easier to integrate
(3) ok this confused me a little

As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!

Thank you for reading!!


Chapter 7: Re:vale

Yuki and Ban

Tsukumo Ryou: This tequila was born from agave from a moonlit night. The past, present, and future are all intertwined. Cheers, Momo.
Momo: ……Cheers.

Ogami Banri: You get way too attached to your songs. I think it’s best if you let go, and distance your heart and your hands from finished works. That’s why we should put some space between you and your songs.
Orikasa Yukito: ……So no more live instrumentation?
Ogami Banri: Yep. That solves the band problem too.
Orikasa Yukito: So you want us to stand on stage and just sing? That’s it? Shall I play the tambourine while we’re at it?
Ogami Banri: Let’s dance. Just like how idols do. I did it at the last school festival, and it was pretty well received.
Orikasa Yukito: ……Won’t it look lame?
Ogami Banri: We gotta dance well enough that it won’t look lame.

Ogami Banri: And that’s how Yuki and I became the idol group Re:vale.


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