Past Simple – Past Continuous 

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Past Simple – Past Continuous

! Ex 1. Can you explain the difference? Test yourself.


1. I travelled around Africa last year.

This time last year I was travelling around Africa.

2. I was walking home when I met Dave.

I walked home after the party last night.

3. We were playing golf in the park when it began raining.

We played golf for an hour, and then went to a café.

4. What were you doing when the fire started? – We were having lunch. – What did you do when you saw the fire? – We called the fire brigade.

Ex 2. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. At 8 o’clock last night she __________________ (to watch) TV.

2. This time last year we ____________________ (have) a holiday in Peru.

3. I ______________ (to see) Jack and Joy this morning. They _________________ (to stand) at the bus stop.

4. I ________________ (to start) work at 9.00 yesterday and _________________ (to finish) at 4.30. So when he _________________ (to call) me at 2.30, I _________________ (to work).

5. Tom ________________ (to paint) the bedroom when suddenly he ______________ (to fall) off the ladder.

6. He _____________ (to slip), _____________ (to fall over) and ____________ (break) his ankle.

7. They _______________ (to dance) while he _______________ (to play) the guitar.

8. I _________________ (to read) a newspaper when you __________________ (to phone) me.

9. The child ______________ (to fall) asleep last night while his mother ________________ (to read) to him.

10. Sally _______________ (to have) dinner last night when somebody __________________ (to knock) at the door.

11. Yesterday Tom and Jane __________ (to go) to the Zoo. They __________ (to see) many animals. They ____________ (to stay) at the Zoo for 2 hours. While they _______________ (to walk) home, it ___________ (to begin) to rain, so they ___________ (to stop) at a small café and ___________ (to have) a cup of coffee.

12. How fast _________________________ (you / drive) when the accident ________________ (happen)?

Ex 3. Write questions in Past Simple or Past Continuous

1. You / wear / a uniform / at school? ______________________________________________

2. What / she / wear / at the party? _________________________________________________

3. What / you / do / yesterday / at 8.00 p.m.? ________________________________________

4. What time / you / arrive / home / yesterday? __________________________________________________________________________

5. Last night / you / well / sleep? __________________________________________________

6. You / sleep / when / I / called / you? _____________________________________________

7. It / rain / when / went out / you / today? ___________________________________________________________________________

8. It / rain / last summer / often? __________________________________________________

Ex 4. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous.


1. – Where __________________________ (you / go) at about 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon? I ______________________ (see) you on your bike.

2. Sue __________________________ (wait) for Jim for the whole evening, but he _______________________________ (never / come).

3. This time last week we _____________________________ (swim) in a beautiful lake.

4. Sorry, I ____________________________ (not realize) you __________________________ (speak) to me. What did you say?

5. – Where __________________________ (you / go) for holiday? – To Ireland.

6. I ___________________ (meet) Sarah in town yesterday while I _______________________ (look for) some new shoes. She ___________________ (show) me her car which was very smart.

7. On Saturday we ___________________________ (swim) for half an hour in the sea before breakfast.

8. While we _____________________________ (walk) by the river yesterday we _________________________ (see) a beautiful sunset.

9. Ben ________________________ (miss) his bus stop because he ______________________ (show) his friend his new mobile phone.

10. Tom ________________________ (have) an accident while he _______________________ (drive) to work this morning.

11. When Jim finally __________________________ (arrive) we ________________________ (show) him the photos.

12. We _____________________________ (not like) our old flat very much because the neighbours next door _______________________________ (always / have) parties.


Ex 5. Open the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous:


1. This time yesterday I _____________________________ (have) my interview. – Really? _____________________________ (It / go) well?

2. ________________________________ (You / wait) for a bus when I __________________ (see) you last night?

3. When the alarm clock _________________________ (go off) Jack ____________________ (get) out of bed reluctantly.

4. Andy _________________________ (hurt) his knee while he _________________________ (play) tennis.

5. __________________________________ (You / celebrate) when you __________________ (win) the singing competition?

6. When I _______________________ (see) Simon last week he ________________________ (carry) five big plastic bags. They _______________________________ (contain) lots of old clothes and shoes that he ___________________________ (want) to throw away.

7. While we ______________________________ (stay) with my grandparents we ____________________________ (find) a box of family photographs.

8. We ___________________________ (start) our company only six months ago. – Really? I _______________________________ (not know) that.

9. When Rose ___________________________ (meet) Bob she ________________________ (think) he was very charming.

10. My sister and I ________________________ (not like) my aunt when we _______________ (be) little. She __________________________ (not be) very nice and she _______________________________ (forever / pick on) us.

11. We _________________________________ (not watch) the match very carefully so we ____________________________ (miss) the winning goal by Benson.


Ex 6. Translate into English.


1. Он постоянно дает мне глупые советы! ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Я коплю деньги на новую машину. Надеюсь, их будет достаточно, чтобы купить БМВ. Но хорошие машины становятся все дороже. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Что вы делали, когда услышали пожарную сигнализацию [fire alarm]? – Мы смотрели телевизор. – А что вы сделали, когда услышали ее? – Мы покинули здание, разумеется. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Что с тобой? Ты сегодня какой-то рассеянный. ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Зарплата рабочих в Германии выше, чем в России. ______________________________________________________________________________

6. Ваши знания теперь гораздо лучше. Вы делаете большие успехи. ______________________________________________________________________________

7. Я ждал ее полчаса, потом позвонил ей. Она сказала, что стоит в пробке. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Миссис Крейтон положила письмо в маленькую сумочку, которую она всегда носила с собой и которую вечно теряла. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Пока все загорали на пляже, бедный Гарри работал в офисе, как обычно. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Почему ты постоянно на меня кричишь? ______________________________________________________________________________

11. Я сейчас живу у своего брата, пока я ищу себе подходящее жилье. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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