Match the words with their Russian equivalents. 

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Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. foreign body a) признаки кровообращения
2. signs of circulation b) пережать главную артерию
3. wounds c) сильное кровотечение
4. third degree burns d) раны
5. puncture the blister e) ожоги третьей степени
6. disposable gloves f) проколоть волдырь
7. severe bleeding g) пластырь
8. snake bite kit h) ножницы
9. adhesive tape i) простерилизовать иглы для подкожных инъекций
10. scissors j) инородное тело

11. bandages k) бинты
12. squeeze a main artery l) нанести мазь на основе антибиотика
13. apply antibiotic ointment m)набор для оказания первой помощи при укусах змеи
14. sterilize a hypodermic needle with alcohol. n) одноразовые перчатки

Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the words from Ex. 3.


GRAMMAR Instructions

Fill in the instructions with the Imperative, using the words from the box. You may need to use a negative form.


Animal bite

1.                 the bleeding.

2.                 the wound gently with soap and warm water.

3.                 for several minutes after cleaning.

4.                 antibiotic ointment and                 with a sterile bandage.

5.                 the animal doesn’t have rabies.

6. If it was a wild animal,                 the animal control immediately.

7.                 to treat a serious wound without doctor’s help.

8.                 a doctor.


Ankle sprain

1.                 the injured ankle.

2.                 icepacks every 2 hours.                  them for 15 minutes.

3.                 the ankle very firmly.

4.                 the ankle above heart height.

5.                 any exercises for the first 48 hours.

6.                 alcohol for the first 48 hours.

7.                 any strong drugs for relieving pain without doctor’s prescription.



1. Get the person indoors.

2.                 the patient’s wet clothes and           his/her skin, if needed.

3.                 the patient extra clothing and             him/her with a blanket.

4.                         the person in warm water. Rapid warming can cause heart arrhythmia.

5. If using hot water bottles or chemical hot packs, wrap them in cloth               them directly to the skin.

6.                 CPR if the person is not breathing normally.


Translate the sentences from Russian into English.


LISTENING Stroke: know the facts, save a life

Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1. Do you know what a stroke is?

2. Who is at risk for a stroke?

3. What are possible complications after stroke?

4. Is it possible to prevent stroke?

5. Do you know any signs of a stroke?

8. Watch the video about stroke ( and tick the topics that are mentioned there.

1. Signs of stroke;

2. Complications after stroke;

3. How to prevent stroke;

4. Stroke treatment;

5. After stroke therapy;

6. Post-stroke rehabilitation;

7. Risk groups

9. Watch the video again and complete the poster.

  STROKE: Know the Facts, Save a Life


ü A stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is blocked or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. The loss of blood to the brain means a loss of oxygen and the brains cells become injured and die.

ü Stroke is less common in people under 40 years, although it does happen. In young people the most common causes are high blood pressure or sickle cell disease.

ü Globally, stroke is the second leading cause of death above the age of 60 years, and the fifth leading cause of death in people aged 15 to 59 years old.

ü Every year, 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. Nearly six million die and another five million are left permanently disabled.


ü age                             


ü (1)                            

ü good (2)                                   

ü untreated heart disease and artial fibrillation


ü Stop (3)                            

ü Stay physically active            

ü Moderate alcohol consumption   

ü Improve your (6)                

ü Control your (4)                       

ü Control your blood sugar levels if you have (7)                  

ü Lower and manage your (5)           


B (8)                         Sudden loss of balance
E (9)                        Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes
F (10)                       Does the face look uneven?
A (11)                       Ask them to raise both arms.



Ask them to repeat a phrase.

Time is brain. Every second brain cells die during a stroke.




WRITING Making a poster


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