VOCABULARY A bad handwriting 

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VOCABULARY A bad handwriting

17. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. fatal errors a) ампутировать конечность
2. get worse b) щитовидная железа
3. wasteful c) выписывать рецепт (на лекарство)
4. digital technology d) ухудшаться
5. administrative staff e) административные сотрудники
6. solution f) оштрафовать
7. cause delays g) цифровые технологии
8. fine h) решение (проблемы)
9. court i) непоправимые (смертельные) ошибки
10. amputate a limb j) суд
11. thyroid k) быть причиной задержек
12. prescribe/write a prescription l) расточительный

Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the words from Ex. 17.



Before you watch

Work in groups. You’re going to watch a video about healthcare system in Great Britain. Look at the photos and discuss the questions.


1. If you get ill in Britain, who do you visit first: your general practitioner or the specialist?

2. Is healthcare free in Great Britain?

3. Do patients pay for medicines in pharmacies?

4. Do you have any ideas what the NHS stands for?

5. What are the most common diseases in Great Britain?

6. Are there any problems that British patients can face?

7. How long do British men and women live?

8. Do you think that alternative medicine is popular in Britain?



While you watch

2. Watch the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qr1pu_T1Es) and check your ideas from Exercise 1.

Watch the video again. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Pregnant women have to pay for the medicine.

2. If patients need an operation the GP will send them to a hospital.

3. NHS provides free medical care for every patient in Britain.

4. Earlier NHS provided free visits to dentists.

5. Nowadays visits to dentists are also free.

6. There are more NHS doctors than alternative medical practitioners in Britain.

7. Nowadays people in Britain eat more red meat than in the past.

8. Women in Britain live longer than men.

9. In 1952 only 291 people reached the age of 100.

Watch the video again. What do times and numbers 1–8 refer to?

1. 505 million 2. 2,000

3. 40 billion pounds 4. 3,000

5. 79

6. 1948

7. 36,000

8. 74


After you watch

5. Work in small groups. Make a list of differences between the health system in Britain and the health system in your country. Think about:

1. doctors

2. hospitals

3. dentists

4. specialists

5. alternative medicine

6. prescriptions



6. Write an essay of at least 250 words on the following task:

The NHS (The National Health System) — Система медицинского обслуживания населения в Великобритании
alternative medicine — нетрадиционная медицина
reflexology — рефлексотерапия
homeopathy — гомеопатия
acupuncture — иглоукалывание
life expectancy — продолжительность жизни
on average — в среднем


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