Match the words with their Russian equivalents. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. unpaid a) тарифная сетка (шкала заработной платы)
2. unions b) иметь категорию
3. pension c) пенсия
4. to be on a grade d) обязанности
5. experience and skills e) низкооплачиваемый
6. work overtime f) профсоюзы
7. pay scale g) опыт и навыки
8. responsibilities h) зависеть от чего-то
9. make nursing into a profession i) превратить сестринское дело в профессию
10. depend on j) работать сверхурочно

Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 19.


Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. work shifts a) основное обучение
2. basic training b) дальнейшее обучение
3. treat the mentally ill c) лечить душевнобольных
4. auxiliary nurse d) получать продвижение по работе
5. ward e) работать посменно
6. nursing officer f) больничная палата
7. staff nurse g) младшая медсестра
8. get promotion h) старшая сестра отделения
9. further study i) главная медицинская сестра
10. sister j) старшая медицинская сестра

Fill in the gaps with the words from Ex. 21.


TRANSLATION Working as a nurse

Translate the passage from English into Russian.



Before you watch

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1. Who do you think general practitioners treat?

2. What is their typical day like?

3. What personal qualities does a GP need?

4. What are advantages and disadvantages of working in general practice?



You are going to watch the video about Alison Martel, a family physician from Alberta, Canada. Look at the screenshots below and tick the topics which you think she will be talking about.

1. Why she became a family physician. 6. Work and life balance.
2. Her typical day. 7. Rotation.
3. Her education. 8. Career development.
4. Her family. 9. How she copes with stress.
5. Advantages and disadvantages of working as a family physician. 10. The town where she lives.

While you watch

3. Watch the video ( and check your ideas in Ex. 2.

Watch the video again. Answer the questions below.

1. What age group of patients does she look after?

2. How does she usually start her day?

3. Are the days always the same in her office?

4. Which two main components do her appointments include?

5. How often does she have a 24-hour rotate?

6. How does she try to keep her work-life balance?

7. What does she think are the great things in family medicine?

After you watch

Work in pairs. Student A is the medical student who doesn’t know what specialization to choose. Student B is the family physician who needs to convince the medical student to become a family physician. Look at the information on the cards below and spend a few minutes preparing what you are going to say.


Think about the questions you are going to ask Student B. You need to find out about:

· why he/she decided to become a family physician

· what advantages and disadvantages of being a family physician are

· his/her typical day

· if he/she manages to keep work-life balance

· how often he/she has to rotate.


Use the following prompts and invent the details yourself.

· why you decided to become a family physician

· what advantages and disadvantages of being a family physician are

· your typical day

· if you manage to keep work-life balance

· how often you have to rotate.



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