Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false: 

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Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:

Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:

Текст № 1 «Babies of older fathers may be less healthy»


A study from Stanford University in the USA reports that babies of older fathers may be more likely to have health problems. Scientists studied data on 40,529,905 births in the USA between 2007 and 2016 to ascertain whether a father's age adversely affects his child's health. Researchers discovered that compared to babies born to fathers in the 25-to-34 age bracket, babies born to fathers over the age of 45 were at greater risk of being born with health problems. These included being born prematurely, having a low birth weight or being admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit. The researchers added that babies born to older fathers were generally not as healthy as those conceived by younger fathers.

One scientist said a lot more detailed research was needed to prove that older fathers conceive less-healthy babies. Dr Michael Eisenberg from the Stanford University School of Medicine said: "I think it's important to understand that the risks we are seeing are modest. So for an individual, the risk may not change much." He added that his team's data could show a trend that health departments in governments might want to be aware of. He said: "At a population level, there may be public health implications of men...waiting longer to conceive." Dr Eisenberg concluded that: "While the oldest father ever is 96, this research suggests that the risk to child and mother may increase if fathers conceive later."


Mark the following statements as true or false (T/F):


  1. A report on the health of babies was made by Yale University. T / F
  2. Scientists studied data on over 40 million births. T / F
  3. The article says babies born to fathers aged over 55 were unhealthy. T / F
  4. Babies born to older fathers are generally heavier at birth. T / F
  5. A scientist said there was a lot of research to prove the research. T / F
  6. A doctor said the risks are not so big. T / F
  7. The doctor said governments needed to know about the research. T / F
  8. The oldest ever father to have conceived a child is 96. T / F

Provide the appropriate answers to the following questions based on the content of the text.

  1. What university conducted this research?
  2. How much data did scientists look at?
  3. What age bracket did researchers compare over-45-year-old fathers to?
  4. What might be low in babies born to older fathers?
  5. What kind of care units might babies born to older fathers stay in?
  6. What was needed to prove this research?
  7. Who should be aware of this research, according to doctors?
  8. How old is the ever oldest father to have fathered a child?
  9. Who might be at risk (besides babies) if fathers conceive later?

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using vocabulary of the text:

1. Согласно исследованиям, проведенным в США у детей пожилых отцов могут быть серьезные проблемы со здоровьем.

2. Ученые утверждают, что в отличии от детей, рожденных от отцов в возрасте 25 -34 лет, дети, рожденные от отцов старше 45 лет, подвергаются большему риску рождения с различными физическими проблемами.

3. Родители, решившиеся на рождение ребенка в преклонном возрасте, могут столкнуться с такими проблемами как: преждевременные роды, низкий вес ребенка при рождении или поступление новорожденного в отделение интенсивной терапии.

4. Ученые заявили, что необходимы более подробные исследования, чтобы доказать, что от пожилых отцов рождаются менее здоровые дети.

5. Ученые изучили данные о 40 529 905 новорожденных в США, чтобы ответить на вопрос о том, влияет ли возраст отца на здоровье его ребенка.

Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:


Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:

Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:

Read the text and mark the following statements as true or false:


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