Translate the sentences paying special attention to modal verbs and their equivalents. 

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Translate the sentences paying special attention to modal verbs and their equivalents.


1. Any fire can be made burn faster by supplying more oxygen to it.

2. Gas and air mixtures are able to burn only within certain limits.


3. The quantities of fuel were so big that they couldn’t be burnt in a short period of time.


4. Ordinary combustible shouldn’t be located near any source of ignition.

5. Combustion may be supported by chlorine in some limited circumstances.

6. At last firemen were allowed to open up a building.

7. Any extinguisher may be applied in that circumstance.


8. This substance must be heated to its ignition temperature to react with oxygen.


9. The chief of the brigade was to arrive at the plant at 6 o’clock.

10. May I have a look at the evacuation route?


Fill in the gaps with the suitable modal verbs or their equivalents.


1. Heat ___ travel by conduction, convection and radiation.


2. Smoke explosion condition ___ be made less dangerous by proper ventilation.


3. The fire ___ be extinguished by reducing temperature, eliminating fuel or oxygen or by stopping the chemical chain reaction.


4. Four methods ___ be used to extinguish fire: removal of fuel, exclusion of oxygen, reduction of temperature and inhibition of chain reaction.


5. Electrical installations ___ be tested every three years.

6. Flammable liquids ___ not be kept near any source of ignition.

7. People heard the fire alarm and ___ move out in time.

8. Students ___ to work in the laboratory alone.

9. ___ I use this extinguisher for class B fires?


10. The fire was so strong that the firefighters ___ demolish houses with gunpowder in order to create gaps and thus stop the fire spread.




Answer the following questions.


1. What factors are all attempts to extinguish a fire based upon?


2. What must a firefighter decide before attempting to extinguish a fire?


3. Is it possible to use more than one method of fire extinguishment at the same time?


4. What is called “starvation”?

5. What kind of fires can be completely put out by the removal of fuel?



6. Why is smothering more effective than starvation?

7. What is called “smothering” or “blanketing”?


8. How much should the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere be reduced to stop the fire?


9. When is blanketing ineffective?


10. Can you give any examples of smothering?

11. What substances are used to smother the fire?

12. What is called “cooling”?

13. What is the most common substance used to cool off the fire?

14. How does water cool the fire?

15. What does it mean “to interrupt the chain reaction”?


16. What agents are used to break the chain reaction?


Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Когда случился пожар на складе, рабочие успели перенести горючий материал в безопасное место.


2. Усилия, направленные на тушение пожара были успешными: пожар был потушен и никто не пострадал.


3. Теория тушения пожаров основывается на исключении любого из четырех факторов, необходимых для горения.


4. Одним из методов тушения огня является снижение кислорода в воздухе.


5. Вода – основное огнетушащее вещество охлаждения; попадая на горящий материал, она охлаждает его; образуется пар, который препятствует притоку кислорода к очагу горения.


6. Песок, покрывая горящую поверхность, прекращает доступ к ней кислорода, препятствует выделению горючих газов и понижает температуру горящего предмета.


7. Наиболее перспективны огнетушащие вещества, способные ингибировать химические процессы, протекающие при горении.


8. Нельзя позволять бежать человеку, на котором загорелась одежда, eго нужно повалить на землю, закутать в покрывало и обильно полить водой.


9. Возгорание нефтепродуктов в резервуарах ликвидируется способом изоляции каждой емкости.


10. Ликвидировать горение самостоятельно можно лишь на ранней стадии развития пожара, как только помещение начинает интенсивно наполняться дымом, не пытайтесь тушить пожар: это создаёт угрозу вашей жизни.





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