Native American Indian History Timeline 

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Native American Indian History Timeline

Here is a short outline of relevant dates in Indian culture.


1540: Indians make first contacts with Europeans.
1565: Spaniards colonize Florida.
1587: Colony of Virginia is founded.
1620: Mayflower lands in New England. Era of American Colonial art begins.
1622: First Indian uprising (Virginia).
1638: Puritans set up first Reservations, at New Haven, Connecticut.
1680: Pueblo Revolt starts at Taos Pueblo.
1690: French explorers explore Ohio and Mississippi rivers.
1750: France/Britain at War, in Canada and East, using Indian irregulars.
1759: Britain takes Quebec: end of French rule in Canada.
1790: Congress passes first law regulating commerce/land sales with Indians.
1824: Bureau of Indian Affairs founded in War Department.
1830: Indian Removal Act enacted by Congress.
1832: Justice John Marshall decrees that state law does not apply to Indians.
1832: Commissioner of Indian Affairs set up in War Department.
1834: Sale of alcohol prohibited to Indians.
1837: Smallpox epidemic breaks out on the Plains.
1862: Uprising of Sioux in Minnesota.
1864: Sand Creek massacre leads to outbreak of Indian Wars.
1865-69: Construction of Union Pacific Railroad. End of Plains Indian culture.
1871: Congress enacts law banning further treaties with the Indians.
1876: Defeat of General Custer at Little Big Horn.
1890: Last bloodshed at Wounded Knee.
1897: Laws passed compelling Indian children to attend school.
1924: All Native American Indians are declared citizens of U.S.
1934: Wheeler-Howard Act passed to safeguard Native Indian Culture.

Native American Indian Art

Read and translate


Native American Indian Art is as diverse as the hundreds of tribes that inhabit America; each tribe having a unique culture and art forms. Evolving from simple cave drawings and carvings traditional American Indian art grew to include intricate art in such forms as jewelry, beadwork, weaving, pottery, basketry, paintings, dolls, carvings, masks, quillwork (embroidery), and totem poles. Throughout their history their art has reflected their culture, lifestyle, and environment. A short description of many of these art forms can be found in the list below; many of which will have links to more detailed information pages. These pages will include interesting facts like who in the tribe produced art, how the art was made, and where you can see examples of this amazing art. Many of the modern day tribes produce and offer for sale, some as a major source of tribal income, beautiful art and jewelry for men, women, and kids.



Diverse           разнообразный

Inhabit            населять

Unique            уникальный

To evolve        развивать

Drawings        рисунки

Intricate          замысловатый, мудреный, сложный

Jewelry           ювелирные украшения

Beadwork       вышивка бисером

Weaving         ткачество           

Pottery            гончарное дело

Basketry         плетение корзин

Carvings         резьба

quillwork (embroidery)     вышивание

totem poles     тотемный столб у северо-американских индейцев

amazing          удивительный

source             источник

income            доход


1. Complete the table with the correct form of each verb:

Infinitive Past simple Participle II Participle I
Inhabit   Inhabited  
Grow Grew   Growing
  Included Included  
Find   Found Finding
  Created Created Creating
Know Knew    
Depict   Depicted Depicting
See Saw    
Make   Made Making


2. Read text 1 and find the verbs in Passive forms;


3. Complete the sentences with the following words and word combinations:

For sale; interesting; inhabit; lifestyle; unique;


Native American Indian Art is as diverse as the hundreds of tribes that _________________ America.

Each tribe has a ________________________ culture and art form.

Throughout their history their art has reflected their culture, __________________________, and environment.

Many of the modern day tribes produce and offer __________________________________ beautiful art and jewelry for men, women, and kids.

These pages will include _________________________________ facts.

4. Complete the table below:


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