Match the words with opposite meanings. 

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Match the words with opposite meanings.

1. inglorious 2. mendicant 3. entrance 4. top 5. unsteady 6. vibrant 7. forget 8. modern 9. alongside a) constantly b) Royal Family c) inert d) old-fashioned e) remember f) faraway g) famous h) exit i) bottom


Match the sights with the places where they can be found.

1. statue of Lord Nelson surrounded by majestic lions 2. collection of lifelike famous figures created in wax 3. City Hall 4. Big Ben 5. home to the Prime Minister 6. The graves of Elizabeth I, Mary I, Sir Isaac Newton 7. the Criterion Theatre 8. the world famous royal jewels a) Madame Tussauds   b) Houses of Parliament   c) Tower of London   d) Westminster Abbey   e) 10 Downing Street   f) close to the River Thames   g) Trafalgar Square   h) Piccadilly Circus


Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Guide: (you/be) Have you ever been to London?

Tourist: (I/be) to lots of places but this is the first time (I/come) to London.

Guide: (You/love) definitely it, I promise! There are a lot of places of interest here. I’m going to give you brief information about some attractions in London.

Tourist: (That/be) interesting. I hope (the information /be) useful?

Guide: May I offer you a cup of coffee?

Tourist: Thank you but I (already/drink) coffee in the lobby bar.

Guide: You are lucky. As for me (I/not drink) coffee since breakfast. (I/have) many appointments today. So let me get down to business. (You/make) ever a tour on a bus with open top? Such buses run past most of the sights offering visitors the chance to view them in comfort.

Tourist: (I/dream) about it since my childhood. And what about watching Prime Minister's Question Time in the Houses of Parliament?

Guide: Oh, it’s one of the most popular things to do in London on Wednesdays at noon but you should purchase the tickets in advance. You can buy it in our agency at a lower price.

Tourist: Great! Of course (I/take) it. (I/not see) a member of the Royal family before. Is that possible to see the Queen?

Guide: People crowd at Buckingham Palace to see somebody of the Royal family. But (you/can)explore Buckingham Palace. State Rooms are open to the public each summer.

Tourist: Thank you for the information. Can you leave me the brochure with the description of the excursions that you offer? (I/call) you to book some of them.

Guide: Here you are. I look forward to hearing from you.



Контрольная работа №4

Grammar Revision

Таблица времен в пассивном залоге (Passive Voice)

Tense Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present to be (am/is/ are) + V3 I am asked to be (am/is/ are) +being +V3 I am being asked have been+V3 I have been asked     __
Past to be (was/ were) +V3 I was asked to be (was/ were) +being+V3 I was being asked had been+V3 I had been asked     __
Future shall/will+be+V3 I shall be asked         ___ shall/will+have been+V3 I shall have been asked     __
Future-in-the-Past should/ would+be+V3 I should be asked        ___ should/ would +have been+V3 I should have been asked     __





1. This museum ______ in winter.

a) has been closed

b) is being closed

c) is closed


2. These facts _____ yet.

a) are not published

b) have not been published

c) are not being published


3. Close the door, please. The baby ______.

a) is bathed

b) is being bathed

c) has been bathed


4. Do you know that tennis ______ for more than a hundred years?

a) is played

b) has been played

c) is being played


5. Every four years a new president _______ in Russia.

a) is being elected

b) has been elected

c) is elected


6. What do you feel, when your favourite piece of music _____?

a) has been performed

b) is performed

c) is being performed


7. He went away 10 years ago and _____ ever since.

a) is not heard of

b) hasn’t been heard of

c) is not being heard of


8. Chaplin’s jokes still ______.

a) are laughed at

b) are being laughed at

c) have been laughed at


9. The story of a book often is changed when it _____ into a film.

a) is being made

b) has been made

c) is made


10.  All his documents ______ during the war.

a) were lost

b) were being lost

c) had been lost


11.  She did not follow the advice she ______.

a) was given

b) was being given

c) had been given


12.  He couldn’t do a thing because he knew he ________.

a) had been watched

b) was being watched

c) was watched


13. The boy felt that he ______ by someone.

a) had been followed

b) was being followed

c) was followed

14. Savva Morozov’s money _____ to charity.

a) was being left

b) was left

c) had been left


15. The boy watched how the car _______.

a) was repaired

b) had been repaired

c) was being repaired


16. The children were surprised to learn that the Tower of London ______ at times as a prison and a Zoo.

a) had been used

b) was used

c) was being used


17.  Just this very question _______ when I joined the conversation.

a) was discussed

b) was being discussed

c) had been discussed


18.  Cricket _______ in England before the Normans came.

a) had been played

b) was played

c) was being played


19.  Much ______ in London be the Great Fire in the 17th century.

a) was being destroyed

b) had been destroyed

c) was destroyed


20.  The construction of the bridge ______ before winter comes.

a) will be finished

b) would be finished

c) will have been finished


21. The manager said that the money _____ on charity.

a) will be spent

b) would be spent

c) will have been spent


22.  The advertisement ______ by the weekend.

b) will be placed

c) will have been placed

d) would be placed


23.  I am sure a lot of questions ______ when he finishes his lecture.

a) will have been asked

b) will be asked

c) would be asked


24.  Next year the Zoo ______ into a safari park.

a) would be turned

b) will be turned

c) will have been turned


25.  Great progress _____ for the last two hundred years.

a) has been made

b) was made

c) had been made


26.   Instead of welcoming the invention of the sewing machine, the tailors smashed the sewing machines to pieces as they feared that many of them _____ out of work.

a) will be thrown

b) had been thrown

c) would be thrown


27.  The doctor explained to the patient’s family that the exact diagnosis ____ so far.

a) hasn’t been made

b) hadn’t been made

c) wasn’t made


28. The doctor said that he couldn’t suggest methods of treatment until the exact diagnosis _____.

a) was made

b) will be made

c) would be made


29.  I don’t know when the news conference ______

a) will be held

b) is held

c) would be made


30.  All my life _____ to the relief of suffering since the day I entered medical school.

a) was devoted

b) has been devoted

c) is devoted


31.  She looked out the back window to make sure they ______.

a) are not being followed

b) were not followed

c) were not being followed



32.  She ______ since the press conference.

a) hadn’t been seen

b) hasn’t been seen

c) wasn’t seen


33.  It was apparent that the police ______ of the hostage situation.

a) Were informed

b) Have been informed

c) Had been informed


34. You can’t stop at this hotel – now the chess tournament _____ there.

a) is being held

b) is held

c) has been held


35. This old chest ______ for the last hundred years.

a) was not opened

b) has not been opened

c) had not been opened


36.  I finally worked up the nerve to stop by the hotel where the news conference ________.

a) was held

b) was being held

c) is being held


37.  There was a moment of silence. Victor was about to question if the connection _______.

a) has been broken

b) was broken

c) had been broken


38.  Charlotte was sure that if Daniel found her secret, their relationship _____.

a) would be destroyed

b) will be destroyed

c) was destroyed


39.  James suggested dining out. It _____.

a) was being agreed to

b)  was agreed to

c) has been agreed to


40.  His guilt _____ yet.

a) hasn’t been proved

b) wasn’t proved

c) isn’t being proved


41.  He made a lot of inquiries trying to trace their route but without any success: no such people ______ to pass through.

a) had been seen

b) were being seen

c) hadn’t been seen


42.  They reached the field and absently watched – a game ______.

a) was organized

b) was being organized

c) is being organized


43.  As a young man he is motivated by idealism. He ______ by the new commercialism of science yet.

a) hadn’t been poisoned

b) wasn’t poisoned

c) hasn’t been poisoned

44. Throughout its long history the Tower of London ______ by force.

a) was never captured

b) had never been captured

c) has never been capture


45.  I’m sorry but now you can’t transfer your patient to room 237 – it _______.

a) is painted

b) is being painted

c) was being painted


46.  Nick knew a remark _______ of him, but he was unable to reply even with the simplest platitude.

a) is expected

b) was expected

c) has been expected


47. They all looked behind them for fear they______, but no one was even looking in their directions.

a) were watched

b) had been watched

c) were being watched


48.  This theory ______ generally correct by the recent archaeological evidence.

a) has been proved

b) was proved

c) is proved


49.  Henry VII had more power and more money than earlier kings because many of the old nobility had died or _______.


a) were defeated

b) had been defeated

c) was defeated


50. They haven’t told me when the bed ______.

a) would be fixed

b) is fixed

c) will be fixed


Reading Section.


1. Read the text. Choose from the list A-H the missing sentences in each part (1-6) of the text. There is one extra summary sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning.

The life of the Kazan Province was one of struggle between various parties.

0 E

     In summer and autumn 1552 Ivan the Terrible, the Russian tsar, attacked Kazan. A 150 thousand army, led by Ivan the Terrible, took Kazan by storm. It became part of Muscovy.

Tsar Ivan asked his people to rebuild the town. The life became more peaceful and Kazan became a trading and administrative centre of the region. In the middle of the 17th century Kazan was one of the biggest cities in Russia. Its population was 20 000 people.


     His reforms effected the life of the city greatly. Since 1708 it became the centre of one of the biggest provinces. The reforms in the economic and cultural life began.

In July 1774 clouds of dust appeared from the side of Arskoye Pole. They were parts of Emeliyan Pugachev's army. In the early morning of the 12th of July, 1774, Pugachev's people divided into 4 groups and attacked the city. They couldn't take the Kremlin, and then they started to rob and kill. 2200 buildings were burnt. The last fight was on the 15th of July, 1774, near the village Czariczino. The fight lasted the whole day. Pugachev's army lost 2000 people and went away along Kokshayskaya street to the forest. They crossed to the right bank of the Volga.


So in summer, 1774, ended Pugachev's invasion of Kazan.

In the early 19th century there were many big and small enterprises and handicraft shops. Kazan merchants sent their goods to Russian cities, China, Bukhara, Khiva and Persia as well.


     In 1874 the water supply system began to work. The streets were lit with gas. There was electricity in some houses.

In 1875 the first line of the horse railway was built. In 1899 the first electric train appeared in the streets. There were more than 5 000 houses and 237 streets in Kazan. The population grew greatly.

At the end of the 19th century Kazan was one of the first five Russian cities in industry and business. In the new century there were 300 different enterprises in Kazan.


     At the beginning of the 20th century Kazan became the capital of the Tatar Soviet Republic. The life of the city at that time was difficult- The problems of food and medicine were very important. In 1919-1920 an epidemic of typhus began. Many people died, thousands of people migrated from the city.

Later the enterprises were reconstructed, a new bridge across the Kazanka riverwas built. The city radio started working. New clinics were opened.New parks and workers' clubs were organized. There were great changes in the cultural life. Famous Tatar composers, painters, architects began their work.

With the beginning of the Second World War life in the city changed. Kazan gave a great support to the Soviet Army. In 1941 more than 32 000 people went to make fortifications on the right banks of the Volga and the Kama.

In the 1950s new public buildings appeared: the Opera and Ballet Theatre, lots of houses of culture and cinemas: Druzhba, Pobeda, Mir, Zvezda. In 1959 the Kazan television centre began its work.

At the end of the 20th century together with the whole country Kazan experienced a rapid change. By the mid-1980s Kazan had become a major industrial centre. The city produced a range of goods. The population of the republic increased greatly. In 2002 there lived 3 782 600 people.


In the 21st century great investment projects are to be introduced in Kazan. Life in the city is changing too. Statistics from the 2006 Census showed that 3 768 500 people lived in Tatarstan. The city is becoming more comfortable, cleaner and nicer. The celebrations of the 1000th anniversary in 2005 became a symbol of the history of the city.

A    The reforms o opened a new period of Peter I opened a new period in the history of Russia and Kazan as well.

B Merchants and industrialists turned Kazan into an economic centre.

C    In the 20th century Kazan became important as an administrative and cultural centre of the country.

D Before the 13th century Kazan was just a town on the Volga river, not even a very big one.

E At the end of the 15th century the Moscow Principality became stronger and began active interference in the political life of the Kazan khanate.

F Kazan won the battle.

G The present life of the city is filled with creativity and new hopes for the future.


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