Учебное пособие по английскому языку 

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Учебное пособие по английскому языку

для студентов заочной формы обучения

Казань 2016


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432. Англ я 73

А 64




Валеева Р.З., Демина С.А., Кириллова А.И., Новгородова Е.Е., Першагина И.А., Устинина Г.Ф.



Рекомендовано к печати на заседании Ученого Совета КазГИК




Вагнер К.Р., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и перевода КИУ им. В.Г. Тимирясова (ИЭУП);

Габдрахманова А.С., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и перевода КИУ им. В.Г. Тимирясова (ИЭУП)



English for extramural students (part 2): [учеб. пособие]/ КазГИК; авт.-сост.: Р.З.Валеева, С.А.Демина, А.И.Кириллова и др. – Казань: ООО ПК «Астор и Я». –  2016. – 103 c.

Пособие предназначено для студентов заочного обучения. Пособие состоит из шести разделов, каждый раздел — из четырех подразделов: теоретические аспекты изучаемого грамматического явления; практические упражнения на закрепление изученного материала; тестовые задания; тексты и задания к ним, нацеленные на проверку глубокого и полного понимания текста на основе усвоенной грамматики и лексики.


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432. Англ. я. 73

Контрольная работа №1.

Grammar: Simple Tenses

Vocabulary: Family

Grammar Revision Section.

The Pronoun (Местоимение).

Личные местоим Именительный падеж (Кто? Что?): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they Объектный падеж (Кому? Чему?): me, you, him, her, it, us, them
Притяжательные местоим Чей? Чья? Чьи?: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their (употребляются с существительным – This is my book.) Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs. (употребляются без существительного.-  That's not my book. Mine is new. Это не моя книга. Моя - новая.)
Указательные местоим It, this, these, that, those, same, such.
Возврат ные местоим Ед. число: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself Мн. число: ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
Неопределённые местоим Some, somebody, everybody – в утвердительных предложениях; any, anybody, anything, anywhere - в вопросительных и отрицательных предл-ях; nobody,nowhere, nothing – в отрицательных предложениях; much, many; little (мало), a little(несколько)-(ед. ч.), few (мало), a few (несколько)- (мн. ч.), no, all, both, each, every, other, another, one, either, neither, the same.


1. It's ___doors, not____.

a) theirs, our b) their, ours c) their, our d) that, these

2. They're new actors and I don't know____ names.

a) their b) theirs c) our d) his

3. My flat is bigger than___, but____ is nicer.

a) her, hers b) hers, hers c) hers, her d) yours, your

4. That's not____ book. ___is new.

a) yours, My  b) my, Mine c) mine, My d) his, my

5. They took ____books and we took_____.

a) our, theirs b) ours, their c) ours, theirs d)ourselves, themselves

6. Are these brushes ___?

a) your b) our     c) yours d) their

7. Have you got__ English books at home? - Yes, I have some.

a) few b) any c) some d) this

8. I could see ____: it was quite dark.

a) everything     b) anything   c) nothing d) somebody

9. _______ of their conversation was about the institute.

a) a lot  b) much c) many d) a few

10. ____can answer this question. It is very easy.

a) somebody    b) nobody  c) everybody d) anybody

11. She wrote us ____letters from the country.

a) much b) many c) little   d) either

12. I have ____money, so we can go to the cinema.

a) a little   b) a few c) little    d) many

13. I have ____ time, so I can't go with you

 a) little   b) few   c) a few  d) a little

14. I can't buy this expensive hat today: I have too __ money.

a) little  b) a little c) few  d) much

15. There are __beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them.

a) some b) little        c) any    d) both

16. Has ____in this group got a dictionary?

a) somebody b) anybody c)  everybody d) nobody

17. They are in the _____ class.

a) such    b) each c) no   d) same

The Verb “To be”


+ I              am he she          is it we you         are they I he           was she it we you         were they I he she   will    be it we you they
? Am    I            he Is       she      ?            it            we Are   you     ?           they                I Was      he         ?               she                it               we Were   you        ?                 they            I            he            she Will   it     be?    we            you            they
I            am not he she          is not it             isn’t) we you       are not they   (aren’t) I he         was not she       (wasn’t) it we you      were not they        (weren’t) I he she   will not it        be we  (won’t you    be) they


Simple Tenses

  PRESENT (настоящее) PAST (прошедшее) FUTURE (будущее)


Утвердительное предложение


I we      V you        they




she    V (ed)2





  I         shall   V we          
  he       she        V s, es it             he she it             will V you          they


Вопро ситель ное предложение


        I        we   Do        you             they





Did    it  

      we    V?




          I   shall   we     
                      V?           he Does    she           it              he V?       she will  it           you         they


Отрицательное предложение


I       we   do not V     you        they




she did not V     





  I   you shall not V     
  he she does not V     it              we  he she      will not V they it


1.  I ___angry because Tom and Ann___ late.

 a) am, is         b) was, were       c) am, was d) were, is

2. I think _____an artist when I grow up.

a) was   b) will be c) am d) are

3. When my granny was young, she ____an actress.

a) weren’t b) was c) were d) is

4. I __ a first year student and ___you my group mate?

a) am, was     b) was, are       c) am, are d) will be, is

5. There ___ only two new plays at the theatre.

a) is       b) are    c) was d) isn’t

6. What time ___ the banks close in Britain?

a) does    b) do  c) are d) is

7. Some of the students ___ absent.

a)was  b) were c) wasn’t d) isn’t

8.    _____ your mother at the theatre a month ago?

a) do          b) is     c) was   d) are

9. A: I need some money.

 B: Don’t worry. ___ you some.

a) I lend b) I’ll lend c) I’ll lending d) I lends

10. A: Why did you ____ your car?

B: I ____some money.

a) sell, needed b) sold, needed c) sold, need d) selling, need

11. If you to translate this article into Russian, I____ it in my report.

a) use b) used c) will use d) using

12. She ____ a boring job and she ____ earn much money.

a) have, doesn’t b) has, doesn’t c) have, don’t d) doesn’t have, don’t

13. When was that ____? – It in that period of my life, when I____ Russian in Berlin.

a) happen, taught b) happened, taught c) happening, used to teach d) happens, teach

14. When ___ you know your examination results?

a) does    b) will c) do d) does

15. I don’t understand this sentence. What ____ this word mean?

a) is  b) was c) does d) do

16. The swimming bath ____at 9.00 and _____at 18.30 every day.

a) opened, close      b) opens, closes c) opened, is closed d)is opening, closed

17. How many cigarettes ____you smoke a day?

a) does        b) doesn’t     c) do d) is

18. If you ____ money, why ___ you get a job?

a) needed, won’t   b) need, won’t    c) need, don’t  

d) need, doesn’t

19. I ___ the piano, but I ____ play very well.

a) play, don’t b) was playing, didn’t c) play, doesn’t  

 d) playing, don’t

20. I promise I ___ you as soon as I arrive.

a) phone       b) will phone    c) phoned d) am phoning

21. I’m too tired to walk home. I think ___ a taxi.

a) I’m getting   b) I’ll getting c) I’ll get d) I take

2 2. The police ____me on my way home last night.

a) doesn’t stop   b) stops   c) stopped  d) is stopping

23. She ____ her examination because she studied very hard.

a) passed     b) was passing   c) did pass d) have passed

24. This house ____£35,000 in 1980.

a) costed        b) costs      c) cost d) will cost

25. I ____enough money to buy anything to eat.

a) doesn’t have b) didn’t have c) didn’t had d) haven’t had             

26. He ____the hotel,____ a taxi and ____ to the theater.

a) left, took, drove b) is leaving, is taking, is driving c) was leaving, was taking, was driving d) leaves, takes, drive

27. I ____a car but I ___ it very often.

a) have, don’t use b) will have, didn’t use c) had, don’t use d) have, doesn’t use

28. His wife _____ a motorbike.

a) doesn’t rides b) doesn’t ride c) don’t ride d) are riding

29. ____your parents_____ the concert last night?

a) do, enjoy  b) did, enjoy c) did, enjoyed d) won’t, enjoy

30. ____she ___ listening to music?

a) does, likes b) is, liking c) does, like d) did, liked

31. The rich man___ the artist to paint his portrait.

a) asked  b) is asking    c) ask d) was asked

32. How many brothers____ you got?

a) have   d) do c) are    d) will               

33. How long ___ it take to rehearse this scene?

a) is   b) will  c) do   d) was

Reading Section.


Part 1.


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