She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Лондоне. 

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She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Лондоне.

1) They boasted that they _____a new computer their office.

(a) will buy, b) had bought c) buys.

2) The policeman asked why he _____the car door.

(a) hadn’t locked; b)doesn’t lock; c) hasn’t locked)

3) Dad asked her _____their jewelry.

 (a) don’t sell; b) wouldn’t sell; c) not to sell)

4) The reporter announced that advertising messages _____to large audiences by a lot of means.

(a) are carried; b) were carried; c) carrying)

5) They said that the advertising programmes _____in programmes for children.

 (a) were not inserted; b) are not inserted; c) inserts)

XII. Turn from Direct speech into Reported speech.

1) They said to him:” What school do you go to?”

2) Liz asked; ’’Are you seeing the manager tomorrow? ”

3) “When I get money, I’ll buy a new car”, said my friend.

4) “Don’t speak in a loud voice, your brother is sleeping”, told mother to him.

5) “I can see you tomorrow”, she said.

XIII. Rewrite the following sentences in Direct speech.

1) She said her daughter would go on a trip the following month.

2) James said he liked to see adventure films.

3) My friend said she wanted to buy a dog for her children.

4) Jane told me she would return me my book the following week.

5) His mother told him not to go to school because he was ill.


XIV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Они сказали, что они ездили в Крым в прошлом году.

2) Он сказал, что он не помнит, что она ему вчера сказала.

3) Учитель сказал нам, что мы не сдадим экзамены, если не будем усердно работать.

4) Его старшая сестра сказала ему не играть с собакой, а идти делать уроки.

5) Джейн сказала, что, если они придут, она испечет им яблочный пирог.



I. Read and translate in written form the following text.

                                                     Translating Machines


Machines for translating texts from one language into another are known to have been built many times and by different inventors.

The possibility of translating the text is based on a well-known fact that a sentence in any language is constructed in words according to certain rules, which can by presented in the form of a computer programmе.

How does a computer translate a text? Let us suppose that we have an English text which is to be translated into Russian. First a programmer translates it into a special machine language, the language of numbers. Now the machine can convert the text into the language of electric impulses and thus to introduce the information into a computer memory in the form of electromagnetic signals.

A computer has its own dictionary stored in its magnetic memory. To find a word in this magnetic dictionary, the dictionary compares the code number of a given word of the text with those stored in its electromagnetic memory.

As we see, to find a word in its dictionary and to translate it is a very simple task for a computer. After this a special grammar analyzing programme comes into play. To make the analysis possible the programmers add to each code number of the word additional digits, which indicate the grammar function of the word in the sentence and the part of speech the word belongs to. Scientists, engineers and mathematicians are doing their best to make the machines and the programmes better.


II. Give English equivalents of:

1) хорошо известный факт

2) согласно определенным правилам

3) делать все возможное

4) ввести информацию в память компьютера

5) принадлежать к части речи


III. Give Russian equivalents to:

1) indicate the grammar function

2) present in the form of a computer programme

3) compare the code number

4) add additional digits

5) let us suppose


IV. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense.

1) If she _____   (find out) the truth, she will be very happy.

2) If he _____ (come) tomorrow, he'll help you,

3) I can take you to the concert tomorrow if I _____ (have) a spare ticket.

4) We will give you a ring as soon as she _____(arrive).

5) I won't go out until the weather  _____ (improve).



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