IV. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense: 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


IV. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense:

1. If you read this paragraph, you…….(see) what I mean.

2. If he…….(drive) down this street, he will see the shop to his left.

3. They will understand the rule if they……..(listen) to him carefully.

4. If you follow the instructions, you………(make) it.

5. If she……..(give) me her pen, I'll write it down for her.

V. Write Type 2 conditionals to match these situations:

1. His sister is so boring. She talks so much.

2. Jack travels so much. He is very popular.

3. It is so wet. It rains so much.

4. She is healthy. She will not catch a cold.

5. They are kind-hearted. They help people.


VI. Translate the given sentences. Mind the First, the Second and the Third Conditionals.

1. If you get interested in the details of the process, we'll discuss everything later on.

2. I'll speak to her, if she answers the phone.

3. If I had left home earlier, I would not have missed the train.

4. The students would make fewer mistakes if he were more attentive.

5. He will meet us if he has free time.


VII. Translate the given sentences into English.

1. Если будет слишком холодно для работы в саду, я буду читать книгу.

2. Если я куплю билеты в театр мы сможем провести вечер в городе.

3. Я бы починил утюг, если бы не шел сейчас на футбол.

4. Если бы у меня сейчас был нужный вид масла, я бы смазал твою швейную машинку.

5. Если бы Том вызвал мастера, он смог бы посмотреть вчера футбол.


VIII. Translate modal verbs or their equivalents into English.

1. You (должны) struggle for your rights.

2. He (сможет) to use this phenomenon in his work.

3. She (может) be late: she has a lot of work.

4. We (должны были) to send for a doctor: she feels bad.

5. You (следует) pay attention to your translation.


IX. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Mind the Modal Verbs.

1. She will have to go there tomorrow.

2. They must be in the library now.

3. He was to be here at 9 o'clock, but he didn't come.

4. We were obliged to go there.

5. You needn't have done it.



X. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Полчаса я пытался открыть дверь, но не смог.

2. Оденься теплее. Ты можешь простудиться.

3. Когда я вышел на улицу, шел дождь и был вынужден вернуться за зонтом.

4. Тебе не надо готовить обед, мы сегодня будем ужинать в ресторане.

5. Кто должен убирать в твоей комнате?


XI. Choose the proper form. Rewrite the sentences and translate them.

Model: She said that they______in Oxford.

а) lived     b) lives     c) will live

She said that they lived in Oxford. Она сказала, что они живут в Лондоне.

1. The police found out that Bob Slant______in London's suburbs all that time.

(a) lives; b) live; c) had been living)

2. The students couldn't do the translation because they______special terms.

(a) had not learnt; b) does not learn; c) do not learn)

3. Tom had not been informed that the lecture_______on Tuesday.

(a) does not take place; b) would not take place; c) won't take place)

4. He said he_______a job. (a) had found; b) finds; c) has found)

5. They promised they_____their own employees.

(a) train; b) would train; c) will train)


XII. Turn from Direct speech into Reported speech.

1. "Open your book at page ten", said our teacher to us.

2. "Don't make so much noise", said mother to her children.

3. "She isn't here. She has just left the office", the secretary said to us.

4. "I don't think I will have done this work by the evening", she said.

5. Jane asked: "Did you go to London last year?"


XIII. Rewrite the following sentences in Direct speech.

1. Her father told her not to cross the street where she wanted to.

2. My husband said he was thinking about buying new car.

3. He told me that he never got letters: nobody wrote to him.

4. Alice said she was tired and she was going to lie down.

5. My friend asked me how long I had known Ann.


XIV. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Когда я встретил Тома, я спросил, в больнице ли еще его отец.

2. Учитель спросил Анну, почему она не приготовила доклад.

3. Она сказала, что не будет кофе, что она выпьет чай.

4. Они сказали, что экономическая ситуация в нашей стране хуже, чем они думали.

5. Мой брат сказал, что он поступил в университет. 




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