Дополнение предложения правильным модальным глаголом (мт-1) 

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Дополнение предложения правильным модальным глаголом (мт-1)

513. He _____ speak two foreign languages.

                       a) had         b) are able  c) can


514. If Ann isn’t well today, she _____ go to the University.

                       a) must             b) may not c) has to


515. Water used for drinking _____ be boiled»

                       a) must     b) may       c) be able


516. You _____ take this medicine after meals or before meals.

                       a) are able b) may    c) was allowed


517. This drug _____ be kept in the refrigerator.

                       a) should b) had      c) was able


518. People suffering from atherosclerosis _____ smoke.

           a) cannot   b) may    c) must not


519. The outcome of the operation is successful. The patient _____ walk.

           a) had to b) can     c) might


Правильный перевод модального глагола в предложении (MT-2

520. (Умеете) you speak English? ###

521. This medicine (следует) be taken 1 hour before meals. ###

522. If medicine is taken incorrectly, it (может) cause harm. ###

523. The students (должны) work hard during the whole term.

524. The patient (смог) fall asleep after taking the medicine. ###

525.The scientist (cумел) prove his findings. ###

Последовательность слов в структуре утвердительного предложения (MT -3)

526. you, take, medicine, meals, may, after, this.

527. carry out, experiments, she, complex, can.

528. very, his, must, any, polyclinic, know, of, patients, physician, well, the.

529. medical, well, know, students, must, Anatomy.

Общий вопрос к предложению. (MT-3)

530. The patient may be discharged soon. ###

531. The doctor can reveal the consolidation in the lung by the X-ray examination. ###

Специальный вопрос к подлежащему. (MT-3)

532. The joints between bones can move more or less easily. ###


Специальный вопрос к дополнению. (MT-3)

533. He can carry out the experiment. ###

534. A doctor must examine a patient carefully. ###

Специальный вопрос к обстоятельству образа действия. (MT-3)

535. We must attend our classes regularly. ###

536. Students must study hard to gain much knowledge. ###

Последовательность слов в структуре вопросительного предложения (MT-3)

537. after, this, she, meals, medicine, may, take?

538. complex, she, experiments, can, carry out? 

Последовательность слов в структуре отрицательного предложения (MT-3)

539. cannot, complex, carry out, she, experiments.

540. must, drug, take, this, you, not.


Эквиваленты модальных глаголов


541. Эквивалент модального глагола «can» (MT -1)

                       a) to have to        b) to be allowed to c) to be able to


542. Эквивалент модального глагола «may» (MT -1)

                       a) to have to          b) to be allowed to c) to have to


543. Эквивалент модального глагола «must» (MT -1)

                       a) to have to                   b) to be able to      c) to be allowed to


544. Соответствие модальны x глаголов их эквивалентам (МТ-1)

1) can               a) to be going to                                                                               

2) may                     b) to have to

3) must                  c) to be allowed to

                                                     d) to be able to


545. Соответствие модальных глаголов их эквивалентам в прошедшем времени (МТ-1)

           1) can                a) had to

           2) may              b) was (were) able to

           3) must             c) was (were) going to

                                         d) was (were) allowed to


546. Соответствие модальных глаголов их эквивалентам в будущем времени (МТ-1)

           1) can              a) will (shall) be allowed to

           2) may              b) will (shall) have to

           3) must             c) is able to

                                         d) will (shall) be able to


Эквивалент выделенной части сказуемого в предложении (МТ-1)

547. The doctor was not able to establish the diagnosis until tomography was used.

                a) could not b) must not c) might not


548. At the chemist’s department you are allowed to buy medicines without a prescription.

a) must       b) is to                   c) may



549. A chemist-analyst has to control effectiveness of the drugs.

                       a) can                    b) must      c) may


550. He was not able to prescribe a proper treatment.

                       a) must not b) could not c) may not


Правильный вариант перевода выделенного сказуемого в предложении (MT-1)

551. The patient had to take the prescribed mixture three times a day.

           a) следовало принимать c) мог принимать

           b) должен был принимать d) пришлось принимать


552. We shall be able to come.

           a) не могли прийти    c) нельзя было прийти

           b) сможем прийти      d) не можем прийти


Глагол to be - модальный в предложении (МТ-1)

553.a) This disease is particularly dangerous to our health.

    b) The dentist is to extract your bad tooth.

    c) The biologist is investigating the nature of this phenomenon.


554. a) This drug is to be taken three times a day before meals.

    b) His health is impaired due to a dangerous lung disease.

    c)The consolidation in the lungs is revealed by X-ray examination.



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