Правильная форма сказуемого в предложении ( MT -1) 

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Правильная форма сказуемого в предложении ( MT -1)

485. This month a new method of investigation of the brain cortex _____ at the conference.

a) was discussed    b) has been discussed        c) discussed


486. The patient’s condition _____ by the end of the next week.

a) is improving   b) will improve               c) will have been improved

487. The cardiologist administered the patient an adequate treatment after all the necessary

   examinations _____.

a) had been made b) had made                c) were made


488. A wide network of medical institutions _____ in Russia by the end of the year.

a) will establish     b) had been established     c) establishes


489. Not one general hospital _____ in Britain since 2008.

a) is built              b) is being built           c) has been built


490. All the workers of this plant _____ as having acute radiation disease.

a) have been diagnosed     b) was diagnosed c) diagnosed


491. Mr. Belov’s thesis _____ long before he went to Moscow.

a) were completed b) had been completed      c) has been completed


492. Mr. Serov’s articles _____ by the end of the year.

a) will have been published b) is published     c) will publish


493. My left hand _____ and it aches at times.

a) are wounded   b) will be wounded        c) has been wounded


494. The patient improved after a specific course of treatment _____.

a) is applied         b) is being applied           c) had been applied


495. The character of heart defects _____ by the young cardiologist since the beginning of the year.

a) has been investigated b) investigated     c) was investigated


496. Patient Ivanov felt better after he _____ on by the surgeon.

a) is operated               b)is being operated           c) had been operated


497. The disease _____ by the beginning of the next week.

a) will control      b) will have been controlled         c) control


498. The most characteristic symptoms of rheumatic endocarditis _____ since the administration

   of new preparations.

a) are eliminated b) eliminated                   c) have been eliminated


499. Several electrocardiograms _____ this week.

a) have been taken b) is taken                       c)taken


500. The number of red blood cells ______ before the surgeon began the blood transfusion.

a) will be counted b) had been counted      c) counted


501. The patient _____ to the X-ray examination by the end of the week.

a) is sent             b) will have been sent    c) was being sent

502. The lecture on the exchange of gases in the lungs _____ today.

a) has been delivered    b) was delivered c) delivers


503. A female patient _____ to the hospital this month.

a) was transferred b) has been transferred    c) transferred


504. Such a conclusion was drawn by the investigator after a number of experiments _____.

a) had been performed   b) was performed c) had performed


Модальные  глаголы

505. Форма прошедшего времени глагола «can» ### (MT -1)

506. Форма прошедшего времени глагола «may» ### (MT -1)

Правильный перевод английского предложения (MT-1)

507. We are second year students and cannot treat patients.

          a) Студенты второго курса могут не лечить пациентов.

           b) Студенты второго курса иногда могут лечить пациентов.

          c) Мы – студенты второго курса и не можем лечить пациентов.


508. The course of treatment may last from 2 to 3 months. 

          a) Продолжительность курса лечения иногда составляет 2 – 3 месяца.

           b) Курс лечения может длиться от двух до трех месяцев.

           c) Курс лечения будет длиться от двух до трех месяцев.


509. You must keep this mixture in a cool place.

            a) Храните эту микстуру в прохладном месте.

           b) Эта микстура может храниться в холодном месте.

           c) Вы должны хранить эту микстуру в прохладном месте.


510. You should follow a certain regimen.

           a) Вам следует соблюдать режим.

           b) Вы можете соблюдать режим.

           c) Не может быть, чтобы вы соблюдали режим.


Правильный перевод русского предложения (MT-1)

511. Врач возможно делает операцию на сердце.

            a) The physician can perform an operation on the heart.

            b) The physician must perform an operation on the heart.

            c) The physician may perform an operation on the heart.


Правильный вариант перевода выделенного сказуемого в предложении (MT-1)

512. You must not be late for classes.

          a) не нужно опаздывать

           b) не можете опаздывать

           c) нельзя опаздывать



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