Правильный вспомогательный глагол к сказуемому в предложении (МТ-1) 

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Правильный вспомогательный глагол к сказуемому в предложении (МТ-1)

338. They _____ provided the laboratory with some new equipment by the first of September.

                a) were                   b) have                   c) had


339. The patient _____ just taken aspirin.

                a) has                     b) was                    c) had


340. The patient _____ taken aspirin before the doctor came.

                a) has                     b) was                    c) had


341. She _____ not seen her parents since May.

                a) did                     b) has                     c) is


342. The nurse _____ already taken the patient’s temperature.

                a) has                     b) had                    c) have


Последовательность слов в структуре утвердительного предложения (МТ-3)

343. already, the, cells, nurse, of, estimated, the, number, blood, has.

344. been, she, for, ill, three, has, days.     

345. has, since, the, scientist, published, three, May, young, articles.

346. broken, the, just, patient, has, thermometer, a.         

Последовательность слов в структуре отрицательного предложения (МТ-3)

347. not, the, yet, aired, nurse, has, ward, the.

348. the, weight, not, patient, has, lately, his, lost.

Последовательность слов в структуре вопросительного предложения (МТ-3)

349. dissecting, you, have, ever, to, been, room, the?


350. has, the, who, completed, yet, experiment?

351. her, week, has, she, cardiologist, seen, this?


Времена группы  Perfect Continuous

Правильный английский вариант русского предложения (МТ-1)

352. Мальчик страдает от сильной головной боли с пятницы.

a) The boy was suffering from a bad headache on Friday.

b) The boy suffers from a bad headache every Friday.

c) The boy has been suffering from a bad headache since Friday.


Сказуемое в Present Perfect Continuous в варианте (МТ-1)

353.         a) The patient took the drug three hours ago.

b) The patient has been taking this antibiotic for 3 days.

c) The patient has not taken any antibiotic yet.



Правильный вариант сказуемого в предложении (МТ-1)

354. Moist râles _____ gradually during the whole course of the disease.

                a) have been changing       c) has been changing

                b) are changing                  d) have changed


355. The tuberculous patient _____ air baths for about a month.

                a) is taking                   c) has been taking      

b) took                                          d) had been taking


356. For several months the patient _____ food with a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates.          a) has received                 c) had been receiving            

b) has been receiving         d) was received


357. The woman _____ of a bad headache for a week.

                a) has been complaining    c) complains

                b) is complaining               d) complained


358. Fever _____ for a week before the patient was admitted to the hospital.

                a) was persisting                c) has been persisting

b) persisted                        d) had been persisting


Правильная форма сказуемого в предложении (МТ-2)

359. I ### for the findings of my blood analysis for an hour. (to wait)


360. The temperature ### during the course of the disease until the patient was operated on.

  (not to reduce)


361. They ### this case for three weeks by the end of the next month. (to investigate)

362. The patient ### for a month by the time he was admitted to the hospital. (to cough)

363. Severe tenderness ### for another 2 days inspite of antibiotics given intravenously. (to persist)

364. The patient’s condition ### during the last week until he felt an acute chest pain. (to improve)

365. The researcher ### the origin of the inflammation for about a week before he drew a definite   conclusion. (to investigate)

Правильный английский эквивалент глагола-сказуемого в предложении (МТ-3)

366. He (работает) at the University for 10 years. ###


367. The patient (страдает) from a bad headache for 2 hours. ###

368. The doctor (обследовал) the patient for half an hour when I came. ###

369. The nurse (делает) injections for 4 hours. ###

370. Some symptoms of the vascular impairment of the brain (развивались) gradually for some time before they became clearly marked. ###

371. The patient (принимает) the medicine for 2 weeks but she doesn’t feel better. ###

372. The patient (страдал) from a bad cough for a week before he consulted a physician. ###


Последовательность слов в структуре утвердительного предложения (МТ-3)

373. been, the, 15, woman, for, has, medicine, taking, days, this.



Видо-временные формы  английского  глагола

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