Формы  и  функции  глагола to be 

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Формы  и  функции  глагола to be

Формы  и  функции  глагола to be

Правильная форма глагола to be в предложении (MT-1)

 1. It _____ difficult for him to study at the University.

a) are          b) was        c) were


 2. L.Pasteur _____ the founder of microbiology.

a)am     b) was     c) are


 3. The students of our group _____ in the dissecting room last week.

a) are       b) was      c) were


 4. When I. Mechnikov received the Nobel Prize he _____ 63.

a) is       b) will be    c) was


 5. The doctor considered that there _____ two main causes of a high tْ in this patient.

a) was        b) are          c) were


Правильная форма глагола to be в предложении (MT-2)

 6. My friends and I ### medical students.


 7. Anatomy ### the most important subject in the first year.


 8. Grippe and pneumonia ### dangerous diseases.


 9. Sometimes it ### very difficult to make a correct diagnosis without characteristic symptoms

of the disease.

10. As you know acute appendicitis ### sometimes dangerous to life.

11. “Your condition ### rather good today,”-said the doctor.

12. The findings of our experiment ### very important.

13. Every day our classes ### over at 3 p.m.

14. I ### ill with the grippe and have to stay in bed.

15. My friend ### seriously ill and can’t go to the polyclinic.

16. These children ### ill with the grippe two months ago.

17. When the nurse took the tْ it ### high.

18. I went to see my friend as he ### seriously ill and had to stay in bed.

19. The nurse gave the patient some sedative as he ### in a very poor condition.

20. When the patients ### well again they left the hospital.            

21. Blood ### a fluid сonnective tissue.

22. The operation ### successful and soon the patient could walk.

23. It ### a surgeon who performs operations in the hospital.

24. I ### responsible for the results of the experiment.

25. I had a high temperature as I ### seriously ill.

26. When I ## ill with tracheitis I always have a bad pain in the chest.

27. The main symptom of bronchitis ### a short painful dry cough.

28. The patient complained of a bad headache and his pulse ### rapid.

29. Patients with pneumonia ### usually prescribed antibiotic injections.

30. Last week the consolidation in the lungs ### revealed by X-ray examination.

31. The room where different analyses are made ### a laboratory.

32. Primary forms of TB ### often observed in childhood.

33. The patient complained of a bad pain in the heart so it ### necessary to take the ECG.

34. His condition ### very poor last week.

35. All patients ### usually excited before the operation.


Соответствие между обстоятельством времени, подлежащим и формой глагола to be (MT-2)

36.           1) my friend … usually                 a) am

2) in some days he …               b) will be

3) every day my friend and I … c) are

       4) last Monday he …                d) was

       5) at present I …                     e) will be \ shall be

       6) next year we …                   f) were

g) is


Правильная форма глагола to be в предложении (MT-2)

37. -Were you in the laboratory a week ago?

-No, we ### there the day after tomorrow.

38. In some years we ### doctors.

39. In a week you ### well again.

40. Fever ### a symptom of many infectious diseases.

Последовательность слов в структуре утвердительного предложения (MT-3).

41. usually, over, 3 p.m., are, classes, at, our.

42. than, Аnatomy, is, more, Biology, difficult.

43. my, when, was, well, hospital, left, friend, again, he, the.

44. in, days, will, ready, some, the, results, analysis, your, of, blood, be.

Последовательность слов в структуре вопросительного предложения (MT-3)

45. what, the, organ, important, body, is, most, of, the?

46. treated, the, hypertension, with, drugs, with, antihypertensive, patient, special, is?

47. what, you, are, complaints?

48. shall, I, again, when, well, be?

Последовательность слов в структуре отрицательного предложения (MT-3)

49. not, high, temperature, very, his, is, today.

50. will, grippe, this, effective, case, in, drug, not, be, of.

51. was, condition, very, not, his, poor, yesterday.

Глагол to be-смысловой в предложении (MT-1):

52. a) He is going home now.

b) He is at home now.

c) He is to be at home at 9.


Глагол to be- cвязка именного составного сказуемого в предложении (MT-1):

53. a) Anatomy is a difficult subject.

b) Anatomy is taught at the Medical University.

c) Anatomy is to be taught for 3 terms.


Глагол to be- вспомогательный в предложении (MT-1):

54. a) She is to be at the University now.

b) She is going to the University now.

c) She is at the University now.


В действительном залоге

В страдательном залоге

Модальные  глаголы

505. Форма прошедшего времени глагола «can» ### (MT -1)

506. Форма прошедшего времени глагола «may» ### (MT -1)

Сравнительная степень(МТ-1)

585. наречия “well”             

           a) good             b) better     c) best


586. прилагательного “easy”             

           а) easiest    b) easily c) easier


587. прилагательного “large”

           a) largest    b) larger  c) less


588. прилагательного “easy”

           a) easier     b) easiest    c) easily


Превосходная степень (MT-1)

589. наречия “badly”                      

           a) bad         b) worst     c) worse


590. прилагательного “little”                   

           a) less         b) lest         c) least


591. прилагательного “big”

             a) bigger b) best     c) biggest


Превосходная степень(MT-2)

605. прилагательного “good” 

606. прилагательного “great”

607. прилагательного “much”

608. наречия “early”

609. прилагательного “difficult”      

610. Превосходная степень прилагательного "жирный" ### (МТ-3)

Причастие I

Предложение, содержащее причастие I в функции определения (МТ-1)

626. a) Examining a patient the doctor noticed some changes in his condition.

b) The doctor was examining a patient with pneumonia when we came.

  c) Doctors examining patients carefully usually make a correct diagnosis.


627. a) The microorganisms were growing rapidly in the human body and produced a disease.

    b) The invading microorganisms are able to produce a disease.

  c) Increasing rapidly in the body the microbes are able to produce a disease.


И ее названием

645. 1) being used               a) Indefinite Active

   2) having used                       b) Indefinite Passive

   3) having been used      c) Perfect Active

                                                   d) Perfect Passive


Причастие II

Сложные  формы  причастий


Самостоятельный  причастный  оборот

822. Самостоятельный причастный оборот не употребляется в ### (MT -1)

823. В самостоятельном причастном обороте может опускаться причастие

    от глагола ### (MT -1)

Сложное  дополнение

Сложное  подлежащее

Сложное  предложение

Имён существительных


Причастие I                                                                                                                            40

Причастие II                                                                                                                           44

Герундий                                                                                                                                49

Самостоятельный причастный оборот                                                                           53

Сложное предложение

Формы  и  функции  глагола to be


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