Reflection ( Рефлексия )   

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Reflection ( Рефлексия )  

Writing, Listening & Speaking

10. Individual work.Create a text about the garden soil

1. Discuss the following points:

a) subject;

b) your role;

c) audience;

d) a form of presenting information;

e) details concerning a plotline;

f) details concerning your projecting into a chosen character.

2. Pair work. Help each other to improve your texts.

11. Present your text to the class.


Speaking & Listening

12. Group work. Reflect on your own professional speech. (See appendix 4.)

13. Group work. Reflect  on  the  professional  speech  of  other  students.

(See appendix 4.)


14. Write a reflection on the text entitled “G arden soil”. (See appendix 4.)

Unit 5



I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

 1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about the garden and nature, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions and persisting in your own opinion. The following lexis can be helpful. (See appendix 1):

Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle...
a seed waiting to sprout;
a bulb opening to light;
a bud straining to unfurl.
And the anticipation nurtures our dreams.   Garden & nature quote by Barbara Winkler.

under the cloak of winter под покровом зимы
seed семечко
sprout всходить, побег
bulb луковица
to strain to unfurl стремиться распуститься
anticipation ожидание, предвкушение
to nurture  dreams лелеять мечты


Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

constructed element строительный элемент
water stream водоток, струя, ручеек
to attach to пристраивать
free standing отдельно стоящий
to provide shelter давать укрытие
pergola беседка из вьющихся растений
water body водоём
shade зонтик, укрытие от солнца
to raise a garden вырастить сад
to highlight выдвигать на первый план
garden bed грядка, клумба
weed сорняк
to enhance garden beauty усиливать красоту сада
to give artistic look придавать художественный / высокопрофессиональный вид
pattern узор, система
interconnected взаимосвязанный
to fit in вписывать в, приспосабливать
to perform the function выполнять функцию
plumbing водопроводная система

Vocabulary Focus

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


constructed element водоём
sprout садовая дорожка
to attach to придавать привлекательный вид
to unfurl строительный элемент
garden path луковица
water body распуститься
to serve in two ways выдвигать на первый план
to prettify/ give attraction to пристраивать
to highlight всходить, побег
bulb служить  двояко


to give artistic look водопроводная система
water stream давать укрытие
free standing придавать художественный/ высокопрофессиональный вид
natural appearance водоток, струя, ручеек
shade выполнять функцию
to provide shelter отдельно стоящий
to perform the function натуральный вид
plumbing зонтик, укрытие от солнца


to fit in округлой формы
complex shape грядка, клумба
to enhance garden beauty сорняк
pattern вырастить сад
round shaped вписывать в, приспосабливать
pergola усиливать красоту сада
garden bed узор, образец
weed сложная конфигурация
to raise a garden беседка из вьющихся растений


II. Evocation (Вызов)

Writing, Listening & Speaking

4. Individual work. Answer the following questions in writing:

1. What constructed garden elements do you know?

2. Can you describe these elements?


5. Group work. Share your information with your group mates and discuss it.

6. Report only one fact to the class to write it down on the board in the basket of ideas…

III. Realization (Осмысление)


7. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

concrete бетон
chain link fence сетчатое ограждение
shed навес, сарай
gazebo летний дом
cabana отдельный домик
pool прудок, заводь, бассейн
kiosk беседка
folly павильон "причуда" (“искусственные руины”)
studio павильон
log cabin бревенчатый домик
partition секция, перегородка
curved footway изогнутая дорожка
courtyard внутренний двор, четырёхугольный двор
to outline нарисовать контур,
well колодец, родник, ключ
tensioned fabric натянутая ткань
pond liner противофильтрационная облицовка водоёма
shingle кровельная дранка, плоская кровельная плитка
curlicue причудливый узор

8. Read the text and make marginal marks (пометки на полях):

- I knew it;

+ - New information;

- -The information contradicts my knowledge(противоречит моим представлениям);

? - The information isn’t enough or understandable (непонятна или недостаточна).

9. Get ready to answer the following questions:

1. What did you know about constructed garden elements before reading the text?

2. What information did you find new reading the text?

3. What information contradicts your knowledge?

4. What information isn’t enough or understandable for you?

Constructed garden elements

Constructed garden elements are also called artificial elements. These elements need to be constructed. The following are some of the constructed elements:

Garden paths: It is an interesting element. In order to create a garden path, it is necessary to consider the garden design. The style of the garden paths varies as per the garden types.

Garden drainage system: This is an essential element for gardening. A good drainage system helps to grow the plants easily.

Garden fences: The fences serve in two ways. Firstly, it gives attraction to the garden and secondly it protects the garden from animals. There are different types of garden fences such as a wooden fence, a hedge, a vinyl fence, a timber fence, an electric fence, a chain link fence etc.

Garden buildings: These are the ornamental or decorative garden elements built in the garden. Sheds, gazebos, cabanas and garden offices are few structures, which are built in the gardens.

Garden water features: These are the essential elements in the garden. There are natural water features such as waterfalls and water streams, while there are also artificial water features such as pools, ponds, fountains etc.

Garden Buildings

Garden Buildings are the structures constructed in your garden or in your front yard. The following are some of the structures built in gardens:

Shed: It is a traditional type of small and simple one-storey building which is generally constructed in gardens. However, sheds are constructed for different purposes, but most of the sheds are created as garden sheds. Generally, garden sheds are built to keep the garden tools and pots. Nowadays, garden sheds are very small where only garden tools and mowers are kept.

Gazebo: It is usually built in the pavilion in gardens, parks and some public places. It is occasionally octagonal in shape. Gazebos are sometimes attached to the walls or generally free standing with a roof. Its sides are open providing shelter, shade, rest and act as an ornamental element in a landscape gardening. Gazebo includes all types of sheds like pagodas, kiosks, follies, pergolas, rotundas, and pavilions. Some structures are very much popular in warm and hot climates. The word gazebo was utilized by William and John Halfpenny in the book Rural Architecture in the” Chinese Taste” in 1750. Gazebos were also called as pavilions or summerhouses. However, in England and North America these structures are built with wood using some standard roofing material like shingles. Gazebos can be built in the tent style supported by poles which are covered with tensioned fabric. They can protect from flying insects.

Garden office: It is a small building standing alone which is used by the professional workers of the garden as an office. This can also be used by some small home based businessman. These buildings are usually small enough with electricity and insulation. However, they are different from sheds, studios, log cabins, summerhouses.

Cabana: There are different types of cabana used in the gardens. One type of a cabana is a very little hut with a thatched roof. It is mostly built near any water bodies and in tropical climatic conditions. Another type of a cabana is a shade which may be temporary or may be permanent. They are free standing having solid walls along with wonderful drapes. However, in modern type of cabanas, there may be dressing rooms, partitions, electricity, ceiling fans and many modern facilities.

Types of Garden Rocks

Rocks are mostly used in the designs of landscape gardening round the world. The use of rocks is very much prominent in the desert garden designs. However, rocks are also used in other styles of the garden but not so distinctly. There are different types of garden rocks. The following are some of the types of garden rock:

Flagstone: This type of stone is generally used to construct patios, garden paths, pools and some unique fountains in the garden. Flagstones are also used to create an enchanting way with a wonderful view to the entrance of a raised garden, a gazebo or a pool house. They are available in different sizes and shapes. Due to its various shapes, flagstone can be used to construct curved footways.

Concrete: Concrete is generally used in creating and decorating lawns. It includes walls, sculptures and borders. In landscape gardening, concrete ponds or lakes are the most common piece of element for its decoration. It is very exciting to have a concrete pond along with some fishes and an electric waterfall in it. It will create a relaxing effect in your courtyard.

Landscape gardening decorative stone: Basically there are two types of features in landscaping. They are softscaping and hardscaping. Softscaping deals with the plants and trees of the garden, while hardscaping deals with all the other elements used to create a garden. Using of stones in a garden will punch up the design of the garden. Decorative stones can be used to create stone walls, patios and also as the basic element to create a water feature like a fountain or waterfall.

White marble: This rock type is mostly found in the flower beds, gardens and on the footpaths. Generally, white colored marble is used along with the colorful flower or cactus garden. White marbles are used so that they may not attract the visitors’ attention, but help to highlight the other elements of the garden.

Boulders: These rocks are very large and heavy and can be used in different ways. Boulders can be used to outline a group of flower plants or trees in a particular place in a garden. These can be used as a focal point around garden fountains or swimming pools.

Pea Gravel: These are smaller in size with various types of colors. They can be used in fish ponds and provide good drainage. They can also be used in artificial ponds along with a footbridge over it. Pea gravels are also used to create footpaths as they do not move too much when weight is applied.

River rock: Most of the gardeners prefer to utilize river rock for their landscape gardening. These rocks are usually used in low land areas for well drainage and also in flower beds or garden beds to control weed. River rocks are also used around the ponds and swimming pools retaining the natural view of stream in a fountain.

Garden Water Features

Various garden water features serve to provide water to the garden plants or just enhance garden beauty. The water features such as wells, ponds etc. are used to provide water to the plants whereas fountains are created to give an artistic look to the gardens.

Ponds and pools:
The basic difference between ponds and pools is that the ponds are created by digging in the ground while pools are created by using concrete on the ground. But nowadays, both these words are used in the same sense as they are created using the same ideas. Ponds can be formal or informal in their designs. The simple square or round shaped ponds are easy to build and suitable mainly for small gardens or even patios. The complex shapes can be practiced for the formal large gardens. The large ornamental pools or patterns of the interconnected pools can also be seen in large gardens. The formal garden ponds can be built for your own garden or bought. However, it is easy to create the rained ponds as per your requirements. Informal pools or ponds are seen in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The natural appearance of these ponds makes them very appropriate in various garden situations. Therefore, these ponds are popular in gardening.

There is a wide variety of building materials available to create the ponds. These pools can also be bought to fit in the garden area. But building the informal ponds in a garden using the concrete or pond liner allows you to create more interesting garden designs though it is a bit difficult task. Most gardeners see it worth to take this effort. Wildlife ponds are designed depending on the species you want to attract to your garden. Normally these ponds are informal. The primary consideration for creating these gardens is the habitat required for these species. This includes security from the enemies, access to water and food sources.

Garden wells:
This is an old type of water feature in the garden. The wells are created by digging in the garden especially at the water resources under the ground. Later the wells are properly constructed using concrete.

The fountain is also an important man- made garden element. The fountains mainly perform the function of attracting people to the garden. The fountains aerate water for plants and fish. A range of fountain types is available from the simple spray type to the beautiful dancing type fountains. The fountains can be created within the ponds or can stand as the self- contained garden water features. The copper pipes make this water features very decorative. The central pipes provide plumbing for these garden fountains. On the either side, a copper pipe is twisted on the top to make a curlicue.


Reading, Writing & Speaking

10. Read the text once again, fill in the “marginal table” and answer the following questions:

+ - ?
I knew that … I didn’t know that … The information about … contradicts my knowledge because … The information about … isn’t enough or understandable for me, because …

Vocabulary Focus

11. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “The garden buildings, their form and function”. Share your ideas with the partner:


to consider shelter, shade, rest
an essential purposes
to give the garden tools and pots
artificial to the walls
for different element for gardening
to keep attraction to the garden
to attach water features
to provide as an ornamental element
to act the garden design

12. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “The most common garden rocks and their function”. Share your ideas with the partner:


available weed
to control a group of flower plants
common the other elements
to create piece of element
to attract in different sizes and shapes
to highlight in creating and decorating lawns
to use a relaxing effect
to outline the visitors’ attention

13. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in your own text entitled “Garden water features’ general characteristics and function”. Share your ideas with the partner:

to provide to create the ponds
to enhance in the garden area
to give of the interconnected pools
suitable garden beauty
practice water to the garden plants
pattern to create interesting garden designs
materials available the function of attracting people
to fit for creating gardens
to allow an artistic look to the garden
primary consideration for small gardens
to perform complex shapes

Listening & Speaking

14. Pair work. Discuss and answer the following questions:

1. What are the main artificial elements of the garden?

2. What function do garden buildings perform in the garden design?

3. What are gazebos designed for?

4. What is special about the garden office?

5. What garden rocks do you find the most effective in landscape gardening?

6. What pond designs can enhance garden beauty?

Reflection (Рефлексия)

Writing & Speaking

15. Individual work. Create a quote about constructed garden elements, reflect on it, interpret and ground it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions. (See appendix 5.)

16. Write a reflection on the text “Constructed garden elements”. (See appendix 4.)


Grammar Focus

Participle I, II

17. Read the following sentences paying attention to Participle I, II in the function of attribute (определение). Translate the sentences:

1. Constructed garden elements are also called artificial elements.

2. These are the ornamental or decorative garden elements built in the garden.

3. Garden Buildings are the structures constructed in your garden or in your front yard.

4. The Gazebo’s sides are open providing shelter, shade, rest and act as an ornamental element in a landscape gardening.

5. Gazebos are sometimes attached to the walls or generally free standing with a roof. 

6. Gazebos can be built in the tent style supported by poles which are covered with tensioned fabric.

7. A garden office is a small building standing alone which is used by the professional workers of the garden as an office.

8. The cabana is mostly built near any water bodies and in tropical climatic conditions.

9. River rocks are also used around the ponds and swimming pools retaining the natural view of stream in a fountain.


18. Pair work. Discuss the following statements with your partner. Express your own opinion:

1. Landscape architects change the world doing their professional activity.

2. Prettifying the places they create favorable conditions for people’s rest.

3. Analysing the nature around the site landscape architects prepare it for landscaping.

4. Creating a garden a practitioner considers various factors.

5. Creating a garden path it is necessary to consider the garden design.

6. A landscape architect involved in the planning and design of different sites plays a creative role in the society.

7. Places created for people by landscape architects adorn the outworld.

8. Regenerated towns and cities revive people’s feelings across the world.

9. The structures constructed in the garden perform a decorative function.

10. Used in different ways boulders help give attraction to the garden.


Module 3


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