EX . 3. Образуйте формы будущего времени с конструкцией BE GOING TO . Переведите все предложения 

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EX . 3. Образуйте формы будущего времени с конструкцией BE GOING TO . Переведите все предложения


(finish) I ______ it next week. I am going to finish it next week.
(go) He ______ there tomorrow.    He is going to go there tomorrow.
(be) We ______ at the meeting.    We are going to be at the meeting.
(retum)(ask) I ______ and ______ him. I am going to return and ask him.


(explain) The teacher ______ the next lesson to us tomor­row.
(attend) We ______ that conference in St. Louis next month.
(study) I ______ my English lesson with my friends tonight.
(be) Mr. Wilson and Mr. Johnson ______ in the office all afternoon.
(go) We _______ to the movies with our friends tomorrow night.
(invite) Miss Anderson _______ all of her friends to her party.
(teach) Mr. Harris _______ a different English class next year.
(go) My brother _______ to Baltimore with me next week.
(repair) The men _______ the roof of the house the day after tomorrow.
(be) There _______ an important meeting here next Thursday eve­ning.

EX. 4. Вопросы с конструкцией «BE GOING TO». Пере­стройте утвердительные предложения в вопросы. Переведите все предложения


Не is going to leave early. Is he going to leave early?
They are going to be there Are they going to be there?


1. Bill Brown is going to eat lunch with us today.

2. All of the students are going to go to the lecture tonight.

3. You are going to accept his offer for a job with that company.

4. There is going to be a party here next Friday night.

5. His friends are going to leave here the day after tomorrow.

6. Professor Moore is going to explain that lesson to them.

7. We are going to watch that television program tonight.

8. Both Fred and Tom are going to be. at the meeting tomorrow.

9. Mrs. Johnson is going to wear her new dress this evening.

10. Mr. Brown is going to take his vacation in August.

11. Frank's friends are going to go to the movies with us tonight.

Глагол “TO HAVE” и оборот “TO HAVE (HAS) GOT”


EX. 1. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную н вопроси­тельную формы


1. Магу has got a family.

2. Jane has got a lot of children.

3. I've got a wife.

4. My children have got a lot of friends.

5. They have their English in the morning.

6. They had a dictation yesterday.

7. He's having dinner now.

8. I often have a lot of work to do.

9. I've got a lot of work to do today.

10. She had a lot of work to do last week.

EX. 2. Составьте предложения по следующим образцам, исполь­зуя данные слова


Образец 1. I've got a family.

I haven't got a family.

Have you got a family?


a son, a sister, a friend, a wife, a mother, a father, skates, skis, an English (German, French) magazine, a text-book, a question


Образец 2. I have (had) dinner at two.

Do (did) you have dinner at two?

I don't (didn't) have dinner at two.

Is he having dinner now?


to have breaklast (supper), a dictation, a test, classes, one's English (German, French)


Образец 3. I've got (haven't got) a cold now.

I often have (don't often have) colds, time, work.


EX. 3. Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на употребле­ние гла­гола to have и оборота to have got

a) 1. Have you got a family?

2. How many children have you got?

3. Have you got a son?

4. Which of your friends hasn't got a family?

5. Which of you has got a sister?

b)1. How often do you have English classes (dictations, tests)?

2. Did you have classes (a test, a dictation) last week?

3. When are you having a dictation (a test, your En­glish)?

c)1.Which days do you have much work to do?

2. Have you got much work to do now?

3. When do you usually have time to go to the cinema?

4. Have you got time to go to the theatre tonight?

5. Do your children often have colds?

6. Has your child got a cold now?



(Модальные глаголы)

EX. 1. Задайте вопросы к данным предложениям и ответьте на них отрицательно

Образец 1. Mary can speak English.

Can Mary speak English?

Mary can’t speak English.


1. We can read English books.

2. You can help your mother in the kitchen.

3. He can play football.


EX. 2. Переведите на английский


1. Мы умеем читать и писать по-английски.

2. Ты можешь закрыть дверь? – Да, могу.

3. Что мы можем видеть на улице?

4. Ты можешь мне сказать, сколько сейчас времени? – Нет, не могу.

5. Она не может кататься на коньках.



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