Microfiltration for the Reduction of Bacteria from Milk and Brine 

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Microfiltration for the Reduction of Bacteria from Milk and Brine

The use of Cross Flow Microfiltration for the reduction of bacteria in milk is discussed along with its applications for milk treatment. Innovations in equipment design are described and the effectiveness of their integration into the milk processing line for several specific processes documented. The application of MF for the reduction of bacteria in cheese brine is examined and typical running costs for MF/HTT treatment of milk and MF treatment of cheese brine are given.

Removal of bacteria and spores from milk by microfiltration technology (MF) – in contrast to their inactivation by heat – has been seen as a very interesting process for the dairy industry for many years. In spite of the potential of MF in the dairy industry for improving product quality parameters such as taste, shelf life, or protein content, the implementation of the oldest membrane technology has been negligible compared to reverse osmosis (RO) and ultrafiltration (UF).

Microfiltration is the oldest membrane technology, but the very first MF filters were depth filters in which particles and microorganisms were retained in the filter structure. For this reason the filters were not suitable for any industrial purpose concerning removal of bacteria from milk products. Later, true membrane microfilters in the form of symmetric or slightly asymmetric polymeric surface filters were developed in which the particle is either retained on the surface or passes through the membrane, depending on the size of the particle. A further development was the implementation of the “Cross Flow Microfiltrationˮ (CFMF) concept, normally used in UF and RO processes, in MF technology instead of the conventional “dead-end filtrationˮ by which a filter cake is produced on the filter, causing low flux and varying filtering characteristics.

    The most significant emerging application of CFMF in the dairy is the reduction of bacteria in milk. Another potential application to the dairy industry is in purification of cheese brine by MF because of the increasing need for preventing post-contamination of cheese by the cheese brine, especially with pathogenic bacteria.

Задание 1. Выполните письменный перевод текста. Обратите внимание на аббревиатуры, специальные термины и грамматические конструкции предложений.

Задание 2. Сопоставьте A с B, чтобы получилось предложение:

A:                                                         B:

a) Removal of bacteria from milk        is the reduction of bacteria in milk.

b) Innovations in equipment design              the implementation of the membrane

                                                             technology has been compared to RO.

c) In spite of the potential of MF        were depth filters.

d) The very first MF filters                  has been seen as a very interesting


e) Later, true membrane microfilters            are described.

f) The most significant application of were developed.


Задание 3. Найдите эквиваленты следующих слов:

микрофильтрация кросс-флоу, обработка молока, применение нового оборудования, отделение бактерий молока, сырный рассол, текущая стоимость,срок хранения, глубинный фильтр, обратный осмос, мембранная технология, вызывающий снижение потока, патогенные бактерии, старейшая технология, полимерная поверхность, зависящий от размера частиц.

Вопросы к практическому заданию

1. Что означает КФМФ?

2. Можно ли сравнить мембранную технологию с обратным осмосом и ультрафильтрацией?

3. Каковы были первые глубинные фильтры?

4. Что дает применение микрофильтрации кросс-флоу молочной промышленности?



Практическое занятие 16


Методы санации сырного рассола


Sanitation methods for cheese brine

Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты смогли составить высказывание об эффективных методах санации сырных рассолов, что является очень важным для молочной промышленности.

microfiltration (MF)                    микрофильтрация (МФ)

sanitation                                    санация

post-contamination                     повторное обсеменение

pathogenic                                  патогенный

sp.(сокр. от spores)                    споры

to survive                                    выживать

to be able to                                     быть способным к

lactobacilli                                  молочные палочки

yeast                                           дрожжи

mould                                         плесень

viable                                                   жизнеспособный

defect in cheese                           порок сыра

pasteurization                             пастеризация

addition of NaCI                         внесение NaCI

Kieselguhr treatment                   обработка на кизельгуровых фильтрах

above sanitation methods           вышеназванные методы санации

calcium phosphate sedimentation процесс осаждения фосфатом Са


no possible chemically based      делает невозможным химические

variations will occur                   превращения

neither the chemically based       никакие химические превращения


native                                                   нативный

heat treatment                             тепловая обработка

protein denaturation                   денатурация белка

“contaminated” by “non-milk”             загрязнение рассола «немолочными»

components                                          компонентами

in only one respect                               только в одном отношении

namely                                        зд. то есть

CFMF sanitation process                     процесс санации КФМФ

protein loss                                          потеря белка

cheese rind formation                 образование корки сыра

surface ripening                          механизм созревания


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:


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