Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English equivalents: 

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Replace the words in brackets with the corresponding English equivalents:

1. It is relatively simple, for example, for a physicist to measure (теплообмен) from metals or other inanimate objects, which possess certain constants of conductivity, expansion, surface features, and the like.

2. Ecological (измерения) probably never will be as precise or as subject to the same ease of analysis as (измерения) in physics, chemistry, or certain quantifiable areas of biology.

3. The development of biostatistics and proper experimental design, and the improvements in methods of sampling, permit a (количественный статистический подход) to the study of ecology.

4. The use of statistical procedures, and the application of computer science to mathematical models based on data obtained from the field, are providing new insights into (взаимодействия внутри популяции) and ecosystem function.

5. Such tools (дают возможность экологам) to follow from a distance the movements and behaviour of a free-ranging animal by radio signals beamed from a sender attached to the organism.

6. The use of laboratory microcosms - aquatic and soil micro-ecosystems, consisting of (живые и неживые материалы, заимствованные из естественных экосистем), held under conditions similar to those found in the field - are useful in determining rates of nutrient cycling, ecosystem development, and other functional aspects of ecosystems.


Put questions:


1. Because ecologists work with living systems possessing numerous variables, the techniques used by physicists and chemists, mathematicians and engineers, require modification.

2. To determine the heat exchange between an animal and its environment, a physiological ecologist is confronted with an array of variables and has the formidable task of both gathering the numerous data and analysing them.

3. Various aspects of the environment can be determined by physical and chemical means.

4. The use of statistical procedures is providing new insights into population interactions and ecosystem function.

5. Such tools enable ecologists to follow from a distance the movements and behaviour of a free-ranging animal by radio signals beamed from a sender attached to the organism.

6. Microcosms enable the ecologist to duplicate experiments and to perform experimental manipulation on them.


Give annotation of the text.


Human ecology

Human ecology is man's collective interaction with his environment. Influenced by the work of biologists on the interaction of organisms within their environments, social scientists undertook to study human groups in a similar way. Thus, ecology in the social sciences is the study of the ways in which the social structure adapts to the quality of natural resources and to the existence of other human groups. When this study is limited to the development and variation of cultural properties, it is called cultural ecology. Human ecology views the biological, environmental, demographic, and technical conditions of the life of any people as an interrelated series of determinants of form and function in human cultures and social systems. It recognises that group behaviour is dependent upon resources and associated skills and upon a body of emotionally charged beliefs; these together give rise to a system of social structures.


Put 4 questions to the text. (1 general, 1 special, 1 alternative and 1 disjunctive).

Answer the questions:

1. What is human ecology?

2. How do social scientists study human groups?

3. What is ecology from the point of view of social sciences?

4. How does human ecology view the biological, environmental, demographic, and technical conditions of the life of any people?

5. What is group behaviour dependent upon?


Give a short summary of the text.



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