Unit 1. Talking about yourself and your interests 

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Unit 1. Talking about yourself and your interests



Ролевая игра — ситуативно-управляемое речевое упражнение, направленное на совершенствование речевых навыков и умения говорения. Ролевые игры способствуют развитию воображения и творческих способностей студента, навыков межличностного общения, учебного сотрудничества и взаимодействия. Практикум «Английский язык: Ролевые игры» разработан для студентов разных направлений подготовки бакалавриата с целью формирования указанных умений и навыков.

Рекомендуемая техника проведения ролевой игры предполагает следующие этапы:

1) подготовительный этап по выполнению упражнений на закрепление необходимых в ролевой игре лексических единиц и грамматических структур, ознакомление с правилами игры/сценарием, распределение ролей, сбор дополнительной информации;

2) основной этап – проведение игры, в ходе которой решаются проблемные ситуации, имитирующие ситуации бытового и межкультурного общения;

3) заключительный этап – групповая рефлексия, аргументированное обсуждение, анализ и оценка хода и результатов игры, выводы.

Пособие состоит из пятнадцати разделов. Каждый раздел включает в себя целевую установку, речевые клише, задания и ролевые игры разных уровней сложности (Level 1 – базовый уровень; Level 2 – средний уровень), дополнительные задания для совершенствования навыков разговорной диалогической речи (Additional Practice) и задания для самостоятельного и взаимного оценивания уровня сформированности языковой коммуникативной компетентности студентов (Self-assessment/Peer-assessment).

В приложении представлены таблицы с критериями оценивания лексического, грамматического, фонетического и коммуникативного аспекта диалогической речи, что позволит преподавателю адекватно оценить результаты обучения и соответственно скорректировать учебный процесс, а студентам даст возможность определить свой уровень развития языковой коммуникативной компетенции и совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи.

Разработанный материал является частью ФОС (фонда оценочных средств) в рамках УМК по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (направления 50.03.03 История искусств, 51.03.01 Культурология, 37.03.01 Психология  и др.).



Task 3. In pairs take part in a role-play. Follow the instructions below.

Level 1

Time 10 min.


Card 1   Task 1: Talk with your partner about the food he/she likes. Here are some ideas what to ask:   l what kinds of food he/she likes; l if he/she enjoys spicy food; l if he/she eats out very often; l if he/she cooks at home; l what his/her favourite restaurant is and why; l if he/she is a vegetarian; l optional questions.   Task 2: Your partner will ask you about your hobbies. Answer his/her questions.



Card 2   Task 1: Your partner will ask you about the food you like. Answer his/her questions.   Task 2: Talk with your partner about his/her hobbies. Here are some ideas what to ask:   l what his/her hobby is; l if he/she collects something; l why he/she collects these things; l where he/she gets items for his/her collection; l if he/she paints, sings or plays a musical instrument; l optional questions.


Additional Practice


Task 5. Work in pairs to role-play a situation where you ask and give information about yourself, your interests, your goals, future plans etc. Use ROLE-PLAY ASSESSMENT RUBRICS/CRITERIA (Appendix) to assess your/your partner's performance.

Unit 2. Shopping

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used for shopping and returning an item to a store;

- take part in role-plays to practice conversations at the shop (buying a souvenir, clothes, exchanging or returning an item to a store).

Additional Practice

Unit 3. Leisure Time



Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases to discuss free time activities;

- take part in role-plays to practice talking about what to do in their free time and where to go out.


Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Making suggestions about free time activities: Arranging the time:
Would you like to play tennis? Do you fancy a game of darts? Let’s go swimming in the pool. How about going to a cafe? What about an Italian meal? Why don’t we go out for a coffee? We could stay at home and watch a film online. Won’t you join us for a game of snooker? What’s the best time to meet? Will you be ready at 8.30? When shall I call for you? Let’s arrange the time to leave. I’ll pick you up at 5.30. Let’s make it 5.30 at your place. 8.20 will be fine with me.
Negative response: Positive response:
It’s nice of you to ask, but I am not keen on... I don’t think I will, but thanks all the same. I’m not in the mood for it now, sorry. I thought I’d have an early night. I wanted to have an evening at home. I honestly can’t afford the time. If you don’t mind I’ll stay in tonight. No, let’s go skating for a change. I'd rather not. I am not sure. I’d like that very much! That would be very nice. That sounds like a good idea. I like the sound of that. I’d love to, thank you very much. That’s a really good idea, let’s go. I’d be very glad, thanks a lot. That's what I have always wanted to try!


Additional Practice

Unit 4. Planning a trip



Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases to discuss a trip;

- take part in role-plays to practice talking about trip arrangements and destination options.


Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Possible questions: Possible answers:
How about getting out of the city this weekend? Can we go there by train? Do you have a tent? How about a sleeping bag? What else should we take? Can we leave on Friday after work? Are we going to buy tickets in advance? What shall we do while we are there? Should we invite some friends? I think we can have a weekend getaway /a bus trip to... I shall call to reserve... (a room in the hotel/the tickets). That's a good idea. That sounds terrific. I can borrow … (a tent, a sleeping bag) from my friend. It's going to be fun. I can't wait.

Discussing a destination:

I have always wanted to visit …. It's going to be brilliant!

The highlight of the trip is definitely...

It's a good package deal. It's going to be a trip of a lifetime.

I think the trip to (...) sounds interesting. I'm interested in the trip to (....).

I'd really like to go there, but I'm not sure about …

It's a fascinating place with … (ancient ruins and historical landmarks).

I am not keen on … (sightseeing, etc). What about...

I don't like the activities on that holiday.

Perhaps (...) is the best choice. We can go … (white-water rafting, etc). I really want to do that / to go there.

Okay, so let's go to (....). I really need a holiday like that.


Additional Practice


Socks and underwear

Light jacket or sweater

Four casual shirts

Four pairs of pants or shorts

Outfit for dinner

Comfortable shoes

Dressy shoes for dinner

Two evening dresses



Eye drops

Pain relievers

First aid kit

Motion sickness medicine

Prescription medications




Chips and nuts

Energy bars

Bottled water


Tinned food



Phone charger

Camera and charger

Music player or e-reader




Travel-sized soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.

Contact lenses or eyeglasses




Hair dryer




Travel guides

Area maps

Driver’s license or identification

Favourite books




Unit 5. At the Airport

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used at the airport;

- take part in role-plays at the check-in desk, going through security and solving a problem of lost luggage.

Additional Practice

Task 4. In pairs take part in a role-play at the airport. You have lost your luggage and need help. Read the task below.

Level 2

Time 15 min.


Card 1   You have arrived at the place of your destination, but two of your bags haven’t. You need to address the clerk to find out what has happened. Be ready to:   l show your ticket; l say the number of your flight; l provide a description of your bags; l  give your address; l spell your full name; l ask if the clerk has any information about the current location of your luggage; l  ask how much time it will take the company to get the information about your luggage.


Card 2   You are a clerk at the airport. Help a traveller to find lost luggage. You will have to: - check his/her ticket; - ask about the number of his/her flight; - ask about the size and colour of the bags; - ask where the person is currently staying; say that you need this information to be able to send in the luggage later; - write down the person’s name, ask to spell it; -  promise to inform the person when you get the information.


Unit 6. At the Hotel

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used at the hotel;

- take part in role-plays to practice reserving a hotel room and checking in, making requests and asking for service.

Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:

Booking a room

Receptionist: Guest:
What kind of room would you like? Would you like a single room or a double room? I need to see if we have this type of room available. What are the dates of your stay? Can I have your name and telephone number, please? Could you please spell your last name? A single/double room is $85 per night. Do you have a room free for the next weekend? Could I reserve a room for two nights? How much is it per night? I’d like a double room with a balcony. I will arrive on Friday and leave on Monday. What facilities are there in the room? Does the room have air conditioning? I would like to have a room that overlooks the garden/ocean/park.

Hotel service

Receptionist: Guest:
Your room is upstairs to your right. Here’s the key. Would you like me to call you a taxi? When would you like a wake-up call? I’ll get someone to solve the problem, sir/miss/madam. The parking lot is right behind the hotel. You can leave some of your luggage in the storage room downstairs. I can’t open the window in my room. Will your technician take a look? How much is the soda water in the mini-bar? What time do I need to check out tomorrow? How can I get to the city centre from here? Can you get someone to change the sheets/towels in my room? Do I have to pay for breakfast? What time is breakfast served? Where can I exchange money?


Task 2. In pairs take part in a role-play: one of you is a guest, who wants to check in. The other student is a receptionist. Follow the instructions below.

Level 1

Time 10 min.


Guest: Receptionist:
A: Greet the receptionist and say your name. B: Welcome the guest and offer help.
A: You have a reservation and would like to check in. B: Offer three different types of rooms.
A: Ask which one is cheaper. B: Tell about the prices and special offers.
A: Choose the room and ask about facilities. B: Answer the question and ask how long the guest is going to stay.
A: Answer the question and say that you might want to stay longer. B: Inform that the policy of the hotel is to collect payment in advance. Repeat the price.
A: Ask if you can pay by credit card. B: Answer the question and ask to enter the PIN.
A: Pay for the room and ask for a wake-up call tomorrow at 7 am. B: Answer the question and explain where the room is.


Additional Practice

Unit 7. Asking the Way

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used to ask the way and give directions;

- take part in role-plays to practice asking and giving directions.


Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Asking for directions: Giving directions:
Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to a/the … (museum)? Could you tell me how to get to the city centre? Is it far? Will it take me long to get there? Can I get there by bus? I'm not sure. I can lose my way. Take the Green Line to / change to the Red Line Go straight to …past... cross the road... go across go along the street go straight on turn left / right at the traffic-lights / crossroads … then ask again. You can't miss it. You will need to take a bus. Well, I happen to be going in the same direction. I can show you the way.
Giving thanks: Receiving thanks:
Thank you. You are very kind. You are so helpful. Not at all. Don't mention it. You're most welcome.


Additional Practice

Unit 8. At the Restaurant


Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used at the restaurant;

- take part in role-plays to practice ordering food and describing dishes.


Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Waiter: Guest:

Welcome to our restaurant.

Do you have a reservation with us?

What is your name, please?

The window/booth tables are all reserved.

Right this way, please.

Have a nice time.

Here is your menu.

Would you like today’s specials?

Are you ready to order?

Would you like a starter?

What would you like for the main course?

How about a dessert?

Can I bring you anything else?

Would you like anything to drink (while you are waiting)?

How would you like your steak (rare, medium, well done)?

Do you want to pay separately? (for two people)

How would you like to pay?

Please enter your PIN.

Could I get a table by the window/ a booth table? I’d like to have the set lunch. I’d like to try the steak, please. Fish and chips for me, please. I’ll just take some salad, please. I’d have the onion soup to begin with, and the grilled lamb chops to follow. I think I’ll take a bowl of chicken soup for the main course. Could I have the bill, please? Can you make two separate bills for us? Can I pay by credit card?
Talking about the menu:
Shall we have a look at the menu? I'm so hungry. What would you recommend? What is it? What is special about it? Sounds delicious. I think I'll take it. Well, I'm not sure. No, I'd rather not. I'm on a diet. I don't want to put on weight. Let's take a bottle of French wine. Let's order now. It's a good restaurant and not very expensive.


Additional Practice

Unit 9. Telephoning

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used for a telephone conversation;

- take part in role-plays to practice telephone conversations.

Additional Practice

Unit 10. A Job Interview

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used at a job interview;

- take part in role-plays to practice conducting and going for an interview.

Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Icebreakers at a job interview

Interviewer: Interviewee:
Please, have a seat. As you know, our company is looking for … (a project manager)   I am really into working for your organisation. It has an excellent reputation.  
Interview questions: Possible answers:
Why do you think you suit for this position? I am able to get people to work together as a team. I think with my experience I can contribute to the company’s success.
What are your strengths? I get on well with people. I'm good at managing people.
Could you tell us about your weaknesses? What mistakes have you made? I'm not really patient when people don't meet deadlines. I expect too much of people who work for me. I have high standards and get impatient when people don’t do their job properly. But I am trying to learn to be more patient.
What kind of people do you work well with? As a team leader, I have to work with all kinds of people. But I like working with reliable and creative people.
Could you tell me about your interests? I like travelling, and I like discovering new cultures. I also like aerobics and skiing. I spend a lot of time playing sports at the weekend, and I'm keen on fitness, so I go to the gym a lot.
Do you have any questions? If I get the job, when would you like me to start?

Phrases for a natural conversation:

I see...

Can I ask you about your (interests/experience/weaknesses etc.)

That's very interesting, indeed.

What do you mean?

I'd like to find out if …/ I wonder whether...

I think I understand what you mean.

It's a tricky question, isn't it?

Finishing the interview:

That's about all. We'll keep in touch with you.

We need to think before we make a final decision.

We'll call you as soon as possible.


Option 1

GlobaLexicon Ltd - Project Manager (Translation & Language Services) - London, United Kingdom, Camden Description   GlobaLexicon is a fast growing, dynamic and fun company which provides clients with the highest quality language & translation services. Due to a growing client base, we are seeking a Project Manager. The position requires leadership & project management skills, ability to adapt to a rapidly changing & growing business. This is a great opportunity for up & coming leaders who are smart, organised, self-motivated and enthusiastic to work with the team.   Typical responsibilities will include:   •Project manage large language service projects •Lead team meetings and training sessions •Communicate effectively (verbal and written)   Skills & Experience:   •BA degree in linguistics. MA preferred. •Language skills: Fluent English and native in one other language (French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin). •Experience working in translation agency preferred •Ability to train others •Strong written and oral communication skills including presentation/meeting facilitation •Ability to multitask •Strong attention to detail •Excellent time management and organizational skills •Very strong skills in MS Office Applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) •Proficiency with other DTP software such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator (desirable)   Interested candidates please apply with cover letter and CV by clicking on the apply button below.


Option 2


Internship - New Venture For Pet Lovers - London   Description Are you interested in pets? This leading internet platform is setting up a new pet-related service for pet lovers and they urgently need interns to help establish their presence in London. As an intern, you will be multitasking across many different areas and business projects, including operations, marketing, product and customer facing activities. This is a chance to work at the heart of a small but talented team and getting involved in all areas of their business. Being an intern at this company is a great opportunity to gain experience working for a multinational company as their head office is based in Germany and the job will involve dealing with Germany based stakeholders.   Salary depending on experience.   Requirements:   • Ideally educated to degree level • Track record of great organisational and time management skills • Positive and friendly attitude, able to work collaboratively - you're a team player • Outstanding verbal and written communication and phone skills • Great attention to detail • Adept at working independently and with little direction (self-starters) • Interest/experience with pets (preferred but not necessary)  


Option 3


Event Organisation & Administration Intern - Camberley   Description   This is a unique opportunity for an Event Organisation & Administration Intern to join a small team with big responsibilities - this is a role suitable for an Intern, Student, Trainee, Apprentice or Graduate looking for a placement opportunity for up to 12 months, or perhaps someone in early stages of their career ladder. Based in Camberley you will be joining an organisation central to, and at the hub of the town centre, working with local businesses (offices, retail and leisure) as well as agencies and service providers in the town.   Your main duties and responsibilities will include:  
  •  Communicating with customers (verbal, in writing and using social media)
  • Assisting with events organisation, liaising with participants, sponsors and guests
  • 'Meeting and greeting' at business networking events, ensuring those who attend are made welcome
  • Researching and resourcing for events
  • General office support and administration including updating the mailing lists and contact data
  The ideal Intern will have the following skills:  
  • A positive 'can do' attitude
  • Excellent presentation and communication skills
  • Good IT skills on MS Office and an understanding of social media
  • Team player
  • Flexible in regards to start and finish times during events and peak periods in the workload
  You will receive a salary of £12,000 - £15,500 pa   To apply send your CV via the apply link online - you can be as creative as you like in terms of the style and format of your application, but please explain why this role is of interest to you, your availability to start, and what skills and/or experience you can bring to the team. We very much look forward to hearing from you.



Additional Practice

Unit 11. At the Library

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used at the library;

- take part in role-plays to practice talking about library rules and regulation.

Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Librarian: Patron:
Are you looking for a book in particular? Do you want a fiction or nonfiction book? Alright. One moment, please. We have a full database of our collection on the computer. I'll write down the call number for you. You can have the book for... (3 weeks). Every day you don't turn the book in after 3 weeks, you are charged 10 cents. Do you have a library card? I need a book about.... I think I'll browse for a little bit. Sorry, I have difficulty finding a book. How long may I have the book checked out? I'll try to get it in on time.  


Unit 12. At the Theatre

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases for choosing seats at the theatre and buying tickets;

- take part in role-plays to practice discussing where and what performances to see, exchanging opinions about the play.


Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Buying tickets: Box office describing seats:
I’d like to buy two seats for tomorrow’s show. Can I still get tickets for tonight? Are there any seats left for Saturday night? Is it still possible to get tickets for tomorrow? Is there anything left for tonight? Is there anything further back? Are there any boxes? Haven’t you got anything cheaper? Are there any seats in the upper-circle? I suppose there’s nothing in the circle, is there? There aren’t any boxes left, are there? Is there any chance of the first row? Would you like something in the front stalls? The front row of the dress-circle is fairly free. You can sit wherever you like in the first row. How many tickets do you need? I’ve got 2 seats left. I have only seats for the matinee left. I will have tickets only if somebody cancels. I’m afraid you’ve left it rather late.     I have only rear stalls left. Everything’s booked except the royal box. You wouldn’t like the back row, would you?
Giving information: Sharing opinion:
There’s a good comedy on at the Royal Theatre next week. The Covent Garden Theatre in London is famous for its ballet and opera performances with the best English ballet dancers and singers. The house is usually full. You have to book seats in advance. The National Theatre shows the best dramas. At the Aldwych Theatre both new and classical plays are put on. Have you seen many performances on the stage of the London Stratford Theatre? You can buy a programme and take opera-glasses to fully enjoy the performance. The best actors are engaged in this performance. You can buy a drink at the intermission. The action of this play is set in London. It was a splendid performance. The cast was perfect. There was so much feeling in the performance of the actors! The performance was very dramatic and convincing. I`ve heard you are a theatre-goer, aren't you? The action develops slowly. Some scenes are dull. The cast is not very good. That happens to be a rather poor performance. The hall is beautifully decorated. The chairs are comfortable and the performance is wonderful. The performance is magnificent. I absolutely adore the leading man’s play! This performance has an intricate plot and brilliant acting. It’s a heart-squeezing and ear-pleasing show – and the best commercial work of art I've recently seen. I particularly liked the choreography.


Additional Practice

Additional Practice

Unit 14. At the Art Gallery

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used when you visit a museum or an art gallery;

- take part in role-plays to practice discussing art and artists.

Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:


Going to an Art Gallery

Possible questions: Possible answers:
Do you fancy going to an art gallery? Which one do you recommend? Why don't we go to that art gallery now, I hope it's open. Is there an admission charge? There is currently an exhibition of.... He was a great national painter. The gallery/museum is open every day except Sunday. The admission charge won't be too much. In fact, I think it's actually free.

Discussing a painting: What do you think of this painting?

I love the colors and think that it is magnificent.

The landscape is peaceful / picturesque.

I would certainly hang that piece of art on my wall.

This is not kind of «easy» art.

The first one seems to be an abstract painting and the second picture is nearer to surrealism...correct me if I am wrong.

The painter has managed to achieve:

- balance in composition.

- an amazing effect.

- interesting visual effects.

- beauty and expressiveness of images.


Unit 15. Going to a Concert

Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases used to invite someone to a concert and to give your opinion about it;

- take part in role-plays to practice choosing a concert and sharing impressions.


Assessment Criteria






Useful Internet Resources


1. Practical English Conversations. URL:


2. 100 English Lessons. URL: http://www.englishspeak.com/english-lessons.cfm

3. General Topic Dialogues: Business. URL: http://www.eng1on1.com/dialogue.php?cat=1

4. Learning English Online. URL: http://www.learning-english-online.net/speaking/dialogues/going-shopping/

5. Everyday English in Conversation. URL: http://www.focusenglish.com/dialogues/conversation.html

6. Online Educare. URL: http://onlineeducare.com/a-dialogue-about-passing-the-leisure-time/

7. Oxford University Press. URL: https://elt.oup.com/student/engage/starter/starter_dialogues/?cc=ru&selLanguage=ru

8. Dialogue Writing. URL: http://dialoguewriting-all.blogspot.ru/2015/07/a-dialogue-about-passing-leisure-time.html

9. Travel English: Conversations in the Airport. URL:





Ролевая игра — ситуативно-управляемое речевое упражнение, направленное на совершенствование речевых навыков и умения говорения. Ролевые игры способствуют развитию воображения и творческих способностей студента, навыков межличностного общения, учебного сотрудничества и взаимодействия. Практикум «Английский язык: Ролевые игры» разработан для студентов разных направлений подготовки бакалавриата с целью формирования указанных умений и навыков.

Рекомендуемая техника проведения ролевой игры предполагает следующие этапы:

1) подготовительный этап по выполнению упражнений на закрепление необходимых в ролевой игре лексических единиц и грамматических структур, ознакомление с правилами игры/сценарием, распределение ролей, сбор дополнительной информации;

2) основной этап – проведение игры, в ходе которой решаются проблемные ситуации, имитирующие ситуации бытового и межкультурного общения;

3) заключительный этап – групповая рефлексия, аргументированное обсуждение, анализ и оценка хода и результатов игры, выводы.

Пособие состоит из пятнадцати разделов. Каждый раздел включает в себя целевую установку, речевые клише, задания и ролевые игры разных уровней сложности (Level 1 – базовый уровень; Level 2 – средний уровень), дополнительные задания для совершенствования навыков разговорной диалогической речи (Additional Practice) и задания для самостоятельного и взаимного оценивания уровня сформированности языковой коммуникативной компетентности студентов (Self-assessment/Peer-assessment).

В приложении представлены таблицы с критериями оценивания лексического, грамматического, фонетического и коммуникативного аспекта диалогической речи, что позволит преподавателю адекватно оценить результаты обучения и соответственно скорректировать учебный процесс, а студентам даст возможность определить свой уровень развития языковой коммуникативной компетенции и совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи.

Разработанный материал является частью ФОС (фонда оценочных средств) в рамках УМК по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (направления 50.03.03 История искусств, 51.03.01 Культурология, 37.03.01 Психология  и др.).



Unit 1. Talking about yourself and your interests


Objectives: In this unit students will:

- learn common phrases to talk about themselves and their interests;

- practice asking questions;

- take part in role-plays to practice talking about themselves and their hobbies.

Task 1. Read the phrases and practice saying them:

Asking questions: Giving answers:
What's your name/surname? My name/surname is... I am...
Where are you from? Where do you come from? I am from...               I come from... My native town / city is...
How old are you? I am … years old.
Where do you live? I live in St. Petersburg. It's a fascinating city/ a cultural capital. It's famous for its architecture and museums.
Are you married? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. I am single.
Do you live with your parents? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. I live with... /I rent a flat. I live in a youth hostel.
What kind of person are you? outgoing / sociable /organized / ambitious / reliable / responsible / emotional / creative / motivated / active / friendly / optimistic / fun loving / caring / polite / talkative / intelligent
What are you interested in? I am interested in … (arts, history, culture, languages, etc.)
What do you like (doing)? Do you enjoy … (reading, travelling, visiting museums, surfing the Internet, watching films, sightseeing, shopping, dancing, singing, etc.) I like …very much. / I … a lot. I spend a lot of time … (reading, travelling, visiting museums, etc.)
What languages do you speak? I speak … a little (fluently).
How long have you been learning English? I've been learning English for … years. I can... (read and write in/ speak/ translate from) English.
What is your favourite …. (book, film, music, place in St. Petersburg)? My favourite … is..... I like... very much.
Where do you study? I study at St. Petersburg University of Culture. It is situated in the city centre (in a historic building, on the bank of the Neva river).
Why do you want to study at this university? I am interested in the history of culture. It is one of the oldest universities in St. Petersburg.
What do you do in your free time? I read books (watch news, surf the Internet, go shopping, visit museums, go to the cinema, work out in a gym, go swimming, do volunteer work, improve my English, participate in social projects, etc.)
What are your plans for the future? I plan to … (work in a museum / do research /study for a master's degree.)


Task 2. In pairs take turns to ask and answer questions about:

Level 1

Time 10 min.

- your interlocutor's name and surname;

- the place where he/she was born or lived in his/ her childhood;

- age and address;

- telephone number;

- what kind of person he/she is;

- interests and hobbies;

- favourite free time activities / favourite writer/ favourite food;

- how often he/she goes to museums/ eats out in a cafe/ watches TV;

- what he/she likes about St. Petersburg;

- what book your interlocutor has recently been reading;

- his/her plans for the future.



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