Контроль безопасности в аэропорту 

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Контроль безопасности в аэропорту

Главной задачей предпринимаемых мер безопасности в портах прибытия является предотвращение террористических угроз. Терроризм – одна из главных угроз безопасности людей нашего времени. Террор за последние годы доказал свою крайнюю прогрессирующую жестокость.

В целях обеспечения безопасности ручная кладь и багаж пассажиров сканируются в обязательном порядке. Специальные рамки металлоискателя оповестят о наличии запрещенных предметов, например, оружия. Нестандартное поведение или большой багаж могут послужить причиной для дополнительной проверки, например, проведения личного досмотра пассажира.

При входе в пассажирский терминал аэропортов необходимо пройти так называемый входной контроль, который является обязательным для каждого входящего гражданина. При входном досмотре в аэровокзале проводится досмотр пассажиров и их ручной клади. Процедуру досмотра проводят сотрудники службы безопасности аэропорта. При этом применяются стационарные и портативные металлоискатели. Кроме этого, используют рентгенотелевизионные интроскопы и газоанализаторы.

Task VI. Translate the following text into Russian.

Nowadays we can’t imagine our life without modern technologies. They got practically into all spheres of life activity. Technology is modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, systems and methods of organization for solving different problems, achieving goals or performing specific functions.

Inspection technologies to aid Customs examinations are developing at a rapid pace and when deployed as part of a layered risk management approach the pay-offs associated with implementation are increasing as these technologies mature. The use of inspection technologies in support of Customs activities is becoming increasingly important as members develop strategies to counter issues such as increasing trade volumes, static resources, trade security and terrorism, accurate revenue collection, supply chain facilitation, piracy and counterfeiting, commercial fraud, false documentation, money laundering and public health and safety.

Given the tremendous importance and opportunities now presented by the development of technologies that support Customs front line operations and in order to assist Members to assess the merits of the technology products on offer.



Task I. Read the following text and answer some questions in writing:

1. What is the Russian Customs Service headed by?

2. What is the Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia?

3. What is the Federal Customs Service guided by?


Federal Customs Service

The Russian Customs Service has a complex infrastructure. It is headed by the Federal Customs Service. The day-to-day operation of Customs offices and border checkpoints is supervised by Regional Customs Departments.

The Federal Customs Service (FCS) of Russia is a federal executive authority, performing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation the functions of control and supervision in the field of Customs and the functions of a currency control agent and special functions of contraband control, abatement of other crimes and administrative violations.

The Federal Customs Service (FCS) is under the jurisdiction the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The FCS in its activity is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, international agreements of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, and also by present Regulations.

Task II. Find the words synonymous to:

International, violation, checkpoint, agreement, authority, cooperation, executive, regulation, abatement, finance, introduction, assessment, clearance, indicator, techniques.


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