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Найдите сказуемые в предложениях. Переведите предложения со сказуемыми в форме страдательного залога.


    Формула страдательного залога: be + 3 форма глагола

· Характеристика ситуации, о которой идёт речь в предложениях: действия, которые производятся обычно, вообще,

    Формы глагола “ to be ”, необходимые для описаиня таких ситуаций: наст.вр.: am, is, are, пр.вр: was, were, буд.вр.: will be

+ 3 форма глагола


1. Mercedes cars are produced in Germany.

2. St. Petersburg was founded by Peter I.

3. Winter Olympic Games of 2014 will be organized in Sochi.

4. The company was sold last year.

5. Chocolate is made of cocoa powder and sugar.

6. These detective stories were written by Agatha Cristy.

7. The Academy was founded in 1803.

8. A new rector of the Academy will be elected in 2010.

9. Film festival in Cannes is organized every year.

10. The Internet is used by many people.

11. Pensions are guaranteed to all citizens of Russia.

12. The door was opened with a lock-pick.

13. The suit will be altered to your size.

14. This program is watched by all my friends.

15. “Vkontakte” is used by all my friends.

16. Everything will be prepared by Friday.

17. The novel was screened by Spielberg.

18. Many people are fired during crises.

19. All products are delivered to my flat.

20. The song will be recorded in the USA.

21. 100 million bacteria are contained in a teaspoonful of soil.

22. The paper US money is printed on is not paper at all, but cloth: ¾ cotton and ¼ linen.

23. Igor Sikorsky is considered to be the "father" of helicopters not because he invented the first.

24. Igor Sikorsky is called the “father” of helicopters because in 1939 he invented the first successful helicopter, upon which further designs were based.


· Характеристика ситуации, о которой идёт речь в предложениях: действия как процесс, то есть действия в процессе развития,

    Формы глагола “ to be ”, необходимые для описаиня таких ситуаций: наст.вр.: am being, is being, are being, пр.вр.: was being, were     being, буд.вр.: -

+ 3 форма глагола

1. I cannot come to your evening party – my car is being repaired.

2. Their first musical album is being recorded in the USA.

3. The project is being discussed in the Parliament.

4. I first saw him when he was being interviewed for the job.

5. I could not enter the hall – it was being cleaned.

6. It will be very beautiful in the garden – tulips and daffodils are being planted now.

7. Wait a minute – the table is being laid for you.

8. He had to live in his parents’ flat because his flat was being redecorated.

9. This medicine is being widely advertised on TV.

10. The ATM was being repaired, so we had to look for another one.

11. You can come to the hotel – your room is being prepared for you.

12. At present the equipment is being imported from France but next month our company will be produced in Russia.

13. All his bags are being searched by the policemen.

14. New year programmes are being rehearsed at all TV channels.

15. My passport is being issued so I cannot go to any foreign country.

16. It is spring now and young men are being recruited to the Army.

17. The information is being processed and you will get the answer in 5 minutes.

18.  I decided to fill in the check-in form while my baggage was being taken to my room.

19.  Though it is not allowed to sell alcohol and cigarettes near schools, they are being sold everywhere.

20. The news is being broadcast by all TV channels.


· Характеристика ситуаций, о которых идёт речь в предложениях: действие, котороеуже сделано (на настоящий момент, до какого-то другого действия, к какому-то моменту), наст.вр.- уже сделано на настоящий момент, прошедшее + настоящее, наличие/отсутствие опыта:

    Формы глагола “ to be ”, необходимые для описаиня таких ситуаций: наст. вр.have been, has been, пр.вр.- сделано до какого-то   момента/другого действия в прошлом: had been, буд.вр.- будет сделано к какому-то моменту в будущем: will have been

+ 3 форма глагола


1. Everything had been discussed before they came here.

2. This equipment has never been used before.

3. Your room will have been prepared by your arrival.

4. You have been asked twice – why cannot you give any answer?!

5. This month 3 new cafeterias have been opened not far from my house.

6. I cannot buy anything – the shop has just been closed.

7. The hall will have been redecorated by the end of the week.

8. The book had been screened in Germany and 3 years later a new version was produced in France.

9. All participants of the conference have been accommodated in the best hotels of the city.

10. I hope, all the texts will have been translated by the time when I come back.

11. All witnesses to the accident have already been interrogated.

12. All preliminary work had been carried out before the logging operation started.

13. Stop talking! You have just been asked to keep silence!

14. I hope that the law will have been adopted before it is too late to solve the problem.

15. 100 employees have been fired from the company this month.

16. He has just been asked this question.

17. I am sorry but the car has just been sold!

18. Don’t worry – the project will have been launched before the end of the month.

19. Nothing could be changed – the e-mail had been already sent.

20. By the time we came there all the tickets had been sold



11. Найдите сказуемые в страдательном залоге в предложениях,  посмотрите перевод предложений в РТ и докажите, что сказуемые переведены правильно:


1. If he misses more than 5 lectures he will be expelled from the University.

2. Students who study well are usually given state grants.

3. The main building of the University was redecorated last year.

4. Be careful! This lecture hall is being redecorated and it is a little dirty here.

5. In 1914 our city was renamed Petrograd.

6. The coasts of Russia are washed by 12 seas of three ocean basins: the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

7. Students’ identity cards were issued only in the middle of September so we could buy monthly bus tickets only for October.

8. Students’ identity cards are given the same number as students’ record books.

9. The Forest Technical Academy was founded in 1803.

10. About 500 students will be accepted to the University next year.

11. I am so happy – I have just passed my first exam!

12. I could not borrow the book I needed from the library – all books had already been borrowed.

13. Monitors should supervise and check how many lectures are missed by the students of her/his group.

14. The Dean's office is being relocated so you will have to wait to get your students' identity cards.

15. Doctor's note is not valid – it is not signed and there is no stamp of polyclinics on it.

16. Students are allowed to miss lectures only if they are sick.


12.Поставьте глагол в скобках в форму Past Indefinite Passive и переведите предложения. Перед тем, как начать выполнять упражнение     Вы можете закрыть обозначение года и проверить, помните ли Вы,    когда было сделано открытие/что-то изобрели:


1. Laminated veneers first (to develop) in the 1940s for aircraft parts.

2. Plywood (to invent) about 3400 B.C. by the Ancient Mesopotamians, who attached several thinner layers of wood together to make one thick layer.

3. The first functional computer (to create) by Konrad Zuse in 1936. The word “computer” was first recorded in 1613 and was originally used to describe a person who performed calculations.

4. The earliest known interactive electronic game (to create) by Thomas T. Goldsmith and Estle Ray Mann in 1947.

5. Modern plywood (to invent), in the 19th century, by Immanuel Nobel, father of Alfred Nobel.

6. The first car powered by steam (to invent) by Ferdinand Verbiest in 1672.

7. Ball-point pen was invented in 1938 by a Hungarian journalist named Laszlo Biro.


8. The first self-powered automobile powered by a steam engine (to build) in 1769 by Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (France).


9. The first car with an internal combustion engine (to design) and invented in 1806 by Francois Isaac Rivaz, a Swiss inventor.

10. The first ever car powered by electricity (to design) and (to invent) in 1881 by Gustave Trouve.

11. The first car powered by gasoline (to design) and built in 1885 by Karl Benz (Germany).

12. The earliest paper (to make) of papyrus plant so it was called “paper”.

13.  Paper (to invent) by the Cai Lun by 105 AD during the Han Dynasty.

14. Lucy the Elephant - a six-story elephant-shaped house – (to construct) of wood in 1881 by James V. Lafferty in New Jersey (USA).

15. The very first piloted helicopter (to invent) by Paul Cornu in 1907, however, this design was not successful.

16. Optical microscope (to invent) in 1590 by Zaccharias Janssen and his son Hans –two Dutch spectacle makers.

17. The aerosol spray can (to invent) in 1926 by Norwegian inventor Eric Rotheim.

18. The wreck of Titanic (to discover) in 1985 by Dr. Robert Ballard.



1. Закройте правую (русский язык) или левую (английский язык) часть упражнения и вспомните, как переводятся слова и выражения по теме «образование»:

  1. to study 2. to finish school (primary school, secondary school, high school)   3. to pass All Russia exams in … 4. to be good at … 5. to choose a higher school 6. to apply to a higher school 7. to pass competitive exams 8. to have an interview 9. to accept to a higher school 10. to enter a higher school 11. to train students 12. to attend lectures 13. to miss lectures 14. to have 2 lectures a day 15. to write test papers 16. to do somebody's homework 17. to write a thesis 18. to defend a thesis 19. to write an annual paper 20. to work part time 21. to get a state grant 22. to get an Honours diploma 23. to transfer from one higher school to another 24. to fail at the exam 25. to read for an exam 26. to graduate from a higher school 27. to borrow books from a library 28. faculty 29. department 30. curriculum 31. full time department 32. part time department 33. by correspondence department 34. post graduate department 35. timetable 36. the Dean 37. the Dean's office 38. record book 39. the Rector 40. a lecturer 41. a tutor 42. a scientific supervisor 43. a group mate 44. a monitor 45. Diploma Engineer 46. Bachelor 47. Master of Science 48. Students' Scientifis Society   49. Students’ trade union 50. a lecture hall 51. lecture in … 52. a laboratorium (lab) 53. a hostel 54. a library 55. a librarian 56. semester 57. state grant    1. учиться 2. закончить школу (начальная школа, средняя школа, старшие классы школы) 3. сдавать ЕГЭ по … 4. хорошо успевать по … 5. выбирать ВУЗ 6. подавать заявление в ВУЗ 7. сдавать вступительные экзамены 8. проходить собеседование 9. принимать в ВУЗ 10. поступать в ВУЗ 11. обучать студентов 12. посещать лекции 13. пропускать лекции 14. иметь 2 лекции в день 15. писать контрольную 16. делать домашнюю работу 17. писать диссертацию 18. защищать диссертацию 19. писать курсовую 20. «подрабатывать» 21. получать стипендию 22. получить «красный» диплом 23. переходить из одного ВУЗа в другой ВУЗ 24. «провалиться» на экзамене 25. готовиться к экзамену 26. закончить ВУЗ 27. брать книги в библиотеке 28. факультет 29. отделение/кафедра 30. программа 31. дневное отделение 32. вечернее отделение 33. заочное отделение 34. аспирантура 35. расписание 36. декан 37. деканат 38. зачётная книжка 39. ректор 40. лектор 41. куратор 42. научный руководитель 43. одногруппник 44. староста 45. дипломированный инженер 46. бакалавр 47. магистр 48. СНО (студенческое научное общество) 49. студенческий профсоюз 50. лекционный зал 51. лекция по … 52. лаборатория 53. общежитие 54. библиотека 55. библиотекарь 56. семестр 57. стипендия



    2. Прочитайте и переведите одну из частей текста по своему   выбору. В таблицу в рабочей тетради выпишите сказуемые из текста, которые стоят в действительном залоге/ в страдательном залоге. Назовите начальную форму этих глаголов, определите     время глаголов-сказуемых.

Forest Education


    The first forest schools appeared in different countries of the world in the 18th century. Forestry had been taught much earlier in central Europe, but the first dedicated forestry school was established by Georg Hartig at Dillenburg in Germany in 1787.

In North America the first forest school - the Biltmore Forest School - was established near Asheville, North Carolina, by Carl A. Schenck on September 1, 1898. Another early school - the New York State College of Forestry - was established at Cornell University just a few weeks later, in September 1898. Early in the19th century North American foresters went to Germany to study forestry. Some early German foresters also emigrated to North America.

In South America the first forestry school was established in Brazil, specifically in Vicosa and later was transferred to Curitiba, Parana.        


In Russia, forestry education goes back to the beginning of the 18th century. On the basis of a Senate Decree of 1726, three German foresters, Ferdinand Gabriel Poke, Melchior Zeiger, and Yagan Falentin came to Russia. They were given very favorable contracts, good salaries, free firewood, servants and interpreters. The initial contracts were for four years with a two year extension if necessary. The foresters were to study and survey forests that could be used for shipbuilding. They were also charged with the protection and care of the forests equal to that in Germany, and each forester was required to train six students. This method of training failed to produce high results and it was only at the beginning of the 19th century that the first forestry schools were founded in Tsar’s Village (Tzarskoye Selo), Kozlovsk and St. Petersburg. In 1803 theses three forestry schools were united into the first Forest Institute. Soon it had as many as 15 professors and instructors conducting a four year course and preparing students for the higher positions in the forestry service. Other forestry schools followed and 10 secondary schools were established for rangers and under-foresters. By the beginning of the 20th century the number of schools had increased to 30. These were boarding schools in the woods, where a certain number of students were taught free of charge. The course of 2 years was mainly directed to practical work and theoretical study in agriculture.

    Forestry experimental stations were set up in various parts of the country and a very considerable and advanced literature is the evidence of the good education and activity of the forest service.

There were several societies for the encouragement of silviculture. Probably the oldest was the Imperial Russian Society for the Advancement of Forestry. It was founded in 1832 and remained active until 1850. The Society published a journal and translations of foreign books. In 1871 the first society for professional foresters was founded in St. Petersburg.


     Nowadays forestry education is either imparted in the agricultural universities and in Forest Research Institute (like in India) or students are trained at specialized faculties of different universities.

 In Russia there are several higher schools training specialists in forestry. Among them are

!!! все универы с the!

Ural State Forest Engineering University, St. Petersburg Forest Technical University, Syktyvkar Forest Institute, Bryansk State Engineering Technological Academy, Voronezh State Forestry Engineering Academy, Far East Forestry Institute, Forest Institute of Far-Eastern State Agricultural University, Mari State Technical University, Moscow State Forest University, Siberian State Technological University.

       One can also get higher forestry education at the Faculty of Forestry of Arkhangelsk State Technical University, the Faculty of Land Use and Forestry of Bashkir State Agricultural University, at Forest Industry Faculty of Bratsk State University, Department of Forestry of Vologda State Milk Economic Academy, Department of Wood Processing Technology of Far-East State Technical University, Forestry and Ecology Faculty of Kazan State Agrarian University, Forestry Faculty of Orenburg State Agricultural University, Forestry Faculty of Nizhni Novgorod State Agricultural Academy, Faculty of Forest Engineering of Petrozavodsk State University, Forestry Department of Russian State Agricultural University, Department of Ecology, Botany and Environmental Protection of Samara State University, Department of Ecological Conservation and Forestry of Saratov State Agriculture University, Forestry Department - of Ulianovsk State University, Faculty of Forest Technology of Ukhta State Technical University. There are also several forestry colleges such as Biisk Forest College, Lisinsky Forest College and Petrozavodsk Forestry Technical School.



        There also exist international study programmes, for example, Euroforester (MSc) - a joint programme between 13 forest faculties in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Russia, Ukraine and Sweden; Forestrty and Environment Engineering (MSc) - Cross-Border University (CBU) – a degree programme organised by Finnish and Russian universities. There are also international unions and associations which coordinate forest science efforts world-wide, for example, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, the Forest Policy Education Network and International Forestry Students’ Association or IFSA.

    IFSA is a non-political, not for profit organization of tertiary-level forestry students around the world. Approximately 10,000 forestry and related forest science students are either directly or indirectly represented, with more than 60 Local Committees in over 40 countries. IFSA promotes global cooperation among students of forest sciences in order to broaden knowledge and understanding to achieve a sustainable future for forests, and provides a voice for youth in international forest policy forest policy processes. Through its social network, IFSA encourages student meetings, enables participation in scientific debates, and supports the involvement of youth in decision making processes and international forest and environmental policy. IFSA is officially registered as a charity organization charity, with its seat in Freiburg, Germany.


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