Употребление Будущего завершенного ( Future Perfect ) 

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Употребление Будущего завершенного ( Future Perfect )


Future Perfect является временем, по сути, зеркальным по отношению к Past Perfect. Отличие состоит лишь в том, что действие, выраженное Future Perfect, завершилось к определенному моменту в будущем:


I will have finished reading the book by 6 o’clock tomorrow. I will have finished reading the book before evening comes.   Я закончу читать книгу завтра к шести часам. Я закончу читать книгу до того, как наступит вечер.


Во втором примере в качестве момента, ограничивающего действие в Future Perfect, выступает другое действие в Present Simple (comes).


Вопросы для самопроверки

(Отвечая, приводите примеры)


1. Что характеризует времена группы Perfect в целом?

2. Из каких элементов строятся формы Perfect?

3. Какая часть формулы Perfect изменяется, а какая остается неизменной?

4. Перечислите случаи употребления Present Perfect/Past Perfect/Future Perfect. Какие слова и фразы сопровождают употребление этих времен?

5. В какие группы можно объединить обстоятельственные слова, сопровождающие употребление Present Perfect? Какое место они занимают в предложении?

6. В чем состоит принципиальное различие между Past Simple и Present Perfect?




I. Изучите неправильные глаголы с 65 по 78 в Приложении 1.

II. Заполните таблицу недостающими глагольными формами. Как эти формы называются? Объясните особенности написания ing -форм.


65. ride       ездить верхом
66.     rang   звонить
67. rise   risen    
68.   ran   running  
69. say       сказать
70. see     seeing видеть
71.     sold   продавать
72. send   sent    
73. set set   setting  
74.     shaken shaking трясти
75. show showed      
76. shut     shutting закрывать
77.     sung   петь
78. sit     sitting  



III. Образуйте формы с окончаниями - (e) s, - ed и - ing от следующих глаголов. Объясните особенности правописания.

deliver, occur, close, enjoy, reply, expel, sit, want


IV. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. I have spoken to him about it.

2. He had had his lunch before we came.

3. I will have been in this country for two years next January.

4. He has finished his work.

5. Carla had left by the time we arrived.

6. They will have completed this road by June.


V. Раскройте скобки, ставя глагол в Past или Present Simple или Present Perfect.

1. I (read) this book several times. I first (read) it last summer.

2. I (be) in London now. It’s the first time I (be) here.

3. I (have) a Mercedes. I (have) it for ten years.

4. Ms. Steel (become) an English teacher 10 years ago. She (be) a teacher since 2003.

5. We (see) Ann in 2012. Now it’s 2013. We (not see) her for a year.

6. Rebecca (lose) her purse. Now she (have) no money.

7. “How long (you be) here?” – “I (come) here the day before yesterday.

8. I usually (go) shopping with my friend, but today she (go) without me.

9. I (give up) smoking last May. I (not smoke) several months.

10. She (just phone). She (phone just now).

11. (You see) Hamlet? It was on TV last night. (You ever see) Hamlet?


VI. Ответьте Yes / No на вопросы ниже.

1. She lived a hard life. Is she alive?

2. She has lived a hard life. Is she alive?

3. How long has she lived in Spain? Does she still live in Spain?

4. How long did she live in Spain? Does she still live in Spain?

5. Joe worked with me for three years. Does Joe still work with me?

6. Joe has worked with me for three years. Does Joe still work with me?

7. I have waited her for an hour! Am I still waiting for her?

8. I waited her for an hour! Am I still waiting for her?


VII. Вставьте в предложения слова, данные в скобках.

1. I have liked sport. (always)

2. I’m sorry for her. She has had bad luck. (all her life)

3. He has been unemployed. (ever since he left school)

4. Have you lived in this town? (how long)

5. He was ill before Christmas, but he has been fine. (since then)

6. I have had trouble sleeping. (all this week)

7. I have learnt a lot. (in this job)

8. My boyfriend and I have known each other. (for ages)

9. Have you seen Mary? (yet)

10. I have seen the President. (it’s the first time)


VIII. Вставьте в предложения since или for.

1. I have known her _____ ages.

2. I have known her _____ April.

3. Things have been difficult _____ Carla lost her job.

4. She has changed a lot _____ they met.

5. I have lived in this city _____ three years.

6. We have lived here _____ 1975.

7. I have had this job _____ a month.

8. “I haven’t seen you _____ a long time! How’ve you been?”

9. I haven’t been to this city _____ I was young.

10. I haven’t been to the Bolshoi theatre _____ a decade, I think.

11. He has worked on his paper _____ September.


IX. Какое действие произошло раньше, а какое – позднее? Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

1. I (be) sorry that I (not be) nicer to him.

2. Nobody (come) to the meeting because Angela (forget) to tell people about it.

3. I (see) her before somewhere. – I (know).

4. Because he (not check) the oil for so long, the car (break) down.

5. She (cannot) find the book that I (lend) her.

6. They (never find) where he (hide) the money.

7. The lesson (already start) when I (arrive).

8. After Mary (do) all the shopping she (take) a walk.

9. When he (finish) eating lunch, he (have) a cup of coffee.

10. It (be) the first time he (be) away from home.

11. They soon (find) out that he (borrow) their car.

12. He (have) very little money left after he (spend) two happy years in India.


X. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present, Past или Future Perfect.

1.  (He graduate) from the university by this time next year?

2. I realized that we (take) the wrong bus.

3. By January 1, I (not pass) all the exams.

4. The teacher corrected the letter that I (write).

5. When you are my age, you (learn) much about people’s weaknesses.

6. Mr. Bloom (go) to South Africa to work.

7. I was sure that I (not see) that man before.

8. (She see) all Broadway shows before she leaves?

9. I (be) to Florida many times.

10. (You see) John today?

11. What did he say he (do) with the money?

12. A year from now, he (defend) his dissertation and start lecturing at the university.

13. I’m afraid I (lose) my car keys.


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