Defining relative clauses. They are essential for understanding. 

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Defining relative clauses. They are essential for understanding.

Biomass is material that comes from plants and animals and contains energy that the sun has produced and, when burned, produces heat.

In July, Tom Konrad gave an estimated range within which he expected ten stocks of natural gas to finish in 2015.


the thing that (which)
the person who (that)
the place where


Non-defining relative clauses. They are not essential for understanding and provide additional information.

A small company from Thailand “Vitamilk”, whose main field of expertise is soy milk production, found a solution to the problem of dead batteries.

the thing which
the person who
the place where


And do not forget the comma for Non-defining relative clauses!


18. GRAMMAR: RELATIVE PRONOUNS. Practice. Put suitable relative pronouns (who, which, that) into gaps.


What are the Different Types of Solar Energy Equipment?


  The different types of solar energy equipment include a large variety of devices …. permit energy from the sun to be trapped and converted to usable energy, such as electricity or thermal energy. Solar energy equipment is often categorized into two main types: thermal equipment ….. produces heat, and photovoltaic equipment, or photovoltaic cells, …. produce electricity. Solar energy is a massive source of renewable energy …. humans have only tapped on a relatively small scale.

There are many people …. are interested in thermal equipment. Solar energy production with thermal equipment can be used for many applications, such as for heating buildings, or producing hot water for residential use or for use in industrial processes. Thermal systems can also be used to generate electricity indirectly by means of a type of solar energy equipment ….. is known as a heat engine. Another way of creating electricity using thermal solar power is to use the solar power energy to produce steam, …. is able to power turbines ….. generate electricity.


19. Skills development. Look through the text to catch the main information. Make brief presentations of the innovative ideas (products).  




A. Designed by famous Italian architect Zema and produced by EcoFloLife, the WaterNest-100 is an eco-friendly floating housing unit. The 100 square meter residential units are made of up to 98% recycled materials, including the laminate timber and aluminum hull. Skylights, balconies and large windows encircle the dwelling, allowing for efficient lighting and beautiful waterfront views. 60 m2 of photovoltaic panels embedded in the rooftop provide up to 4 kW of internal electricity. A sophisticated system of natural micro-ventilation and air conditioning classifies it as a low-consumption residential habitat.

The units can be positioned along rivers, lakes, bays, atolls and calm sea areas. The interiors are warm and welcoming, and include a living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The 12 m diameter circular layout can be configured as a house (1 to 4 people), office, lounge bar, restaurant, shop, or exhibition space. The EcoFloLife catalogue provides top-design eco-friendly furnishings that complement the design and meet most contemporary needs.

B. In an effort to reduce China’s harmful and plentiful greenhouse gas emissions, Chinese company Sifang (a subsidiary of China South Rail Corporation) has developed the world’s first hydrogen powered tram. The tram took two years of research and development to complete, and will be powered entirely by hydrogen fuel cells. Since this is a tram and not a train, the top speed will only be 70 kilometers per hour and it will be used in urban areas only. It is designed to carry 380 passengers.

The tram will take 3 minutes to refuel and will have a 100 kilometer range. The company says the main benefits for cities will be cleaner air and reduced operation costs. The only emission will be water. It will not produce nitrogen oxides, as the temperature of the fuel cells will be kept under 100 degrees Celcius.

  C. The spherical sun power generator. German Architect Andre Broessel believes he has a solution that can “squeeze more juice out of the sun”, even during the night hours and in low-light regions. His company Rawlemon has created a spherical sun power generator prototype called the beta-ray. His technology will allow twice the yield of a conventional solar panel in a much smaller surface area. The futuristic design is fully rotational and is suitable for inclined surfaces, walls of buildings, and anywhere with access to the sky. It can even be used as an electric car charging station.

D. Russia has set its sights on developing alternative sources of energy in remote areas, despite climate conditions and rich natural reserves. Recently the Republic of Altai launched the country’s largest solar power plant. Until recently, Russia had been developing solar energy primarily in the space industry. The times are changing, yet the value of hydrocarbons remains important. Russia seeks to develop solar power in hard-to-access regions with a high level of solar radiation.

In September, work at Russia’s largest solar power plant was initiated in the village of Kosh-Agach in Altai. This is Russia’s first 5-megawatt (MW) solar power facility. Prior to that, the most powerful facilities were no more than 2 MW. This station is the first of five solar power plant construction projects in the Republic of Altai, which combined will have a 45-MW capacity.


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