Conversational topic My working day 

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Conversational topic My working day

Text 1

On weekdays I usually get up early. The alarm-clock wakes me up at 7 o’clock. I get up, open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash myself. After that I dress and sit down to breakfast. Usually I make breakfast myself. While having breakfast, I listen to the latest news on the radio.

After breakfast I go to work. I leave the house at 8 and go to the nearest bus stop. Last year I tried to enter the Institute but I failed my entrance examinations. I work in a small business company as a secretary. While studying at school I have studied typewriting, computing and business organization. The company where I work is rather far from our house and I generally go there by bus. It takes me thirty minutes to get to work. On my way there I can read a book or a newspaper.

My working day begins at nine, but I arrive at work at ten minutes to nine.

At one o’clock I have a break for lunch. I usually have lunch in the canteen. Then I come back and work till five o’clock. My working day lasts seven hours. Sometimes during the working day, we have short coffee breaks.

I come home at about six o’clock in the evening. I have dinner together with my parents and then go to the Institute. The lectures begin at seven o’clock. I live not far from the Institute, so I usually walk there. It takes me only ten minutes to get there and I always come to the lectures in time.

The lectures are over at a quarter to ten.

When I come back from the Institute I have supper and then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV and talk.

On the days when I have no classes at the Institute I generally stay at home. I do my homework and write test- papers. Sometimes I go to the library where I work two or three hours. As a rule I have no free time on my week- days.

At about twelve at night I go to bed.



to wake up - просыпаться

to get up - вставать

to wash (oneself) - вставать

to fail - не сдать, провалить (об экзаменах)

entrance examinations - вступительные экзамены

a company - компания

typewriting - машинопись

computing - работа на компьютере

It takes me thirty minutes to get there - мне нужно 30 минут, чтобы доехать (добраться) туда

to have a break - иметь перерыв

to have dinner - обедать

to go to work - идти на работу to come back - возвращаться

week-days - будние дни


I.    Ответьте на вопросы:

1.    When do you get up on your working day?

2.    Do you wake up yourself or does an alarm-clock wake you up?

3.    What time does the alarm-clock wake you up?

4.    Do you do your morning exercises every day?

5.    Who makes breakfast for you?

6.    Some people look through newspapers or listen to the latest news on the radio while having breakfast. What about you?

7.    Do you work?

8.    Where do you work?

9.    What time do you leave for work?

10.  How long does it take you to get there?

11.  When does your work begin?

12.  How long does it last?

13.  What time do you come home?

14.  What do you do in the evenings?

15.  How often do you go to the library to get ready for classes?

16.  What time do you usually go to bed?


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My week days

On week days I usually get up at eight o’clock, because I go to the Institute. The first thing I do as soon as I wake up is to go and have a shower. It wakes me up. After that I go into my bedroom to get dressed. In 15 minutes I am ready for breakfast. It may be porridge or «Corn Flakes» with milk, a cup of tea or coffee and a sandwich.

After breakfast I put on my coat, take the bag and go to the Institute. As I live not far from the Institute it takes me only 15 minutes to get there. I don’t want to be late so I come to the Institute a few minutes before the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go upstairs to look up the timetable. We usually have three lectures every day. After the lectures are over I go home and have dinner there. I usually begin with soup, follow by hot meat or fish, potatoes and vegetables, a sweet. Then I drink a cup of tea. Sometimes when I have to stay at the Institute after classes I go to the canteen and have dinner there.

When I come home I have a short rest. If the weather is very cold I stay at home, but if it is fine and there is no rain I needn’t stay at home and may go out. In the evening I do my homework.

My sister studies English at school. She is fifteen years old, she has English lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Sometimes I help her with her lessons. She gives me her text-book and I explain the meaning of some English words to her. She is good at English and answers me readily. Then I may read an English book or play chess with my father. At twelve I am ready to go to bed.


I. Прочтите диалоги и составьте свои на их основе:

1)    - What time do you usually get up?

-      As a rule at 7 o’clock.

-      Why so early?

-      I live out of town. So I have to take the first morning train if I don’t want to be late for my work.

-      When do you get to the office?

-      At 8 if I catch an early train.

2)    - Good morning, Ann! Where are you going to?

-      Morning, Victor! I am going to the plant.

-      Why so early?

-      Don’t you know that the plant where I work is rather far from my house? It takes me about an hour to get there.

-      Oh, I see. And when do you have to get up?

-      I have to get up at six.

-      But it’s good to get up so early. English people say: early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

-      Right you are.



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