Module 3 avoiding Plagiarism: paraphrasing/summary 

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Module 3 avoiding Plagiarism: paraphrasing/summary

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

MODULE 4 WRITING STAGES Abstracts ……………………………………………………………….

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Organization of the paper (Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion)


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Main Body …………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 1


Exercise 1

References and quotations………………………………………………………….

Exercise 1

Revisions: Rewriting, Proofreading, and Editing…………………………….

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Exercise 9



ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ … ………………………… …………………………. ……….
СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ…………………………………………………….


Academic writing. Preview

Writing is necessary for all students in higher education. It is a process. It starts from understanding your task. It then goes on to doing the research and reading. The next stage is planning and writing various drafts. This is followed by proof-reading and editing. All this should lead to the final text. Writing is purposeful. The way you write something always depends on your purpose.

You will be able to increase both your speed of reading and your comprehension if you can recognise some of the rhetorical functions that the writer is using. Writers use language, for example, to analyse, to describe, to report, to define, to instruct, to classify, to compare, to give examples, to explain, to give reasons, to argue and discuss and to draw conclusions. To understand the text it is necessary to understand what the writer's purpose is.

It is important to remember who you are writing for. Being conscious of academic tone suggests that you are aware of your audience and respect the formality normally associated with academic writing.

When writing academically, you must target a more general audience than just your lecturer and/or marker. You should assume that your readers will be intelligent thinking people, but they may not be specifically informed of your topic. Do not presume that your reader knows all the terms and concepts associated with your work.


Questions/Assignment Briefs/Rubric

Before you start writing, it is important to consider the broad purpose of your writing. The assignment question or rubric can often help you with this task.

Exercise 1

Look at the following questions/briefs/rubrics and try to decide the broad purpose of the piece of writing you are expected to do.

Broad Purposes
A. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding
B. Building research skills
C. Developing powers of independent reasoning
D. Writing for oneself and others
D. Preparing for professional practice
1Market Research Methods 1. Explain the purposes of advertising research with reference to an example with which you are familiar.
2Market Research Methods 2. Explain how the effectiveness of advertising can be assessed.
3Market Research Methods 3. Describe how you would select an appropriate sample to assess the impact of television advertising for toys for children aged 5 – 10 over the Christmas period (late November – December)
4Hospitailty, Leisure & Tourism Management 4. On the 26th August, Bank holiday Monday, Mr. Lars Hanson has arranged to host a party to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary. The location is at his riverside house with the marquee erected on the lawn next to the river. He requires a three course luncheon with wine starting at 1pm. The guests will arrive from 11.30am and will leave around 3.30pm. He has contacted Peacock Catering and asked for a quote for the day including the following:
  • Hot canapés and drinks on arrival
  • A three course lunch menu including wine list
  • A selection of drinks including water and wine that will be available all day
  • The cutting and distribution of the wedding cake along with champagne for the speeches
  • A recommended table plan for the day
  • A list of all the china, glassware and equipment required for the day
  • The wording for the menu and wine list
5Food Sciences 5. Donna Spencer is a journalist and wants to write an article on obesity for a newspaper. She has the following questions:
  • Scientists are constantly saying that levels of obesity are increasing. What is the reason for this increase?
6Accounting & Finance 6. Using the accounts for Marks and Spencer plc and other information researched by you, write a report recommending whether or not to invest in Marks and Spencer plc.
7Economics 7. Explore the role of the small business sector in the UK economy and in your own country.
8Economics 8. What is the position of the UK Government on restrictive trade practices and how has recent legislation helped to achieve its aims?
9Economics 9. What are the main causes of the recent credit crisis and what measures have governments been adopting to try to solve the problems caused by it?
10Economics 10. What is the regional problem, and how has government policy attempted to alleviate this problem?
11Economics 11. How successful have international institutions been in promoting and achieving free trade?
12Economics 12. Discuss the relative merits of different exchange rate regimes and explain why your own country has chosen the regime it has.
13Business Strategy 13. Analyse the strategies used by the Apple Corporation to build and sustain competitive advantage. What are the strategic issues and options currently facing the organisation?
14Philosophy 14. Critically consider the "Method od Doubt" as a means of beginning philosophy.
15MBA 15. Outline and analyse the problems confronting Medical Supplies Limited and offer recommendations for their resolution.
16Computer Science 16. Create an application which gives the user the ability to open and display an image, and to change the background colour of the form.
17Agriculture 17. For this assignment you should construct a model which demonstrates changes in woodland structure over time with an attention to the understory vegetation cover and factors affecting the rate of increase on the field and ground layer vegetation in order to take account of those factors in planning of woodland management.
18Linguistics 18. Describe the patterns of distribution of the allophones of /r/, and the allophones of /l/, based on the data provided. What can you say about /r/ in syllable final position?
19Linguistics 19. Meltese and Leponese have identical phonetic inventories, but different phonological inventories. Give the phonetic inventory the two languages share, and then the phonological vowel inventory for each language. Indicate the line of reasoning which led to your answer.
20Linguistics 20. Write a literature review of between 1500-2000 words. You can choose any topic, but are strongly encouraged to review the literature relating to your thesis topic (if you have decided on one) or another area that you think you will work on in future.
21Business 21. Conduct a brief literature review on a topic of interest related to business, information systems, social issues, etc.
22Language Teaching 22. Write a critical evaluation of a topic relevant to the field of English Language Teaching in the form of a literature review.
23Language Teaching 23. The dissertation will require students to identify a significant problem in the teaching of English in a particular part of the world, to examine some background issues and carry out appropriate research, including data collection and analysis. The results of the research will inform a well-founded dissertation of 15,000 – 20,000 words.
24Business 24. Your assignment requires a weekly blog site in the group site on Blackboard. Your blog should not be on the weekly teaching schedule but your personal experience, learning journey, including both positive and negative experiences and what actions should be taken to the future as development.
25Business 25. Write not more than 1000 words to describe your research methodology, i.e., what approach you took to carry out your project. It should give answers to the following questions:
  • Was your research exploratory, descriptive or explanatory and why?
  • Was your research qualitative or quantitative in nature and why?
  • What approach and techniques did you use to carry out your project (e.g., action research, case study, survey, data collection methods), and why?
26Psychology 26. Your third writing assignment is to write the Methods section of the class experiment using APA format. Specifically, this section should include the following: Who participated? How were they recruited? How were they assigned to condition? What did they do? Include the IVs and IVMs, the DVs and DVMs.
27Psychology 27. The assignment is due on Thursday, May 10, the last day of the examination period. It should be written in APA style, and it should include an abstract, an introduction with literature review and hypotheses, a method section describing methods and procedures in detail, a brief consideration of data analyses, and a discussion section that examines reliability, validity, reactive effects, ethical issues, etc.
28Law 28. Laura, a 19 year old law student, went to the Rotten Row Bus Station to catch a coach home to Sweet Valley. She had made this journey from time to time in the past. Above the ticket-office window of the Slowe and Wheezy Bus Company was a sign which stated that all tickets were issued subject to conditions displayed inside the coaches. Laura purchased a ticket which made no reference to any conditions. While boarding the coach the driver carelessly knocked Laura’s very expensive ‘up to the minute’ mobile phone from her hand and broke it. One of the terms displayed inside the coach was as follows: Passengers travel with goods at their own risk. Neither the company nor its servants accept any liability for damage or loss to passengers’ goods. The company’s servants are parties to this contract. Advise Laura. In your advice state the effects of relevant case law and statutes.

   Understanding texts. Rhetorical functions in academic writing

Academic writing uses different rhetorical functions. Typical rhetorical functions, based on: Werlich (1976) and Lackstrom, Selinker & Trimble (1973), are:


1. Describing objects, location, structure and direction

2. Reporting and narrating

3. Defining

4. Writing instructions

5. Describing function

6. Describing processes, developments and operations

7. Classifying / categorising

8. Giving examples

9. Including tables and charts


10. Writing critically

11. Arguing and discussing

12. Evaluating other points of view

13. Comparing and contrasting: similarities and differences

14. Generalising

15. Expressing degrees of certainty

16. Expressing reasons and explanations / cause and effect

17. Analysing

18. Providing support

19. Application

20. Working with different voices and finding your own

21. Taking a stance

22. Introducing

23. Drawing conclusions

24. Recommendations


25. Writing reflectively


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