Составьтепредложения , расставивсловавнужномпорядке 

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Составьтепредложения , расставивсловавнужномпорядке

1. the not to letter the has been report According delivered still.

2. A accessories with room is various decorated.

3. in was He 1984 born.

4. already have said Many about been love words.

5. light and was sunshine due The to house large with windows filled.

6. his after Mark named grandfather was.

7. grown tomatoes in These the countryside are.

8. on held the each This last is summer fest weekend year.


Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя страдательный залог

1. Когда была куплена эта книга?

2. Они были расстроены, потому что проиграли.

3. Эта песня была прослушана 10 раз на данный момент.

4. Обычно, когда мой отец приходит домой, ужин уже готов.

5. Нужно чистить зубы минимум 2 раза в день.

6. Когда я пришла в магазин, туфли еще не были проданы.

7. Москва была основана в 1147 году.

8. Ее мечты были разрушены из-за его ответа.

Превратите предложения в отрицательные и переведите.

1. Ann was bitten by a homeless dog.

2. The zoo is being reconstructed at the moment.

3. The luggage must be checked at the customs.

4. Souvenirsaresoldeverywhere.

5. The job will be finished at 3 o’clock.

Unit 14.

Customs, Traditions, Superstitions…

Lexical exercises

1. Соотнесите праздники и даты:

January, 1 Easter
April-May New Year
February, 14 Thanksgiving Day
December, 25 St. Valentine’s Day
November, 26 Halloween
October, 31 Christmas

Разгадайте кроссворд.

  1   2                      
              2 5            


1. Celebrating this holiday children knock at people’s doors and say “Trick or treat”. (Halloween)

2. Children leave it at the fireplace, hoping that Santa Claus will come and fill it with presents. (stocking)

3. This holiday celebrates on 25th of December. (Christmas)

4. The symbol of St. Valentine’s Day. (heart)

5. The Englishmen’s favourite drink. (tea)


1. The English like to speak about it. (weather)

2. Something that the English put into tea. (milk)

3. A typical feature of an English house. (fireplace)

4. On the Halloween children make a jack-o’-lantern from this vegetable. (pumpkin)

5. The traditional Christmas food. (turkey)

3. Переведите пословицы и найдите русский эквивалент:

1. Lucky to knock on wood.

2. The luck runs out of the horseshoe if it is upside down.

3. Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day.

4. The bride and groom must not meet on the day of the wedding.

5. Ifyoudropatableknife, expectamalevisitor.

6. Unluckytospillsalt.

7. Cut your hair when the moon is growing.

8. To give someone a purse or wallet without money in it will bring that person bad luck.

9. If your palm itches, you will soon receive money.

10. The one who catches the bridal bouquet will be next to marry.

Grammar exercises

Поставьте “the” или “ – “ с географическими названиями.

1. Are you going to... France or... CzechRepublic?

2.... North Pole is situated in... Arctic.

3. My dream is to visit... Lake Baikal in... Russian Federation.

4.... Suez Canal in... Egypt connects... Mediterranean Sea with... Red Sea.

5. The tallest mountain in the world,... Mount Everest is situated in... Himalayas.

6.... Sahara desert covers most of... NorthAfrica.

7.... United Kingdom of... Great Britain and... Northern Ireland is surrounded by... AtlanticOceanand... NorthSea.

8.... Mississippi is the second longest river in... UnitedStates.

9. She was born in... Kiev, in... Ukraine.

10.... Bahamas are a group of islands near... Florida.


Поставьте “the” или “ – “ с именами собственными.

1. We met... Peter Smith in... Trafalgar Square, near... National Gallery.

2. Have you ever been to... GreatWallof... China?

3. The shop is in... Fleet street, next to... McDonald’s.

4.... Flintstones sold their house just before... Christmas.

5. When I visit... Hermitage Museum in... Petersburg, I’ll find the collection of paintings by... Rembrandtthere.

6.... Doctor Brown was a veteran of... WorldWar II.

7.... Kremlin and... Bolshoi Theatre are in the heart of... Moscow.

8.... Mary studies... French in a school near... EiffelTower.

9.... Japanese language is too difficult for me.

10.... Henry studies... Medicine at... Oxford University.



Unit 15.

The Countryside or the Big City?

Lexical exercises

1. Закончите предложения:

1. The building next to the railway line where people buy tickets is called a ___

2. Native North Americans lived in a ___

3. A king or queen lives in a ___

4. The Empire State Buildingis so tall that it’s called a ___

5. Eskimos traditionally live in a house made of ice called an ___

6. A lightweight portable shelter used when camping is called a ___

7. A tall round building that warns ships of dangerous rocks is called a ___

8. A place where lots of students sleep when they live on campus is called a ___

9. A kind of house found moored and floating is called a ___

10. A place that has many doctors and nurses is called a ___


railway station wigwam palace sky-scraper igloo   tent lighthouse    dorm   port   hospital


2. Закончитепредложения:

1. If you want to see monkeys, lions, tigers and bears, you would go to the ___.

2. A place where famous paintings and sculptures are kept and displayed to the public is called an ___.

3. The building where you can go and watch the latest blockbuster film is called a ___.

4. A place where you can go to see many different kinds of fish swimming is called an ___.

5. If you want to watch a basketball game or a soccer match, you would go to a ___.

6. A place which serves drinks such as beer and whiskey and where people go to relax and meet friends is called a ___.

7. The place, where rock musicians and orchestras play is called a ___.

8. The place to go if you want to ride on a roller coaster or drive bumper cars is called an ___.

9. A place where you can arrange loans, keep your money in an account which receives interest is called a ___.

10. A place where you can buy stamps, post letters and pay some bills is called a ___.

zoo museum cinema aquarium stadium bar concert hall motordrome bank post-office tourist office funeral agency

dry-cleaner’s plumber employment centre notary real estate agency laundry



Museum Театр
Gallery Аэропорт
Cinema Музей
Theatre Цирк
Circus Галерея
Station Кинотеатр
Airport Школа
Plant Вокзал
Factory Фабрика
Bank Завод
School Аптека
Hospital Почта
Drugstore Банк
Club Клуб
Café Больница
Post-office Церковь
Hotel Отель
Church Кафе

Grammar exercises

1. Используйте список слов, чтобы заполнить пропуски.


time — reading — exercise — hiking — dinner


1. He doesn’t like to He prefers to watch sports on TV.

2. I thought about invitingyou and your family for

3. poems is very relaxing.

4. Since the weather was beautiful, I decided to go

5. Writing letters takes a lot of B.


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