College as an educational institution 

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College as an educational institution

(Колледж как образовательное учреждение)


1. You are a college student. College is a certain type of educational institution. What education does college give?

What subjects do you learn at the college? What departments are there in your college? Learn the words given below and answer these questions.


College – колледж

Student - студент

Study – учиться, изучать

Teacher – учитель, преподаватель

Educational institution – образовательное учреждение

First-, second-, third-year student – 1, 2, 3 курса студент

Full-, part-time student – очного, заочного отделения студент

Education – образование

Studies – учеба

Last – длиться, продолжаться

Secondary specialized education – среднее специальное образование

General, profound knowledge – общие, углубленные знания

Department – отделение

Veterinary- ветеринарное

Building- строительное

Economy and accounting- экономика и бухгалтерский учет

Get=receive – получать

Correspondence department- заочное отделение

Academic subjects – общеобразовательные предметы

Special subjects – специальные предметы




2. Say if you agree, translate and repeat in English:

1) I study at the college.

2) I am a second-year student. I study in the second year.

3) I am a full-time student.

4) I get (receive) secondary specialized education.

5) College gives secondary specialized education.

6) College gives general knowledge in academic subjects.

7) College gives profound knowledge in special subjects.

8) I study academic and special subjects at the college.

9) I get general knowledge in academic subjects.

10) I get profound knowledge in special subjects.

11) I receive a profession at the college.

12) I am glad to be a college student.

13) It is interesting to study at the college.

14) The education at college lasts from 3 till 5 years.

15) The studies at our college last from 3 to 5 years.

15) I study in the veterinary (building, economy and accounting) department.


3. Transform the sentences from the exercise 1 where possible to begin with the words He/She/My friend/This student….

4. Correct the sentences:

1) She am not a second-year student.

2) I am a first-year student of the Moscow Business college.

3) He a full-time second-year student.

4) I in the veterinary department

5) He study in the building department.

6) She get a secondary education at the college.

7) We studies academic and special subjects at the college.

8) The study last from 3 to 4 years at the college.

9) Full-time students study at the Correspondence department.


5. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Наш колледж – это среднее специальное общеобразовательное учреждение.

2) Я / Мой друг/ Мой друг и я/ учусь (-ится, -имся) в колледже.

3) Я /Мой друг/мы – студент (-ы) второго курса колледжа.

4) Я учусь на втором курсе строительного отделения.

5) Он студент - очник ветеринарного отделения, второго курса колледжа.

6) Мы учимся на строительном отделении.

7) Мы изучаем общеобразовательные и специальные дисциплины.

8) Он получает среднее специальное образование в колледже.

9) Она получает профессию в колледже.

10) Я получаю глубокие знания по специальным дисциплинам.

11) Обучение студентов строительного отделения продолжается 4-5 лет.

12) Много студентов учится на заочном отделении.

13) Она – студентка–заочница, третьего курса отделения «Экономика и бухучет».

14) Мы получаем общие сведения по общеобразовательным дисциплинам.


Make questions of the sentences given above and ask them your group-mates.


===== ______? (для глаголов “to be” “to have”)

===== ______ =====? (для всех остальных глаголов)

Home Reading

Read the 2 texts about the Yuryevets Agricultural College and say what is common and what is different in them.

TEXT (1)

I study at the Yuryevets Agriindustrial College. I study in the first (second, third) year. Our college is a specialized secondary school. It is situated not far from the center of Yuryevets in Titov Street.

Our college occupies two buildings. It runs a full-time and extra-mural education. There are four departments at our college: a veterinary department, a building department, an Economics and Accounting department and a Tractor-driver’s department

Our college trains veterinary surgeons, builders, accountants and tractor-drivers. The studies at our college last from two and a half to four years. There is a qualified staff of teachers who help the students to achieve knowledge in the line and working habits. There are many studies, laboratories, workshops, a library, a canteen, a gym where we go in for sports. Many students live in the hostel and rent a room. Students who work hard at the studies and do not miss the lessons get grants. Graduates from our college work in different fields of building, agriculture and economy all over the country.

TEXT (2)

The Yuryevets Agriindustrial College is situated in Titov Street. It occupies two buildings. One of them is a three-storey building. The other is a four-storey building. Buildings are connected by a passage. On the first floor (ground floor) there is a big hall. On the right there is a cloak-room. On the left there is an advertisement board with a time-table and a guard who keeps the keys of the classrooms, studies, and laboratories (labs). Besides on the ground floor you can find an assembly hall and a gymnasium. If you go straight and cross the passage you will find yourself in the second building. There is the teacher’s room and a first aid post. On the second floor there is a library and a computer class. In the basement there is a canteen and a workshop and a workout room.




To be situated – располагаться                                 canteen – столовая

To occupy – занимать                                               workshop - мастерская

Building – здание                                                     workout room – тренажерный

Three-, four-storey – 3х-, 4х-этажный                   assembly hall – актовый зал

To be connected by – быть связанным                 gymnasium (gym) - спортзал

Passage – переход                                                    To go straight – идти прямо

Floor – этаж                                                                To cross – пересекать

Hall – вестибюль                                                       To find yourself – оказаться

Cloak-room – гардероб                                             Teacher’s room – учительская

Advertisement board – доска объявлений          First aid post – мед. пункт

Time-table – расписание                                        Library – библиотека

Guard - охранник

Classroom – класс, аудитория

Study – кабинет

Laboratory (lab) – лаборатория


8. Continue the sentence. (Продолжи незаконченную фразу.)

1) I am a …

2) I study …

3) The college is situated …

4) The college gives …

5) At college I get (receive) …

6) The students get (receive) …

7) College occupies …

8) The Yuryevets Agriindustrial College is…

9) The first (second) building is …

10) On the first (second) floor (basement) there is …

11) At the college there are many …

12) The college trains …

13) The students live in… or … a room.


 9. Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы).

1) What are you?

2) Where do you study?

3) What year are you in?

4) Are you a full-time or a part-time student?

5) What education do you get at college?

6) What subjects do you study?

7) What knowledge do you get?

8) Can you receive a profession at the college?

9) What departments are there at the college?

10)  What department are you in?

11)  What kind of building is the college?

12)  Where is the college situated?

13)  What is there on the ground (first, second) floor? In the basement?

14)  Where is the cloak room, the assembly hall, the teacher’s room, the library, the gym?



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