Can you answer the following questions? 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Can you answer the following questions?

What type of building do you see? Is it a religious construction? How is it called? Where is it situated?

How many domes (dome – купол) has it? Is it beautiful, magnificent? Can you say that it is a masterpiece of Russian architecture? Who constructed it? When? What is this building famous for?


9. Now speak about this type of construction. Use the words:

Belfry – колокольня                               

Tier – ярус

Steeple – шпиль

Cross on the top – крест на верху

… is shaped like a pyramid – ….в форме пирамиды



Building Materials and Joints

(Основные строительные материалы и крепления)

1. It is impossible to imagine construction of a building without building materials. There are natural and artificial building materials. Learn the words from the vocabulary and classify them (1) into materials and joints, and then classify building materials (2) into natural and artificial.

Joints are ….            Materials are….

…… is an artificial building material.

…… is a natural …….                   .

Fittings               арматура

Concrete             бетон

Bitumen             битум

Bolt                    болт

Screw                 винт

Nail                     гвоздь

Gravel                гравий

Board                 доска

Wood, timber     древесина

Sheet material    железо (кровельное)

Brick                  кирпич

Glue                   клей

Paint                   краска

Linoleum            линолеум

Sand                   песок

Saw-timber        пиломатериалы

Slab                    плита

Stone                  камень

Glass                   стекло

Glass wool          стекловата

Ruberoid             рубероид

Roofing felt        толь

Pipe                     труба

Roofing slate       шифер

Putty                    шпаклевка

Cement                цемент

Tile                      черепица



2. Descrbe building materials with the help of the following words:

Hard-?, soft -?, light -?, heavy -?

3. Look at the picture on page 4, ex. 3 and say what these parts of building are made of, e.g.:

The staircase is made of (сделан из)

                                    ….. …… are made of (сделаны из)

4. Say what building materials are used to make different parts of building or other building materials e.g.:

Boards and sheet metal are used (используются) to make a roof.

Concrete is used (используется) to make a foundation.

5. Imagine you want to put up:

a) a hen house

b) a dog house

c) a country house

d) a castle.

What building materials do you need?

To make/create a … I need…(I use…) Для того, чтобы изготовить…мне требуется… (Я использую…)

… / are necessary for … Необходим/ы для….

Besides I want … Кроме этого мне нужно …

I can’t do without … Не могу обойтись без …

You are in a “Building Materials” shop. You buy some roofing slates for the roof of your house and some glass wool. Let one student be a shop-assistant and you are a customer (client).

  • Can I help you? (What can I do for you?)
  • I want … (Please, I’d like …)
  • Oh…have you got …
  • I also need …
  • How much does it cost?
  • Shall I pay you or at the cash-desk?
  • Very good, do you want any …
  • What about …?
  • What else?
  • I can offer you a wide choice of ….

7. Continue the sentences with the right name of a certain building material:

1. A building material made by mixing (при помощи смешивания) cement with sand, gravel is …

2. Small stones with coarse sand used for roads and path are called (называются) …

3. Hard solid substance of a tree below the bark is …

4. A block of clay moulded (имеющий определенную форму) and baked by fire is …

5. Thick flat piece of stone, wood is a …

6. Grey powder which after being wetted (смешанная с водой), becomes hard like stone is …

Cultural Note


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