Условные предложения нереального условия 

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Условные предложения нереального условия

Формы сослагательного наклонения Subjunctive II \\ Subjunctive IV наиболее широко употребляются в условных предложениях, выражающих нереальное условие.


Principal clause

  Subjunctive II     Subjunctive IV  

UNREAL condition

referring to the Present or the Future

If I saw Helen tomorrow If he had free time If the rain stopped if she were al home now I should speak to her he would ring you up they would go for a walk she would help you
If I had seen Helen that day If he had had free time yesterday If the rain had stopped If she had been at home that night I should have spoken to her he would have rung you up they would have gone for a walk she would have helped me referring to the Past


Exercise1. Read the following sentences. Comment on the forms of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate them into Russian.

1. If you spoke English every day you would speak it better. 2. If lie improved his spelling lie would get better marks. 3. If you were more attentive you wouldn't make so many mistakes. 4. If I were interested in the topic I'd choose it for my course-paper. 5. If she worked regularly she wouldn't have any difficulties with English. 6, If I were you I'd study Spanish.


1. If I knew Spanish I should read Spanish books in the original. 2. If you were practicing hard you would improve your intonation. 3. If they wanted to get rid of their mistakes they would work more at the language laboratory, 4. If you wanted to speak grammatically, you would study books of grammar and the writing of the best authors. 5. If the subject were of interest for me, I should look through his articles. 6. If you didn't pass the exam, would you take it again?


Exercise 3. Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood for the verbs in brackets. Refer the sentences to the Present.

1. If she... of the article now I... it to the newspaper (approve, send). 2. If he... they... the letter in the wall newspaper (want, publish). 3. If the work... twice as difficult, I... to do it (be, refuse). 4. If we... him to go on with the experiment, we never... any peace (allow, have). 5. If it... summer we... for a run in the country (be, go). 6. If he... himself my answer... the same (come, be). 7. If our talk... my brother who is working in the next room, I... you so myself (disturb, tell). 8. If you... in my place, tell me what... you... (be, do)? 9. If my friend... to me that way I... offended (speak, feel). 10. She... our excursion even if you... her; she is ill (not join, invite). 11. If he... ordinary the girl... him (be, not love). 12. If it... oftener it... good for the garden (rain, be).


Exercise 4. Read the following sentences. Comment on the forms of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate them into Russian.

1. She wouldn't have come if she hadn't been invited.

2. We should not have lost our way if the night had not been so dark.

3.   They would have sent us some information if there had been anything to send.

4. You'd have found your fountain-pen if you had looked for it better.

5. I should have recognized him at once if It hadn't been so dark in the room.

6. The accident wouldn't have happened if the driver had observed the traffic rules.


Exercise 5. Read the following sentences. Comment on the forms of the Subjunctive Mood. Translate them into Russian..

 1. She would have made toasts for them if something hadn't gone wrong with the gas-stove.

2. If I had consulted my own interests I should never have come.

3. If it hadn't rained so beastly yesterday we shouldn't have stayed at home.

4. If he had experimented alone he would never have finished the work.

5. If no one had come they would have postponed the meeting.

6. If you hadn't interrupted him lie would have continued his work.

Exercise 6. Change the following sentences into conditional ones referring to the Past. Add the given adverbial modifier of time according to the example.

Example: You wouldn't say so if you only saw her. (then)

- You wouldn't have said so if you only had seen her then.

1. If I had money I should go to Moscow to see its sights. (last winter)

2. If he were here lie would tell us what to do. (the day before)

3. If we stayed a little longer we'd meet him. (yesterday)

4. It you worked regularly you'd get better marks. (last term)

5. If they had a car they would drive to the South. (last summer)

6. She would come if it didn't rain. (yesterday night)

7. He would invite me to the theatre if he had an extra ticket. (last Sunday)

8. I'd be disappointed if you didn't come. (on that day)

9. If lie knew the facts, he would help us. (last night)


Exercise 7. Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood for the verbs in brackets. Refer the sentences to the Past.

1. If he... his father's advice lie... himself in that miserable state (follow, not find). 2. If my friend... there everything... different, (be, be). 3.He... this post if it... vacant (offer, be). 4. Even if I... a stranger lie... of his misfortunes ('be, talk). 5. If she... this piece of painting she... it (like, buy). 6. If anything... he... you know (happen, let). 7. If the girl... the telephone call she never... the good news (not answer, hear). 8. If they... dictionaries they... the article correctly (bring, can translate). 9. If there... a strong wind it... impossible to swim in the lake (be, be). 10. If you... here in time we... our concert (come, begin). 11. He... has train if you... him more (miss, keep).

Mixed Conditionals


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