Перевод в косвенную речь общих вопросов 

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Перевод в косвенную речь общих вопросов

При переводе в косвенную речь общих вопросов порядок слов и предложении меняется, он становится таким же, как в утвердительном предложении, т.е. прямым; при этом общий вопрос присоединяется к главному предложению с помощью союзов if или whether, которые соответствуют русской частице ли в предложениях аналогичного типа.

She asks me. "Arc you busy tonight?"

She asks me if I am busy tonight.

Косвенный вопрос вводится глаголами to ask, to inquire (в официальном стиле речи).


Exercise 1. Put tile following into Indirect Speech.

1. She says, "Is John ill home, Mrs Brown?"

2. He asks, "Lily, arc your friends in town?"

3. The girl says, "Is your teacher a kind man, Phil?"

4. Grandmother says, "Is it hot today, Mary?"

5. Mother says, "Are you very busy now, Tony?"

6. Alice asks her sister, "Are there any pictures in the book''


Exercise 2. Put tile following into Indirect Speech

7. Lily asks tier husband, "Are you happy, Mike?"

8. Her fellow-students ask her, "Is your house far from the University?"

9. The lady says. "Is it a cake shop, Miss?"

10. John asks his friend, "Arc Russian girls beautiful?"

11. She asks her boy-friend, "Am 1 pretty, Fred?"

12. The little girl says. "Are these dogs clever?"

Перевод в косвенную речь специальных вопросов

При переводе в косвенную речь специальных вопросов порядок слов в предложении меняется так же, как и при переводе общих вопросов, т.е. он становится таким же, как в утвердительном предложении. При этом специальный вопрос присоединяется к главному при помощи того вопросительного слова, с которого начинается вопрос.

She asks, "Where is John?"'

She asks where John is.


Exercise 1. Put the following into Indirect Speech.

1. Mother says, "Why are you so late, John?"

2. Mary says, '"Mother, where is my bag?"

3. Father asks, "Where are the children?"

4. Mother says, "When are the classes over, Dick?"

5. Tony says, "Why are you so sad, Helen?"

6- She asks Alice, "When can you come and see us?''

7. He says, ''How can I help you. Francis?''

8. The students say, "What exercises must we do in writing?"

9. The teacher says, "What story can you tell us, Peter?"

10. Mother says, "What have you got in your pocket, Tom?"

11. He says, "What books have you got in your collection?"

12. She says, "Where are John and Steve?"

Exercise 2. Put the following general questions into Indirect Speech.

1. The police inspector says, "Does Mr. Bramley say anything else?"

2. The girl says. "Do you see that, Nick?"

3. He says, "Do you want to see her portrait, Mr.Poirot?"

4. Linda says. "Does Peter know Ann's new address?"

5. She says,"Do the Blacks still live in London?"

6. Peter says, "Does your new girl-friend look a beauty, Mike?"

7. The man says, "Do you remember me, Inspector?"

8. Frank says, "Do you know any of these people?"

9. The teacher says, "Does your friend work hard at his English, Tim?"

10. My sister says, "Do you often visit your friends, Nick?"

11. The teacher says, "Does Lily attend classes regularly, monitor?"

12. Mother says, "Do you ever miss classes, Paul?"

Exercise 3. Put the following special questions into Indirect Speech.

1. The teacher says, "What does the dean say about it?"

2. The child says. "What does the Crocodile have for dinner?"

3. The girl asks, "How much does the dress cost"

4. Mother asks, "Why does Linda refuse to go to the party?"

5. The manager says, "How long does it take you to get to the office, Mr. Brown?"

6. Alice says, "Where do you usually spend your weekends, Kate?"

7. She says, "Who helps you about the house, Mrs. Smith?"

8. He says, "What languages do you study, Bill"

9. She says. "Who do you play tennis with, Linda?"

10. Mother says, "Why don't you go out, Alice?"

11. The teacher says, "Where do they usually meet, Paul?"

12. The girl says, "Who makes your dresses. Jane';'"



Direct and Indirect Speech

Прямая и косвенная речь


В английском языке необходимо строго соблюдать правило согласования времен. Согласование времен – это зависимость времени глагола придаточного предложения от времени действия главного предложения.

 Если глагол главного предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то глагол придаточного предложения также стоит в одной из форм прошедшего времени.

Сдвиг времен в придаточном дополнительном при главном предложении в прошедшем времени:

1. Present Simple Tense---------- ------Past Simple

Present Continuous Tense ----------Past Continuous

Действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием главного:

- He lives in Volgograd.

I thought that he lived in Volgograd.

- Mother is sleeping.

   I knew that mother was sleeping.  

2.Present Perfect Tense------------- Past Perfect

Past Simple Tense ------------------Past Perfect

Действие придаточного предложения предшествует действию главного.

- He has returned from London.

I was told that he had returned from London.

 - He bought a new car.

I heard that he had bought a new car.


3. Future  Tense -------------Future-in-the-Past

Действие придаточного предложения совершается

позже действия главного:

- He will send us a letter.

I supposed that he would send us a letter.






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