V. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect. 

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V. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect.

As a rule I (to have) ham and eggs for breakfast, but this time I (to order) an omelet.

This is the house where I (to live). I (to live) here since childhood.

Once in a week I (to write) letters home, but I (not to write) one this week, so my next letter must be particularly long.

4. Where (to be) your monitor? "She (to go)" to the library.

I regularly (to see) him every morning at the tram stop, but I (not to see) him these two or three days.

It (to be) cold in winter in Moscow as a rule? - Yes, generally it (to be), but this winter (to be) exceptionally warm.

Why you (not to shave) in the morning?-I (to shave) every other day.

VI. Use the Passive Voice.                                                                                   

A guide will show the visitors the new buildings.

Someone told him to make a report on ancient architecture.

Mr. Smith taught her Greek and gave her a dictionary.

The teacher told John to learn the alphabet.

I will tell you another fable next time.

They invited the rest of us to go sightseeing.

The guide showed the American the Houses of Parliament.


Контрольная работа №6

I. Translate the text.

Potential and difference of potential

    Two bodies oppositely charged have a difference of potential or voltage is measured by the work required to carry a unit of positive charge from one body to another against the force of attraction or repulsion. The magnitude of the difference of potential depends upon the concentration of the charge and not on the amount of the charge.

   If appositively charged body and a negatively charged body are brought in contact, electrons from the body with negative charge will move over to the body having the positive charge until an equilibrium of charge has taken place.

  There is a very instructive analogy between the use of the word "potential" in electricity and "pressure" in hydrostatics. Just as water tends to flow from points of higher hydrostatics pressure to points of lower hydrostatic pressure, so electricity tends to flow from points of higher electrical pressure, or potential, to points of lower electrical pressure, or potential.

 II. Translate technical terms and phrases.

Аналоговые электроизмерительные приборы

Амперметры, ваттметры, вольтметры, измерительные преобразователи, индукционные, счетчики, контрольно-измерительные приборы, магнитодинамические приборы, магнитоэлектрические приборы, мультиметры, омметры, приборы выпрямительного типа, термоэлектрические приборы, фазометры, ферродинамические приборы, частотомеры, цифровые электроизмерительные приборы, электрические счётчики, электромагнитные приборы, электростатические приборы.

III. Supply   many, much or little, a little.

When we came to the dining-room there were... people there already. We sat down at a table, took the menu-card and began to read it. "I shall not eat... today", said. "... soup, some milk and... cake-nothing else". "I never eat very... said Mary. "But today I am hungry, and I want to eat as... as I can: soup, meat, fish and potatoes". "But it will take a lot of time", said Peter, "and we have very... time, you know. We have... things to do before the lecture begins".

V. Fill in the prepositions where it is necessary.

   This writer is known all... the world. Many people are fond... his books. I read one of his novels... a month ago. He tells his stories... such a way that you remember them... a long time. Although his characters are imaginary it always seems that they live... real life.... the beginning of the year they made a trading expedition … Africa. Crusoe, left... saying good-bye to anyone.... his way... London he had his first experience... a shipwreck. The ship ran... a rock and broke... pieces. The sailors were swallowed... the sea.

VI. Use the Present Continuous instead of the infinitives given in brackets:

Look the sun (to rise). It is (to shine) brightly.

John (to polish) his boots and his sister (to press) her dress.


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