Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. Mind the tenses. Plants by herbalists to cure common illnesses 

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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. Mind the tenses. Plants by herbalists to cure common illnesses


  1. Plants ………… by herbalists to cure common illnesses.                                   (use)
  2. Two days ago her suitcases ……… by customs officers at the airport.             (search)
  3. Our leaking roof …………… by the builders now.                                                       (fix)
  4. Recently dinosaur remains …………. by a team of archaeologists.                  (find)
  5. The offer ……………. by Jones Ltd tomorrow.                                                (confirm)                                

11.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, then identify the types of conditionals.



I’ll have/ 1


I’ll have/buy/ 1


  1. If we find a taxi, we ……… there before the play starts.                                             (get)
  2. If you............ complaining, we would be able to get some work done today.             (stop)
  3. If you............ within the time limit, we would have given you a full refund.               (cancel)
  4. Mark isn't a serious athlete. If he..............harder, he...........quite a good runner.        (train/be)
  5. It rained every day on our holiday. If we.............the television with us, we...............anything to do.

(not take/not have)




10. Write an essay on the topic “GMO microorganisms” in 200-250 words.


Variant 5

Text work

Read and translate the text.

What is Mercy Killing?

Originally Written By: Lori Smith and N. Madison

Mercy killing, also known as voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide, is essentially an act by one person that is designed to end the life of another who is suffering from extreme pain or terminally ill; who is on life support machines or who is only living with the support of ventilation or other medical interventions. It is considered a criminal homicide in most but not all places, though proponents argue that it should be treated differently than a malicious murder because, in general, it is done out of love or compassion for the person killed. The practice is highly controversial and polarizing, even in places where it is permitted by law.

There are a couple of different ways people help others die, but lethal drug overdoses are some of the most common. In these cases doctors prescribe drugs in strengths and combinations that are designed to quickly and peacefully end someone’s life. People who are able can self-administer these drugs, usually by swallowing them, or they may have them injected intravenously, too.

Ending medically necessary life support is called passive euthanasia. People who depend on ventilators or life support machines can request that these machines be switched off, which usually leads to relatively quick death. Family members and loved ones of patients in such situations sometimes choose to remove life support mechanisms on their own, too, often if the patient is unconscious or non-responsive and not expected to ever recover.

There are few topics that are more controversial than assisted suicide, and there are passionate arguments for both sides of this issue. Proponents of assisted suicide often state that a person has a right to end his life if he is in severe pain or unable to experience a reasonable quality of life. They further state that he has the right to seek help in ending his life as well, arguing that euthanasia doesn’t harm anyone. Some even call it cruel to force a person to live the rest of his days in pain or unable to move or function. As such, proponents often consider it an act of kindness to help such patients die.

There are also many arguments against assisted suicide. Often, these arguments are religious in nature. Many opponents of mercy killing say it is against God; others claim it is outright murder. Some people who are against euthanasia state that it leaves too much room for mistakes. For example, they say that assisted suicide may lead to the deaths of individuals who were incorrectly diagnosed or had some chance, no matter how remote, of recovering.

Often, the arguments against assisted suicide focus on where society should draw the line in deciding who should die and what conditions make a person a good candidate for mercy killing. They question whether society would eventually force euthanasia on people who were considered less desirable or who had non-fatal, but debilitating conditions. Additionally, many argue that life is sacred and that mercy killing will make people have less respect for it.

Despite the fact that there are people who support assisted suicide, it is illegal in many places around the world except such countries as Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg which have established provisions for lawful euthanasia; but it is generally illegal for anyone other than a doctor to actually administer the life-ending treatments, though others can often be present. Laws in some places specify that only people with certain illnesses or pain conditions are eligible, too.


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