Do not load the baby with what he is not interested. Try to find out his preferences and choose the appropriate occupation. Give him the right to choose, the right to decide for himself what to do. 

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Do not load the baby with what he is not interested. Try to find out his preferences and choose the appropriate occupation. Give him the right to choose, the right to decide for himself what to do.


For the development of the baby the feelings of the love and the compassion you can have a pet. He will all reveal with pride that he has a hamster or a kitten. Show your child how to properly care for him, what to feed, how do you need to treat him. If you notice that your child offends the animal, explain that it is alive and it hurts. Tell him that the animal has lost its parents, the pet is very lonely, and it is necessary that someone take care of its.

Teach your baby to take care of the pet. This brings up in him not only love to the nature and the animals, but also will help to realize the importance, need for someone and relieve of the feeling of the loneliness. In addition, the child will look at your relationships with him with the different eyes, which will help to strengthen them.

Remember, what the baby is doing is extremely important for him, even if you think that it is not so. I will give an example from my practice.


A young mother came on the reception to me and said: “One day my son came up to me and asked me to play with him. I watched an interesting broadcast at this time and explained the kid that now I am busy, and I will play with him later. After a while, going to the child in the room, I saw that he puts a toy under the bed, then takes it out and puts it again. I called the child to the dinner and heard in reply: “I am busy now, I will come later”. This repeated many times.

The woman did not know how to react. I explained the young mother that the child imitated her in everything and, in his opinion, what he did is no less important than his mother’s affairs. Therefore, he did not understand why his mother outrages. He had been waiting for her to be free. So why did not she want to help?


In order for a child to understand what care and respect are, he sometimes needs to take care of someone himself. For example, you came from your work and very tired; you have a bad headache, the troubles at the work. The kid looks at you inquisitively, wondering why you are in such the state. Ask him to bring you to drink. Tell him, without going into the details, that you were offended at work, let the baby show the sympathy and let him feel sorry for you. Therefore, he will understand that you need him and cannot without him.

If you notice your baby’s tendency to lie, try to find the reason. It is often the lies arise from the fear of the punishment, so do not punish the child too severely, especially avoid the corporal punishment. Find out why the child lied, delve into his problem. Maybe, by talking to him, you will save him not only from the fear and the following lies, but also from other complexes.

You should defer to the wishes of the child (reasonable, of course!). After all, the self-expression is the main need of the human nature.

Allow your child to participate in your classes no matter what you do that is to wash the floor or cook the breakfast. It is very important for him to feel that he is trusted.

Do not charge your child with something difficult, which he is not able to cope with. Give him a task that he can perform to wash a cup, wipe the dust off the table and put your toys. Say to him that he is good, that he helped you a lot and without him, you would not have coped.

By no means, do shout if the baby is trying to do something that he cannot afford. Better, help him, praising for the initiative.


If you, for example, decided to sew something for yourself, and your daughter is spinning next to you, attract her to your occupation. Give the fabric scraps let her do something too.

Alternatively, the other situation the father makes a shelf, the sonny runs nearby, grabs the tools, the nails, “gets confused” under his feet. Do not drive him away; do not be afraid that he will hit the hammer on the fingers or drop the tool on his foot. Give him such a task that it was interesting, but safe, and you will see how the son will be proud to tell everyone that he and his father made the shelf.

The involvement of the child in some cases not only accustoms him to work, but also brings him closer to his parents. Such the child will be respectful and to understand the parents and what they to do.

The relationships between the adults and the child are favorably influenced with the joint games that should be organized in such a way that they contribute to the versatile development and harmonious ones of the baby.

Walk with your child more often. Run with him, play some games, roll in the snow or leave the target the snowballs. The joint walks not only cheer up, contribute to the physical development of the child, but also strengthen the relationships in the family. You, probably, more than once had to see, the kid, firmly holding the hands of the father and mother, with pride walks down the street.

Between you and the child must be the mutual understanding and the trust; you have to present the love and the attention to the kid, from early childhood teach him to work, to bring up respect for the adults, to teach to appreciate the friendship.


Try to become a real friend to the child, do not dismiss his childhood problems, and then you will see his shining eyes and realize that you are not only an object of the adoration and the worship, the reliable protection and support for him, but the most faithful and reliable friend.

Part 3

If the baby is afraid

The childlike fears


What is the children’s fears it either a reason for the serious concern or just the children’s whims that is the inventions of the children in an attempt to attract the attention of the adults?

We have to answer this question. Moreover, let us try to take the problem seriously that is to understand the causes of the children’s fears meaning to help our children get rid of them.

The majority of the adults, as it is not strange, considers the children’s fears with the inventions of the kids, their whims and does not pay the proper attention to them. “Don’t make it up! ‒ a father rationally thinking says to the child. – there is not Barmaleys in the nature so immediately lie down to sleep and close your eyes!”

In addition, it is not surprising that after such the words, the fear of the child not only does not disappear, but also increases, and the constant expectation that now the terrible Barmaley will appear in the room, can lead to the chronic sleep disturbance and even to the neuroses.



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