When the child is sick and cannot explain what hurts him, he begins to cry from the pain, capricious, refuses to eat, sleeps restlessly. 

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When the child is sick and cannot explain what hurts him, he begins to cry from the pain, capricious, refuses to eat, sleeps restlessly.


Weeping is a natural reaction if the baby falls or hits. The children generally take their failures very seriously. Even if he does not hurt very much, he will still make the whole tragedy out of it, because it is important for him to draw the attention to him, sympathize and regret.

It is not uncommon for the children to cry during a visit of a doctor. The kids usually associate the white coat with the pain, the injections and the unpleasant sensations, when they are listened or their throut is watched, and they immediately begin to play pranks up to hysteria, resist, fight and push the doctor’s hands, not allowing him making the review.

The children do not sometimes want to wear what their parents offer them – and again the whims and the tears.

Not all the children quickly get used to the kindergarden. Sometimes for the adaptation of the kid to a new situation it is necessary to put a lot of the efforts and the patience. After all the child considers it natural that he always should be with his mother. Getting into an unfamiliar environment and losing sight of his parents, he is frightened and therefore cries.

The baby can cry if he was offended by the other children. For example, he was pushed or took a toy, a book away...

The crying children complain when they have something does not work. For example, the child tried to wear the socks on his own. But it did not work. Then he begins to get nervous and cry, urging the adults to help him.

Not all the children like the water treatments. Those ones who do not like bathing, express their dissatisfaction with the shouts and the sobbing, arrange “the concerts”, attracting the attention not only of the relatives and the friends, but even the neighbours who listen with the bewilderment to the loud cries behind the wall and painfully wonder what happens with the child if he cries so hard.

The tears can be the result of the punishment. It is quite often the child does not see the connection between his action and the reaction of the adults. In such the case he perceives the punishment as the violence by the parents.

It especially offensive seems the punishment without a reason for the kid when he knows that he is really not guilty. For example, someone pushed him while walking in the dirt, naturally, he got dirty, scared and burst into the tears. Coming home back, he looks for the sympathy from his mother, and she starts screaming at him because she will have to wash his clothes again. She did not even try to understand the situation without asking him about how everything happened. As a result, the child, crying and offended, stands in the corner, serving his punishment.


The sobbing child, being in a state of the affect, bad ly perceives the remarks, the orders, the advice, so it is useless to educate him. It is also unacceptable to punish the baby when he cries, as he can easily forget what he was punished for, and the very state of the weeping inherently already is the punishment for him.

There is a common belief that the children’s tears are easy to dry. Indeed, in the children under five years of the age, the duration of the emotional arousal is relatively small, but the strength of the emotions does not inferior, and sometimes even the similar state exceeds in the adults. The grief of the child over the loss of a beloved kitten is not less great than the grief of an adult who has lost a close person. And the fear of being abandoned in the locker room of the kindergarten? The adults think that fifteen minutes will not change anything, but they can seem like an eternity for the kid.

The experiences and the emotions require the large energy costs, so do not oversaturate the baby’s day with the events, even the pleasant ones. It can lead to the moods, the tearfulness, the disorders of sleep and even cause the  vomiting.




It is impossible not to pay the attention to the crying son or the daughter. This can undermine their trust in the adults. But when the sobbing turned into the tantrum, it is better not to pay the attention to the child, but to give him the opportunity to throw out the nervous tension. In other cases, you should understand the causes of the weeping, which is possible only with the trusting relationship between you and your baby.

If the child cries expressing the natural needs, it is easy to find out offering him the to eat and to drink something. If he reports the sobbing that he has the wet diaper or the clothes, check and change them. The older child can ask with the weeping on a potty. Act very simplely in such the situation that is put him on the pot and stay with him distracting with the conversation or show a toy.

If the baby cries, because he is hot or contrary chilly, you can determine this with the state of his skin that is the skin will wet, sweaty if he is hot, and cool one – covers with the pimples (= the goose skin) if the baby froze. Find out the cause and try to eliminate it.


In g eneral, it is undesirably that the child overheat ed, it is worse than the cold for him. Do not make a sissy from the child, do not wrap him up turning the kid into the cabbage, this will quickly lead to the diseases.


If the tearfulness and the whims are the consequence of the fact that the baby has a tummy ache for eliminating the discomfort, make him a light massage of the stomach. The massage is performed clockwise with stroking the movements. Make sure that your hands were warm, and use the baby cream for better slipping of your hands. If there is no the effect, remove the gases. To do this, put the baby on the left side and bend his legs pressing them to the tummy. You can use the other methods that is to insert a vent tube or, putting the baby on the left side, make him an enema with the warm boiled water.

By the serious illness, by no means, do not self-medicate, because you do not know what the child is sick with. Call the local doctor at home. The first symptoms of the disease, as a rule, are the lethargy, the drowsiness, the refusal from the food. Pay the attention to the condition of the skin, look at the neck, check the stool. Be sure to measure the temperature.


When the child is sick, his appetite decreases, so do not force-feed h im. Another important point that is if the baby is not very seriously ill, do not keep him in bed. In the connection with the reluctance to lie the baby can cry, while the energy for the tears, he will spend no less than the walking.


Do not wear the child too warm, in other words, the overheating is very dangerous for the children, especially when they are sick.

It often happens that after the recovery, the state of the child persists both the nervous one and the tearful one. Keep patience. Take care of the strict observance of the daily routine in accordance with the condition and the age of the child that is put him to bed in time, feed him properly and often be with him in the fresh air. Surround the child with the care and the affection, because even an adult, when is sick, requires the increased attention, try to distract him from the consequences to which the disease has led (the weakness, the unbalance).

If the baby cries, this means that he does not want to go to the doctor. The relationships of the child and the doctor consists of the parents (= they bring the child to the reception, explain the reason for the arrival, the symptoms of the disease). It is exactly the parents should prepare the child for the communication with the doctor; explain why it is necessary to go to the clinic and how this visit will take place.

In no case should you frighten the child with the injections and the hospital. You can instill the fear and the dislike to people in white coats by that to the baby for the life.

The child is capricious because he does not want to go to bed. From the first days of the life, he is accustomed to your constant presence, does not want you to leave and go to bed. He needs you around for a while. Sit on the edge of the bed, tell him some good story, a fairy tale, read a book or just look at the pictures with him. You can quietly sing a song or talk about the past day.

Ask him about what interesting happened to him, tell about your affairs in an accessible form for him. The child’s favorite toy should be nearby so that he can reach it, because the children love to sleep with the toys. This a ll will allow the baby to finish his day quietly and will also help to strengthen your relationships.

During the time, the child will understand that when he sleeps the loving parents do not leave him, they are always there. He will calm down, get used to it and will fall asleep without the whims.



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