VIII. Complete the sentences. 

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VIII. Complete the sentences.

1. Depressurization is….

2. Decompression may be caused by….

3. There are different types of depressurization…

4. Depressurization may lead to….

5. People can suffer from…..

6. In case of depressurization over mountainous area………..

7. Pilots have to…..

8. ATCs are obliged to…..


IX. Insert the necessary preposition.

1. Passengers suffered …….dehydration.

2. What can decompression be caused…..?

3. Pilots sported a scratch on the windscreen due to bird strike … it.

4. Lack of oxygen can result…….paralysis of person and even fatality.

5. Slow and rapid depressurization differ…..time of their occurrence.

6. People have to retrain consciousness …… donning oxygen masks…….

7. Passengers were instructed to put oxygen masks…….

8. In case of explosive decompression pilots may be pressed ….. time.

9. Oxygen masks are deployed….. automatically.


X. Approve or disapprove the statement.

Artificial decompression can be applied by the crew if the aircraft is hijacked.

XI. Describe the picture and speculate about possible causes.

Use active vocabulary:

· Crippled aircraft

· To collapse

· To be exposed to

· To scratch

· Dents

· Visual trace of fire

· friction

XVI. Grammar.

Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

1. When I …………(to hear) the news, I …………(to hurry) to the place of accident.

2. They …………..(to abort) take off because the birds …………..(to fly) over the airfield at that time.

3. The aircraft ……………(to wait) for improvement of weather in holding pattern for about half an hour.

4. When the plane……………..(to arrive)?

5. The aircraft …………..(to climb) when the bird strike ……………(to occur).

6. …….this bird ……… (to pose) risk to the aircraft?

7. The engine …………(to catch) fire when they ……………(to taxi) to the RW.

8. Bird strike …………..(to cause) engine failure.

9. ………..authorities …………..(to eliminate) the problem last year?

10. The aircraft……… (to encounter) the flock of birds that …………..(to fly) east.

11. The visibility ……..(to get worse) when they ……..(to approach) to the airport.

12. Non-depressurization alarm………...(to go off) and the crew …………(to initiate) emergency descent.

13. They………..(to avoid) thunderstorm when the controller ………(to request) their position.

14. When this traffic………….(to enter) restricted area?

15. The crew ………….(not to make) missed approach procedures.

16. It……… (to take) the crew 40 minutes to get to destination.

17. The captain ………..(to perform) the check-list for 20 minutes.

18. Pilots ……..(to report) their position when they…………..(to pass) KW.

19. Depressurization…………..(to occur) when they ……….(to be) on FL 330.

20. One of the passengers ……….(to suffer) decompression sickness.

Translate into English.

1. Они прибыли в аэропорт, когда самолет взлетал.

2. Что вы делали, когда (they) объявили ваш рейс?

3. Вчера во время посадки шел дождь.

4. Я собирался лететь в Киев, но мне пришлось отложить поездку.

5. Когда мы набирали высоту, видимость становилась лучше.

6. Почему вы не сообщили нам, что вы собираетесь сделать экстренную посадку?

7. Второй пилот принял решение, когда капитана не было в кабине.

8. Самолет заходил на посадку, когда диспетчер предупредил об угрозе столкновения с птицами.

9. Какую последнюю информацию вы получили от диспетчера, перед тем как пропала связь?

10. Самолет был уже на исполнительном старте, а диспетчер не дал разрешение на взлет.

11. Пока технический персонал ликвидировал проблему, экипаж пытался связаться с начальством.

12. В каком аэропорту они решили произвести посадку, когда у них отказал двигатель?

13. Они запросили смену эшелона, так как грозовая облачность развивалась очень быстро.

14. Самолет был на исполнительном старте, когда пилоты заметили стаю птиц на полосе.

15. Этот борт вошел в нашу зону несколько минут назад?

16. Им не удалось перезапустить двигатель.

17. Второй пилот проводил визуальный осмотр шасси, а техники заправляли самолет.


XVII. Read the text s and comment on them.

Aloha Flight

  On the 2 8th of April in 1988 Aloha Air Company performed a scheduled flight from Honolulu to Hilo, Hawaii. The aircraft experienced an explosive decompression and structural failure due to metal fatigue in an upper cabin area.

 There were 90 passengers and five crew members on board. No unusual occurrences were reported during the take-off and climb.

Reached the altitude of 24,000 feet, a small section on the left side of the roof ruptured. This structural damage caused explosive decompression which in its turn tore off a large section of the roof. Due to separation of upper-fuselage section one of the flight attendants who was standing in the aisle at that moment was ejected out of the aircraft.

It was possible to see blue sky through rapped apart top of the fuselage. The captain notified ATC about the emergency and requested priority for landing at the nearest airport. The explosive decompression caused the electrical problems and pilots lost nose gear indicator light on the cockpit instrument panel. Thus they were unaware if it extended completely.

Before landing, passengers were instructed to don their life jackets, in case the aircraft did not make it to Kahului.

The crew managed to execute a successful emergency landing with a significant portion of the upper fuselage missing. In addition to the fatally injured flight attendant, seven passengers were seriously injured.

Flying Dutchman

  There is a legend of Flying Dutchman, mysterious ship, which was doomed to sail the oceans without getting into the ports. The ghost ship tried to send messages to the land but they failed to get their destination. This legend roots back to the 18th century and finds its reflection in 1988 in aviation.

In 1988 aircraft A12 was exposed to gradual decompression. A day before the flight the crew was completed from 4 members (captain, co-pilot, flight engineer and navigator). In the evening they celebrated their reunion abusing the alcohol drinks. Next day during pre-flight visual check of the plane they neglected the fact that door was closed not properly.

Reaching cruising level all flight crew felt unwell (they felt dizziness and disorientation). Decided there were previous day consequences they disregarded these symptoms as they were unaware of the fact that gradual decompression emerged due to not tightly closed door as they were flying at the altitude of 6000meters. Seconds later all crew members fainted and the aircraft flew approximately over the whole Siberia on autopilot. In some time the co-pilot, the youngest and the healthiest in the crew, regained consciousness, realized critical situation and immediately initiated emergency descent. With the loss of altitude the other flight crew members regained consciousness. Made 4 approaches the co-pilot managed to execute safe landing.

All crew members were treated by medical staff upon arrival but unfortunately the results of hypoxia could not pass unnoticeably as the lack of oxygen destroyed brain cells and in half a year all 4 crew members died.







I. New vocabulary.

· To be detached/to be separated

· To fail

· To shut down/ to cut off

· Contained/ uncontained

· To ingest (ingestion)

· To suck (suction)

· To pass V1 speed

· To bank/ to roll

· To execute wide turns

· To provide thrust

· To feather the engine propeller

· Port-side engine

· Starboard engine

· Engine surge

· Engine vibration

· Engine working rough

· Overheating

· Engine stall

· To get into stall

· To evaluate the situation

· Landing ahead of aircraft

· To seek the best glide ratio

· To turn into glider

· Noise abatement procedure

· Prescribed speed

· Steep approach

· To perform ditching/ to ditch


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