The article deals with the question where to locate “production facilities”. Three other words are used in the article with similar meaning to facilities. What are they? 

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The article deals with the question where to locate “production facilities”. Three other words are used in the article with similar meaning to facilities. What are they?

What other word is used in the meaning of “production”?

Match the words with their explanations.


a. notably              is a typical example of something

b. augmenting      especially, particularly

c. links               a relationship or connection between

two things

d. swiftly            quickly

e. exemplifies      very, extremely, completely

f. eminently           increasing something by adding to it

4. Answer the following questions.


a. Where are the simplest toys manufactured and why?

b. Why does Lego do things differently?

c. What is the reason for a global company to have a 'part configuration' model?

d. According to the text, what are the advantages and disadvantages of low-cost assembly plants'?

e. What are the operational advantages of outsourcing?

5. Mark these statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information.

a. The main reason to have overseas plants is to be close to local markets.

b. A lot of plants are now being located in Eastern Europe.

c. Imports to many markets are now cheaper.

d. The number of overseas plants is increasing.

e. Cost is the main factor in choosing the location of a foreign plant.

f. Outsourcing production to subcontractors gives a company more flexibility.


6. Comment on the title of the article summing up the information of the article.

Final Discussion


➢ There is no denying the fact that not infrequently do the advertisements distort the truth. Misleading information can provoke problems for the consumers. What can they be? What can be done to lessen the harmful effects of misrepresentative ads?

➢ Do you support the idea of complete ban of alcohol and tobacco advertising from mass media?

➢ Tobacco and alcohol producing companies tend to advertise their production through sponsorship of sport events. What do you think about such sponsorship?(as a consumer, producer, sportsman)

➢ Though the role of advertising in increasing consumer awareness is invaluable, some people claim that ads create desire for more and more material possessions. They think that negative social aspects of extensive advertising outnumber the positive ones. What may the consequences be?

➢ Ads’ makers sometimes go to extremes trying to make their ads work. They employ such techniques as subliminal advertising (with hidden messages and pictures in it). Such commercials have insidious tunes that linger in the brain. Do you approve of it or do think it must be prohibited?

Creative Consolidation


Write a 500-word essay developing one of the following theses. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement. Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


1. “No one can possibly achieve any real lasting success or ‘get rich’ in business by conforming to conventional practices or ways of thinking”.

2. A business should not be held responsible for providing customers with complete information about its products or services; customers should have the responsibility of gathering information about the products and services they may want to buy”.

3. “Advertising is the most influential and therefore the most important artistic achievement of the twentieth century”.

4. “Whether promoting a product, an event, or a person, an advertising campaign is most effective when it appeals to emotion rather than to reason”.

5. “So long as no laws are broken, there is nothing unethical about doing whatever you need to do to promote existing practices or to create new products’.

6. “Commercialism has become too widespread. It has even crept into schools and places of worship. Every nation should place limits on what kinds of products, if any, can be sold at certain events and places”.

7. “What is the final objective of business? Is it to make the obtaining of a living – the obtaining of food, clothing, shelter, and a minimum of luxuries – so mechanical and so little time-consuming that people shall have time for other things.”

                                        - A business leader, circa 1930


8. “The goal of business should not be to make as big a profit as possible. Instead, business should also concern itself with the well-being of the public.”

9. Never tell people hoe to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”

10. “The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.”

Write an article about

a) social responsibility of business

b) positive aspects of crisis. Remember the words of John F. Kennedy (1917-1963), 35th US President:

 “When written in Chinese, the word crisis is compounded of two characters – one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.”

c) never changing psychology of consumers who want to have as much as possible for as little as possible

d) ads which create desire for more and more material possessions, and negative social aspects of extensive advertising outnumbering the positive ones

e) Government patronage over entrepreneurship which is the quickest way to ruin the concept of innovation because of inevitable excessive red tape. 


[1] Acquisitive – trying to get things, especially because you want them, rather than because you need them; acquisition – buying sth or sth bought; the process of learning skills or getting knowledge: theories of language acquisition.

[2] Sweetener – money/grants or tax benefits to encourage opening a factory or business.

[3] Cost-cutting exercise – effort to reduce costs.

[4] Relocate; switch productions – move the centre of manufacture to a different place, often where labour is cheaper.

[5] Be on piecework - they are only paid for the amount they produce.

[6] Sweatshop – factories where people work very long hours for low wages.

[7] Keep a stiff upper lip – not to show your feelings even if you are terribly upset.

[8] Public-private partnership – partly state-owned, partly owned by private industries or businesses.

[9] Pernicious – very dangerous or harmful, especially to someone’s moral health.

[10] Father figure – an older man who you trust and respect.

[11] Based on the article “Risky business” by Stelios Haji-Ioannou, The World in 2005; Bill Mascull, Business Vocabulary in Use: Innovation, Professional English, Cambridge University Press, 2004.


[12] Philip Kotler. Marketing Management. Prentice Hall, 2000, Chapter 2.

[13] Based on “Spending Is a Patriotic Duty” by Robert B. Reich, the Moscow Times, September 26, 2001; “Canada's Palace of Kitsch Convenience” by Dave Hill, the Independent on Sunday; “Shopping During Wartime” by Joel Stein, Time, October 29, 2001; “Are Middle-of-the-night Shoppers Mad” by Ann Treneman, the Independent, March 6, 1999; “In Search of a Shopping Identity” by Michael Evamy, the Independent, September 28, 1999.

[14] Based on the article by James Erlichman, The Guardian


[15] Clear explanation of a company’s activity to which the public has easy access.

[16] These evaluate the effect of a firm’s behaviour in relation to employees and to society as whole.

[17] Today it is considered to be as important as financial reporting. It provides important information for all of a company’s stakeholders, to all members of the society affected by their activity.

[18] Based on America’s Hamburger Helper by EDWIN M. REINGOLD LOS ANGELES, Choice Burgers by Helen Lowery, The Observer; the Weariness of the Brand by Oleg Leonov and Peter Kiryan, The Expert, №17, 2002.


[19] The articles in this section reflect the position of their writers and do not necessarily coincide with the stance of the author of this book.


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