Ex. 2 What other recipes of salads do you know? 

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Ex. 2 What other recipes of salads do you know?



The Apple and Pineapple Turban is quite complicated and has two stages of preparation: the fruit filling is prepared first while the sauce is cooked just before serving. The end results are well worth it though! The ingredients used are very fresh, but if you don’t like butter you could substitute it with thick cream. The dish is very sweet, so adding some squeezed lemon juice is suggested. Some semisweet white wine to go with it would be a great idea.


1 medium pineapple

500g apples

1 vanilla stick (or vanilla sugar)

50ml apple vodka

100g sherry vinegar

130g butter

20g cinnamon sticks

200ml fresh pineapple


200g sugar

Day 1:

Dice pineapples and apples. Heat 30g of the butter in a frying pan, add the fruit and two thirds of the sugar. Fry for 10 or 15 minutes, then add vodka, vinegar, vanilla and cinnamon. Stew until the mixture has a syrup-like consistency. Set aside and let it cool.

To make the mould:


Slice the apple into really tiny slices. Line one teacup-sized mould with them, per person. Then fill with the cooked fruit and chill in the fridge for 24 hours.

Day 2:

The sauce:

In the heated frying pan stew the pineapple juice with 1/3 sugar, and vanilla. Cook until very thick, and add 10g butter.

To serve:

Take the fruit moulds out of the fridge. Put them in an oven-proof dish and cook for 10-15 minutes in an oven which has been preheated to 300 C. Then place the moulds on a large plate, decorated with powdered sugar. Top with a dollop of soft butter or cream. Add the hot sauce and serve immediately. An accompaniment of blackberries and ice cream will make the dish even more special.


Vocabulary notes

1. pineapple Þ ананас
2. cinnamon Þ кориця
3. mould Þ формочка
4. tiny slices Þ маленькі шматочки
5. dollop Þ Гірка (жменя)
6. blackberries Þ ожина
7. chill (v) Þ охолоджувати

Ex. 1. Read and translate the recipe.

     Retell it.




During your stay in Poland it is worth your while to visit restaurants which specialize in traditional Polish cooking. The dishes they serve are prepared according to the best, centuries-old recipes.

Polish cuisine is characterized by dishes with a well-defined taste. They can be hot, sweet, or sour. It is unthinkable to cook the Polish style without using at least some of the following ingredients: sauerkraut, vegetables, fruits, and fresh or dried mushrooms.

Keeping food in water, spices, and salt until it becomes sour is one of the oldest methods of preserving it. At the same time it is a very healthy, natural – one could say ecological – method. Sour cucumbers and sauerkraut are rich in vitamin C and mineral salts, and contain no preservatives. You may wish to keep it in mind while enjoying the Polish delicacies.

The main meal in the Polish culinary tradition is “obiad” eaten early in the afternoon. A classical “obiad” consists of soup, the main course, and dessert.

It is impossible to present all the specialties of the Polish cuisine. Each Polish housewife and each restaurant has a unique recipe for almost every dish.

If you want to have a quick snack and feel that you are in Poland, you many go to one of the small restaurants which specialize in home-made regional dishes, such as tripe soup, “pierogi”, or potato dumplings.

You can also have a light meal at one of the numerous cafes, which, in addition to desserts, coffee, and light drinks, offer breakfast, lunch, and tea – all of them at reasonable prices.

It is worth pointing out that there are many ethnic restaurants in Poland, for example French, Vietnamese, Chinese, all of them providing quality of foreign dishes.

Folk dishes

A real hit of the Polish culinary tradition are “pierogi”. They are said to have come from Russia in the 12-13th centuries. This dish is made of round sheets of dough filled with a variety of stuffing: fresh or sour cabbage, cabbage and mushrooms, meat, farmer’s cheese, cheese and potatoes, blackberries, and depending on the filling, sprinkled with butter, bacon and fried onions, cream, or sugar. “Pierogi” come in different sizes and they have different names. The smaller ones are served in soups. “Ears” are excellent in the red beetroot soup. “Kolduny’ is a Lithuanian specialty served in bouillon.

Another folk dish is stuffed cabbage, an equivalent of the Greek “dolmos”. Leaves of fresh cabbage are filled with meat, or meat and barley, or buckwheat and farmer’s cheese. They are usually served with tomato and cream sauce. The best kind of stuffed cabbage is the peasant variety: covered with cream and baked in the oven.

The folk cuisine also offers potato pancakes and potato dumplings, very unusual potato dumplings with or without meat filling. All housewives make them, you can get them at small cheap restaurants which specialize in regional cooking.


Active Vocabulary


centuries old recipes стародавні рецепти
well-defined taste вишуканий смак
sauerkraut кисла капуста
preservatives консерванти
dumplings оладки
tripe рубець
barley ячмінь
round sheets of dough кружечки з тіста
pancake млинець


I. Phonetic exercises


Ex.1. Transcribe the following words and word-combinations, mark the stresses:

specialize, according, centuries, characterized, well-defined style, ingredients, sauerkraut, mushrooms, preservatives, enjoy, tradition, culinary, sheets of dough, variety, excellent, specialty, bouillon, equivalent, dumplings, pancakes, regional, unique. 



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