Ex. 1. Explain meat golubtsy cooking. 

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Ex. 1. Explain meat golubtsy cooking.


600 gr. soft chicken meat, 125 gr. white bread, ½ cup bread crumbs, 3\4 cup milk, ½ cup butter, salt to taste.

To prepare the filling put the meat through a mincer after removing all tendons and cutting into pieces. Add the white bread soaked in water or milk, then salt, shape the cutlets into ovals. After pouring malted butter inside each, roll in bread crumbs and place in pan with melted butter. Try until done (8-10 minutes). Serve with potato chips and vegetables.

Pour melted butter or sour cream over the cutlets.


Vocabulary notes

tendons жилки
soak розмочувати
bread crumbs хлібні сухарі

Ex. 1. Explain the specification of cooking of Cutlets a la Kyiv.



Dish of the Day, Chernihiv-style Stuffed Beef, is one of the restaurant’s specialities. It’s very popular among Ukrainians, and you’ll be able to find it in most restaurants featuring traditional Ukrainian cuisine. All the ingredients are easily available in Kyiv and it is simple recipe to make at home. Serve with anything from rice and vegetables to boiled potatoes, depending on your mood and appetite.

First make the sauce by mixing the last three ingredients and then set aside.

Tenderise 4 meat fillets, season with salt and pepper on both sides and also put to one side.

Next, prepare the stuffing: dice the onions, mushrooms and prunes. Fry the onions and mushrooms in oil until tender, then mix in the prunes.

Divide the stuffing into 4 portions and fill the beef fillets. Roll them up and secure with thread or a wooden toothpick if you’re feeling nervous, then fry the stuffed meat for a couple of minutes, turning on all sides.

Add the sauce to the pan and stew for 10-15 minutes, keeping the pan covered.

Meanwhile preheat the oven to 250 C. Roast the stewed meat in the oven for another 5-10 minutes. Serve with vegetables of your choice.


300g beef fillet

100g champignons

100g onions

50g prunes

30g oil

Salt, black pepper

20g cognac

50g ketchup

100g meat stock

Vocabulary notes

tender (v) зм’якшувати
dice (v) різати на шматочки
prunes чорнослив
roll up (v) закручувати
secure (v) (тут) фіксувати
thread нитка
meat stock м’ясна вирізка
season(v) приправляти


Ex.1. Read and translate the recipe. Retell it.




The general pattern roughly corresponds with the following day chart of the Englishman:

à early morning tea from 7-8 a.m.

à breakfast 7.50-10 a.m.

à "elevens" 10-11 a.m.

à lunch (or luncheon) 1-3 p.m.

à afternoon cup of tea 5-7 p.m.

à dinner: from 6 p.m. (for the convenience of theatre-goes) to 9.30 p.m.


Early morning tea though considered as a meal is more of a prelude to the succeeding breakfast than an actual meal.

Breakfast has been for years the pride of British catering and housewives. At the beginning of the century, all but the poorest households used to serve a breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs, kidneys, fried mushrooms, grilled kippers, smoked haddock and York ham. This was prefaced by porridge, accompanied by coffee or tea and finished with toast and marmalade, or paste or relish spread with butter on still warm toast.

"Elevenses" offer a welcome mid-morning break, an opportunity for a short gathering round a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa, supplemented by a bit of sandwich or some fruit or biscuit.

Lunch is the meal an Englishman is always ready to scamp. A standing lunch or a snack is often the rule for busy people and given preference over a sit-down lunch. Ordinary Englishmen who started the day with the regular breakfast generally make do with sandwiches or hot-dogs, or even some light lunch: ham, tomato, hard-boiled eggs and lettuce, plus a cup of tea and a sweet.

The term " luncheon " applies to a more elaborate three or four course lunch which calls later for the afternoon cup of tea in case one feels sleepy.

Brunch, as everybody knows is a compromise between late breakfast and early lunch. It is favored by late risers and keep-slim addicts.

The afternoon tea is the most popular feature all over Britain, something of an institution. Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meal. But it is sociable sort of thing when people often come in for a chat with their cup of tea cake or biscuit. But some people like to have the so-called "high-tea" which is quite a substantial meal.

In a well-to-do-families it can consist of ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or tinned salmon, or sausages with good strong tea, bread and butter, then stewed fruit and cake.

Dinner originally a family affair with soup and hot main course plus "two vegetables", dessert or sweet, is a principle evening meal.

Supper often applies to the cold snack which concludes the day especially with TV addict families but it can take more elaborate and civilized forms depending on the occasion.

Vocabulary notes:

succeeding наступний
pride гордість
household домашнє господарство
kidneys нирки
kipper копчена риба
haddock пікша (риба)
relish тут: гостра приправа чи пряна закуска
scamp (v) ставитися аби як
apply вживати, застосовувати
elaborate ретельно обміркований
addict прихильник
stewed fruit компот

I. Phonetic exercises

Ex. 1. Transcribe the following words and word-combinations. Consult a dictionary:

Prelude, actual, mushrooms, kidney, haddock, toast, cocoa, sandwich, biscuit, lettuce, dessert, apply, tomatoes, tinned salmon, ordinary, popular feature.

Ex. 2. Mark the stresses in the following words:

succeeding, household, consisting, accompanied, marmalade, elevenses, opportunity, supplemented, elaborate, compromise, favored feature, sociable, substantial, conclude.



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