Функции герундия в предложении и способы его перевода на русский язык 

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Функции герундия в предложении и способы его перевода на русский язык





Часть составного сказуемого.











Swimming is my fa­vourite sport.


Her aim is mastering English.


I don't mind going there. She likes sing­ing.


There are different ways of solving this problem.


After returning home he resumed-his work. Excuse me for not keeping my promise.



Плавание - мой лю­бимый вид спорта.


Её цель - овладеть (овладение) английским.


Я не возражаю (не против) пойти туда. Она любит петь.

 Существуют различ­ные способы решения этой проблемы.

 После возращения (после того, как он вернулся домой, возвратившись, домой), он возобновил работу.

Извините, что я не сдержал обещание.

Как видно из таблицы, герундий может переводиться на рус­ский язык существительным, глаголом в личной форме или неоп­ределенной формой глагола, деепричастием.


1. Translate into Russian.

1. Swimming in cold water is unpleasant.

2. His having failed in the examination surprised everybody.

3. Don't leave without telling us your new address.

4. On coming home I usually take a short rest.

5. They must be proud of having won the match.

6. I remember the document having been signed by both parties.

7. I insist on the decision being taken immediately.

2. Write a gerund in the required form, using the following verbs.
a) Perfect Active (to do - having done)



To fail, to consider, to settle, to buy, to come, to discuss, to ask, to win,

to give, to tell, to pass.

b) Perfect Passive (to do - having been done)

To speak, to give, to sing, to tell, to write, to open, to study, to show.

3.      Choose the right Russian equivalent.


1. Oleg's refusing our help is regrettable.

I. то, что Олег отказался; II. то, что Олег отказывается; III. то, что Олегу отказали

2. She is upset of her son being accused of bad conduct at school.
I. её сына обвинили; II. её сын обвиняет; III. её сына обвиняют

3. Не apologized to the teacher for not having done his lessons.

I. зато, что не сделал; II. за то, что не делает; III. за то, что не будет делать

4. I don't like being asked such questions.

I. задавать такие вопросы; II. когда мне задают; III. когда мне задавали

5. The teacher was surprised at your having made so many mis­

I. что вы сделали; II. было сделано; III. делаете

4.      Make up sentences according to the models. Remember the
underlined expressions.

1. I doiVt mind seeing the film again.

(to take part in the conference; to stay in the country for another week)

2. I can't (couldn't) help smiling.

(to tell you about it; to laugh when I see him)

3. The book is (not) worth reading.

(the question - to discuss; the proposal - to consider)

4. Ws no use doing it.

(to talk to them; to help him)

5. Did you enjoy spending you holiday there?
(to watch the match; to visit the museum)

6. I remember talking to him.

(to attend the lecture; to invite them to the party)

7. We insisted on (his) going there.

(to make the report; to organize a conference)

8. You can learn to speak English by speaking English,
(to read French; to swim)

9. How about going to the club?


(to have a bite; to visit a museum)

10. Instead of going home he went to the club.

(to answer my question - to ask me his question; to do one's homework; - to look through magazines)

5. Translate the sentences into Russian. Find Particple I and \

1. The Earth and the Moon travel together making a complete trip around the Sun once a year. 2. Besides using optical telescopes scien-tisrs are extensively employing radio telescopes, which are huge an­tennae, constantly listening to the radio-signals coming from our distant neighbours in the Universe. 3. Astronomers determine the mass of the Sun by calculating its effects on the Earth. 4. Knowing how to detect radio-signals emitted by the Sun and other heavenly bodies people can greatly enlarge their possibilities of observing the Universe. 5. The night sky radiation prevents the astronomer from seeing the most distant ob­jects. 6. Solar batteries converting the energy of the Sun directly into elecric current are sources of electric energy for radio and television equipment on spaceships and man-made satellites. 7. Using atomic fuel for the production of electricity is one of the most perspective sources. 8. Splitting atoms scientists have learned to release much en­ergy. 9. Splitting uranium may release neutrons to split more atoms to form a chain reaction. 10. At the beginning of the centure scientists succeeded in breaking the nucleus of the atom by attacking it with very small particles flying with high speed.

6. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Об этом факте не стоит упоминать. 2. Она ушла не попрощав­шись. 3. Бесполезно просить их об этом. 4. Я не могу не рассказать вам эту историю. 5. Я не помню, что просматривал этот журнал. 6. Как насчет того, чтобы пойти сегодня в театр. 7. Извините, что пе-ребийаю вас. 8. Я получил удовольствие, читая эту книгу. 9. Вме­сто того, чтобы делать домашнее задание, он просматривал жур­налы.


Наклонение - это форма глагола, при помощи которой гово­рящий показывает отношение действия к реальности. Это отноше-


ние может быть представлено как реальное, проблематичное, не­реальное, а также в виде просьбы или приказания.

Действия, представленные как реальные, выражаются в форме изъявительного наклонения (the Indicative Mood), видовре-менные и залоговые формы.

Просьбы и приказания выражаются в форме повелительного наклонения (the imperative Mood). Утвердительная форма повели­тельного наклонения совпадает с инфинитивом глагола без части­цы to. Например:

Open the window and air the              Откройте окно и проветрите

room.                                                                            комнату.

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомога-.
тельного глагола do и частицы not (do not или don ' t). Например:
Don't speak so fast.                                 He разговаривай так быстро.

Для выражения просьбы или приказания употребляется гла­гол let (пусть) в 3-ем лице и форма let's (давайте) в 1 -ом лице. На­пример:

Let Ann read the text.                               Пусть Аня читает текст.

Let's go for a walk.                                 Давайте пойдем, погуляем.

Нереальные или проблематичные действия выражаются формами сослагательного наклонения (the Subjunctive Mood). На русский язык сослагательное наклонение переводится всегда прошедшим временем глагола в сочетании с частицей «бы». В русском языке нет специальных форм сослагательного наклонения для выражения действий, относящихся к разным периодам време­ни. В английском языке существуют две такие формы. Первая -когда действие относится к настоящему и будущему времени, вто­рая - когда действие относится к прошедшему времени. Напри­мер:

1. I should phone him if I knew      Я бы позвонила емУ,если бы

his telephone number.                        знала номер его телеФона

(сегодня или завтра).

2. I should have phoned him if I Я бы позвонила ему, если бы
had known his telephone num-     знала его номер телефона
ber.                                                         (вчера).

В первом случае глагол в главном предложении, выражаю­щем нереальное действие, совпадает по форме с Future-in-the Past, а глагол в придаточном, выражающем нереальное условие, совпадает с Past Indefinite. Во втором случае и в главном предло­жении, и в придаточном употребляются перфектные формы глаго-


лов. Формы настоящего времени сослагательного наклонения на­


зываются Present Subjunctive (или Subjunctive I), а прошедшего -Past Subjunctive (Subjunctive II).

Отрицательная форма образуется характерными для этих временных форм способами.

I should not phone him, if I didn't know his telephone number.

I shouldn't have phoned him, if I hadn't know his telephone number.

Сослагательное наклонение употребляется также в других типах придаточных предложений:

1) подлежащих (it's necessary, it's desirable, it's important, etc.)

I tt is necessary that he (should) Необходимо, чтобы он пошел
go there.                                                                           туда.

2) дополнительных (to suggest, to order, to demand, to insist, to

I suggest that you (we, he) (should) do it.

3) цели (so that, lest, that)

They wrote a letter lest she (should) forget her promise.

4) после глагола wish

I wish I lived in the south. I wish she had taken part in the con­cert.

Я предлагаю, чтобы вы (мы, он) сделал (и) это.

Они написали ей письмо, что­бы она не забыла о своем обещании.

Жаль, что я не живу на юге. Жаль, что она не приняла уча­стие в концерте.



1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. If you worked hard during the academic year you would not fail at the exam. 2. If you had worked hard during the academic year, you would have never failed at the exam. 3. If she were not so busy, she would (might) come and see us. 4. Had you warned me, nothing would have happened. 5.1 wish he were in Betoretsk now. 6. Nobody demands that you shoutd do it immediately. 7. I'll put down your address test I should forget it.

2. Change the form of the verb in the following sentences. Re­
the action to the present, future or past.



1. He will come to you if you ring him up. 2. I shall read this book if you
give it to me. 3. They will invite him if they see him. 4. She will buy this dress if she has money. 5. If the water is not cold, we shall swim.

3. Choose the right form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I wish you (to stay) with us for some days.

I. will stay; II. stayed;flll. had stayed

2. She is afraid lest we (know) the truth.
I. can know; II. know; III. should know

3. Why didn't you tell me about it before? I (to help) you.
I. should have helped; II. helped; III. could help

4. I wish it (to be) winter now.

I. was; II. were; III. should be

5. I wish I (to speak) French next year.

I. could speak; II. had spoken; III. should speak

6. If I had met him, I (to invite) him to the meeting.
I. invited; II. had invited; III. should have invited

7. He insists that they (to finish) this work today.
I. will finish; II. should finish; III. would finish

8. If you had listened to the teacher, you (to answer) this question.
I. would answer; II. should answer; HI. would have answered

9. She spoke French as if she (to live) in France for a long time.
I. would live; II. had lived; III. has lived

10. If he were not so absent-minded, he (to tell) you about it long ago.
I. would have told; II. should tell; III. told

4. Translate into English the Russian parts of the sentences.

1. If I were free tomorrow, (я бы сделала эту работу). 2. If I knew that, (я бы закончил эксперемент). 3. If I were in the Crimea now, (я бы купался в море). 4. If she had come to town yesterday, (она (?ы при­няла участие в конференции). 5. If he had known this man (он бы давно спросил его о вас).

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If I (know) his language, I would speak to him. 2. If you (like) coffee, I would make you some. 3. If you (see) him today, he \/уШ have told you the news. 4. If he (not to work) hard, he woldn't have made progress. 5. If I (be) you, I should act differently. 6. If you (speak) louder he will hear you. 7. If it (snow) tomorrow we shall go skiing. 8. It is important that you (know) this.



6. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Если бы вчера была хорошая погода, мы бы пошли на прогулку.

2. Если бы он не был так занят вчера вечером, он бы обсудил с
вами функции этого механизма. 3. Если бы я увидела ее завтра, я
бы спросила ее об этом. 4. Если бы он пришел, я был бы рад. 5. Я
предлагаю, чтобы они обсудили этот контракт. 6. Никто не настаи­
вает, чтобы вы участвовали в этих переговорах. 7. Мне хотелось
бы знать этот язык. 8. Необходимо, чтобы он сдал экзамен. 9. Важ­
но, чтобы студенты учавствовали в научной работе. 10. Жаль, что
ее нет сейчас дома.

            7.Read, translate the text.


The processing of metals is considered to be the most indispen­sable part of fabricating a wide range of products, such as the tiniest parts used in electronics, electrical and radio engineering, watch­making, all kinds of measuring devices, etc., on the one hand, and gi­gantic parts for turbines, engines, machine-tools and even whole sec­tions of machines to produce machinery, on the other.

Metal processing is known to involve the following major tech­niques: casting, machining, joining, and heat treatment, each of these manufacturing processes representing a particular branch of the metal-processing industry.

CASTING may be briefly described as shaping by means of transforming the metal from liquid to solid state in specially designed moulds, some eating being usable as they come from the mould, oth­ers-requiring machining and finishing operations.

There are several casting techniques at the disposal of foundry-men, their selection depending upon the metal or alloy the part is to be made of, the quantities to be produced, the shape and the size desired, the tolerance and the relative cost. The most commonly used casting processes are: sand casting, mould casting, die casting, investment and precision casting, and centrifugal casting, each ofthem possessing its own peculiarities, advantages and diadvantages, which govern the choice of the methods for the production of the articles.

FORMING, contrary to casting, applies to the shaping the metal in the solid state, which is possible due to the peculiar property most


metals possess, called "ductility". Forming is generally assumed to in­clude: rolling, forging, stamping and pressing, that is, the processes involving plastic deformation of the metal being shaped.

ROLLING is considered to be the most economical process for producing a large quantity of simple shapes, such as, billet, plate.sheat, strip, bar, rod, wire, tube, etc., on corresponding rolling mills, and may be hot and cold. Hot roiling operations, for instance, are employed for the shaping of rails, plates, structural shapes, etc. Rolling operations are aimed at reducing the initial cross-section of the material in such a way that the final predetermined thickness may be either uniform throughout the whole length of the piece, or varying, as desired.

FORGING, STAMPING, and PRESSING may be briefly defined as the art of plastically deforming a piece of metal by means of ham­mering, squeezing, or bending, that is, by applying either impact or static pressure. Forging is used to produce a desired shape with good mechanical properties by means of dies. There are various types of forging, stamping and pressing machines, each type designed for spe­cific purposes.

MACHINING is the term applied for processes consisting in re­moving excess metal from cast, rolled or forged parts in order to obtain a desired shape. To achieve the desired result various kinds of ma­chine-tools are employed, the most important ones being the milling, boring, turning and grinding machines and the lathe, the latter being one of the most widely used production machines.

JOINING comprises a variety of methods, such as welding, soldering.brazmg, and riveting, which are used for attaching one surface to another.

HEAT TREATMENT is used to cause the desired property varia­tions by means of controlled temperature changes. Only by heat treat­ment is it possible to impart the metal the high migh mechanical proper­ties required for the operation of modern machinery and tools. There are four major groups of heat treatment, namely, hardening, annealing, tempering, and normalizing.

Even the shortest description of fabricating processes, the proc­essing engineer has to deal with, would be incomplete without mention­ing finishing operations. Finishing relates to all processes, or rather, operations, which serve to render the product obtained by other proc­esses suitable for use.

The knowledge of all fabricating processes is believed to be nec­essary for a processing, in order that he may choose the most advan­tageous and economical techniques. The ability to see his work as part of the whole process rather than an individual operation may be said to be the major requirement any processing engineer is expected to meet.

Task 1. Прочтите и запомните следующие слова:

1. tiny - крошечный

2. part - часть, деталь

3. device - прибор

4. machine-tool - механический станок

5. machining - механическая обработка

6. joining - соединение, стыковка

7. riveting - клёпка

8. a mould - форма

9. an alloy - сплав

10. a billet - заготовка

11. dies - волоки

12. a lathe-токарный станок

13. suitable - подходящий

14. initial-первоначальный

15. ductility - пластичность

16. a rod - пруток, стержень

17. a strip - полоса, лента

18. a bar - полоса, пруток

19. a tube-трубка

20. a millman - вальцовщик

21. a foundryman - литейщик

22. a welder - сварщик

23. a processing engineer - инженер-технолог

24. to involve - включать, вовлекать

25. to measure - измерять, мерить

26. to require - требовать

27. to possess - обладать

28. to assume - предполагать

29. to consider - считать

30. to attach - прикреплять



9. Прочтите следующие слова и определите их произно­
шение и значение с помощью словаря:

Basic, engineering, processing, fabricating, range, turbines, section, major, technique, industry, liquid, design, selection, article, final, uni­form, pressure, type, specific, term, temperature, modern.

10. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы:
machine, machinery, machining;

operate, operator, operation;
product, production, producer;
plastics, plastically;
wide, widely;
mechanic, mechanical;
variation, various, vary;
special, specially, specialist;


11. Найдите соответствующие эквиваленты:

The processing of metals

On the one hand

To produce machinery

A particular branch from liquid to solid state At the disposal of somebody

At the disposal of somebody

The relative cost

To remove excess metal

To meet requirements
The milling, boring, turning and
grinding machines
The process of hardening, an­
nealing, tempering, normaliz­
ing and finishing
soldering and brazing
sand casting                          ,

в распоряжении кого-либо отвечать требованиям пайка лёгким припоем и пайка твёрдым припоем

литьё в песчаные формы относительная цена процесс закалки, отжига, от­пуска, нормализации и отдел­ки


фасонное литьё с одной стороны прецизионное литьё/литье по выплавляемым моделям

центробежное литьё

производить машинное обо­рудование

вальцовочные, расточные, фрезерные и шлифовальные машины

устранить излишек металла особая отрасль


mould casting Die casting

investment/precision casting centrifugal casting


обработка металлов литьё под давлением с одной стороны от жидкого к твердому состоя­нию



12. Прочтите предложения, переведите их, обращая вни мание на форму и залог глаголов - сказуемых:


1. The processing of metals is considered to be the most indispensable -part of fabricating a wide range of products.        

2. Metal processing is known to involve the following major techniques: casting, machining, joining, and heat treatment.

3. The knowledge of all fabricating processes is believed to be neces-,..• sary for a processing, in order that he may choose the most advanta­geous and economical techniques.

4. The ablility to see his work as part of the whole process rather than an individual operation may be said to be the major requirement any processing engineer is expected to meet.

13. Найдите строчку глаголов в Passive voice:

1. is considered, used, is, applies

2. to involve, has to deal with, may be defined, there are

3. is used, are aimed, may be described, can be said

14. Выпишите из текста в столбцы все:

а) инфинитивы Ь) причастие с) герундий d) модальные глаголы и

их эквиваленты

15. Ответьте письменно на вопросы:

1. What is the title of the text?

2. What is the central idea of the text?

3. How many parts are there in the text?

4. What are the first and the last parts of the text about?

5. What are the basic engineering processes?

6. What do we understand by rolling?

7. What kinds of rolling do you know?

8. What do the rollers produce?

9. What can you say about the most commonly used casting proc­esses?


9. What can you say about the most commonly used casting proc­

10. What does forming include?

11. How many joining methods are used for attaching one surface

to another?

12. For what purpose is forging used?

13. What is the difference between fabricating processes and fin­
ishing operations?

14. What kinds of machine-tools are employed for the process of


15. Is the knowledge of all engineering processes necessary for

any processing engineer?

16. May he choose the most advantageous, economical tech­
niques and an individual operation in some cases?

17. What information was interesting for you?

Task 9. Сделайте краткое сообщение на английском язы­ке по основному содержанию текста. В качестве опор исполь­зуйте следующие разговорные клише и словосочетания: This text is about - Этот текст о... It is important to say - Важно сказать... It's necessary to note - Необходимо отметить... It's possible to say that - Можно сказать, что... It's considered that - Считается, что... This fact deals with - Этот факт связан... It means that - Это значит, что... I should like to draw your attention to - Я хотел бы привлечь ваше

внимание к...

This extract is devoted to...- Этот отрывок посвящается...

Summing it up - Подводя итог...

As far as I know - Насколько я знаю...

As you know-Насколько вам известно...

If I am not mistaken - Если я не ошибаюсь...

Let me say in conclusion that- Позвольте мне сказать в заключении,





Введение....................................................................................................................... 3

1 RULESOF READING (ПРАВИЛА ЧТЕНИЯ)...................................................... 4

DRILL EXERCISES...................................................................................................... 5

2 THE NOUN (ИМЯ СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОЕ)........................................................ 6

SELF - TRAINING EXERCISES.................................................................................... 8

3 THE ARTICLE (АРТИКЛЬ).................................................................................... 9

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 14

4. THE PRONOUN (МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ).................................................................. 15

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 16

5. THE NUMERAL (ИМЯ ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ)....................................................... 17

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 20

6. THE ADJECTIVE (ИМЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ)................................................ 22

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 24

7. THE VERB (ГЛАГОЛ).......................................................................................... 25

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 27

8. CONSTRUCTION THERE IS/THERE ARE........................................................... 30

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 31


ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯХ)................................................................................................... 32


SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 35

11. INDEFINITE TENSES (НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОЕ ВРЕМЯ)................................... 37

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 38

12. CONTINUOUS TENSES (ПРОДОЛЖЕННОЕ ВРЕМЯ)................................. 40

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 41

13. PERFECT TENSES (СОВЕРШЕННОЕ ВРЕМЯ).............................................. 42

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 43

14. MODAL VERBS (МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ)................................................ 46

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 49

15. PASSIVE VOICE (СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ)............................................. 51

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 54

16. SEQUENCE OF TENSES (СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН).............................. 56

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 58


THE INFINITIVE (ИНФИНИТИВ).......................................................................... 60

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 62

18. THE PARTICIPLE (ПРИЧАСТИЕ).................................................................... 64

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 66

19. THE GERUND (ГЕРУНДИЙ)............................................................................ 69

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 70

20. THE MOOD (НАКЛОНЕНИЕ).......................................................................... 72

SELF-TRAINING EXERCISES................................................................................. 74

БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ..................................................................................................... 82


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