Схема отрицательных предложений 

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Схема отрицательных предложений






He is not right - Он не прав.

I do not speak English - Я не говорю по-английски.

They will not come -Они не придут.

You can't ski - Ты не умеешь кататься на лыжах.

I have not any classes today = | have no classes today.

There is not any water in the tube = There is no water in the





1. Make up English sentences:

1. Ago, long, machine-tools, existed.

2. Invention, a, not, machine-tool, new, a, is, today.

3. Today, are, different, the, machines, from, of, those, of the past.

4. Be, different, in future, machine-tools, will.

5. Have, higher, they will, productivity, high, and, cutting speeds.

6. The, do, workers, what, will?


2. Try to make up as many questions as you can to every sen­tence-

1 In the near future we shall see new machine - tools.

2. The worker must regulate the production process.

3 He is a good worker.

4. They control different machines.

5. There are many tools in this plant.

6. The workers of this plant had a high productivity.

   7. We are cutting a metal now.


3. Make up the syntax analysis of the following sentences ac­cording to the scheme:

Подле­жащее Сказуемое Дополнение Обстоятельство
Einstein solved was a great thinker this equation in two ways

1. Einstein was born in Germany. 2. He was a famous physicist. 3. He had two sons. 4. In 1905 Albert Einstein made revolutionary dis­coveries in science. 5. He presented his papers to a physical journal. 6. My friend does not like physics. 7. This diagram will help to solve your problem. 8. Change the temperature in the experimental tube. 9. Mr. Hall teaches physics at a technical college.             

4. Read and translate the text.                    


There are several scales for measuring temperature. On the Centigrade scale the boiling point of water is fixed at 100° (one hundred degrees), its freezing point is at 0° (zero). The equivalent points on the Fahrenheit scale are at 212° and 32°.

When it is necessary to convert temperature readings from the Fahrenheit scale to the Centigrade, we subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9.

Sometimes scientists use the Absolute scale (Kelvin) in which the temperature is measured in degrees Centigrade from the point at which molecular motion ceases. Absolute zero is -273.1° С

The instruments measuring temperature, the thermometers, are nearly identical but each has a different scale. Most thermometers use mercury as an agent and we call them mercury thermometers. But at temperatures below - 39° С mercury freezes and becomes a solid. And so for measuring very high and very low temperatures we usually use electrical thermometers.


Task 1. Choose the right answer according to the text.  

1. What temperature scale do we usually use in Russia?   

  a) Fahrenheit; b) Kelvin; c) Centigrade                                                  

2. What is the boiling point of water on the Fahrenheit scale?

    a) 100°; b) 212°; c) 373°                                                                   

3. When do we use mercury thermometers?

a) to measure very high temperatures;

b) to measure very low tempera­tures;

c) to measure average temperatures

Task 2. Find the appropriate Russian word combinations.

a) 1. boiling point; 2. to measure low temperature; 3. temperature
readings; 4. molecular motion; 5. freezing point; 6. to measure high

b) 1. молекулярное движение, 2. точка замерзания 3. изме­
рять высокую температуру, 4. показания температуры, 5. измерять
низкую температуру, 6. точка кипения.


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