Read the text below, then choose any of the management styles described and speak of its advantages and disadvantages in terms of teambuilding, task distribution, accomplishment, etc. 

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Read the text below, then choose any of the management styles described and speak of its advantages and disadvantages in terms of teambuilding, task distribution, accomplishment, etc.


Management literature describes numerous management styles, including assertive, autocratic coaching, country club, directing, delegating, laissez-faire, participatory, supportive, task-oriented and team-based. Are there really that many styles? Most people distinguish three basic styles – directing, discussing and delegating, the 3-Ds of Management Style.

                                        Directing Style

Managers using this style tell people what to do, how to do it and when to have it completed. They assign roles and responsibilities, set standards and define expectations.

Communicating – The manager speaks, employees listen and react. Managers provide detailed instructions so that employees know exactly what to do. The ability to communicate in a clear, concise and complete fashion is critical. The only feedback managers ask for is, “Do you understand what needs to be done?”

Goal-Setting – “Your goal is to sell 15 cars per month”. The manager establishes short-term goals. When goals are specific and time-bounded, employees are clear on what is expected of them. Goals and deadlines often motivate people.

Decision-Making – “I want you to stop what you are currently doing and help Sue set up the room for the seminar”. The manager makes most if not all decisions. When problems arise, the manager evaluates options, makes decisions and directs employees as to what actions to take.

Monitoring Performance and Providing Feedback – Managers establish specific control points to monitor performance. “Get back to me at 11 a.m. to brief me on what you have accomplished”. Managers provide frequent feedback including specific instructions on how to improve performance.

                                          Discussing Style

Managers using this style take time to discuss relevant business issues. What happens in a good discussion? People present ideas, ask questions, listen, provide feedback, challenge certain assumptions and coach as needed. It’s important to make sure ideas are fully discussed and debated. Managers often perform the role of facilitator, making sure the discussion stays on track and everyone has a chance to contribute.

Communicating – Two-way communication is the norm. “Let’s go around the table and give everyone a chance to discuss their ideas”. Managers spend as much time asking questions and listening as they do talking and sharing their ideas. The right question focuses the discussion and draws out people’s ideas.

Goal-Setting – “Ingrid, what do you think our sales target should be for the fourth quarter?” After adequate discussion goals are then established. Utilizing a participatory style generally helps to increase employees’ commitment to achieve their goals.

Decision-Making – “We have a problem with the amount of inventory we’re currently carrying. What action do you think we should take?” Decisions are made collaboratively. Both manager and employee play an active role in defining problems, evaluating options and making decisions.

Monitoring Performance and Providing Feedback – The manager and employee monitor performance and discuss what actions need to be taken. This works best when both parties are open and make adjustments as needed.

                                         Delegating Style

Managers using this style usually explain or get agreement on what has to be accomplished and when it must be completed. The how-to-do-it part of the equation is left up to the employee. Responsibility and authority are given to employees to get the job done.

Communicating – Regarding what has to be accomplished, communications may be one-way: “I want you to deliver a 15-minute presentation on our new compensation program at Tuesday’s meeting”. In other situations it may be two-way: “Let’s discuss what needs to be accomplished in the marketing brochure you’re designing”. Additional communication takes place to review what has been accomplished and obstacles preventing progress.

Goal-Setting – As stated above, specific goals may be established by the manager or may evolve after a discussion between manager and employee. Failures in delegation can often be traced back to a lack of understanding of the desired output or deliverable. “I thought you only wanted recommendations, not an implementation plan”.

Decision-Making – “Barbara, that’s your decision to make”. Decisions as to how the task will be accomplished are left to the employee. Employees have the power to take appropriate actions to achieve the desired goals. Managers must avoid “reverse delegation” when employees try to give back decisions they should be making.

Monitoring Performance and Providing Feedback – “I want a weekly update on plan accomplishments”. Managers decide how much monitoring is necessary. The amount of monitoring depends on the priority of the task and on the person doing it. Providing feedback is the responsibility of the employee. Keeping the manager informed, especially when the plan is off track, is critical.


 Do the exercises on management styles:

1. Comment on the following quotation:

“Management is tasks. Management is discipline. But management is also people”. (Peter Drucker, Austrian-American management guru)


2. Answer the questions:

1) Which kind of business situations have to be tightly managed and which loosely managed?

2) What management styles have you experienced? Which of them do you prefer?

3) If you were a manager, which style would you prefer for yourself?

4) Which of the big three management styles would you like to experience as an employee?

5) Choose the top three roles of a manager from the list:

coach/motivator, mediator, problem-solver, instigator, dictator, organizer, facilitator, leader, mentor, decision-maker

3. Complete the columns with their opposites by using negative prefixes, then choose the four best and worst qualities for a manager and rank them in order of importance:

considerate      flexible           rational

creative           inspiring          responsible   

decisive           interested        social

diplomatic       logical             supportive

efficient          organized


4. Match these pairs of contrasting management styles:

1) autocratic                         a) collaborative

2) centralizing                      b) controlling

3) directive                           c) delegating

4) empowering                     d) democratic           

5) hands-on                           e) people-orientated

6) task-orientated                  f) laissez-faire


5. Match the word partnerships in groups 1 and 2:

Group 1

1) establish                             a) feedback

2) monitor                              b) goals

3) provide                               c) decisions

4) set                                       d) performance

5) make                                   e) roles

6) assign                                  f) standards

Group 2

1) present                                 a) action

2) achieve                                b) employees

3) direct                                   c) ideas

4) take                                      d) performance       

5) improve                                e) goals


6. Check the following word partnerships. Find the odd one out in each group:

1) check/assess/look                              performance

2) make/achieve/establish                     goals  

3) reach/do/implement                          decisions   

4) meet/set/get                                       standards

5) establish/assign/make                        roles

6) reach/deliver/achieve                         goals

7) come up with/make/present               ideas

8) achieve/direct/guide                           employees



                                TEXT 7


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