Developing Awareness of Individual Cultures 

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Developing Awareness of Individual Cultures

However, some learning the basics about culture and at least something about the language of communication in different countries is important. This is necessary even for the basic level of understanding required to engage in appropriate greetings and physical contact, which can be a tricky area inter-culturally. For instance, kissing a business associate is not considered an appropriate business practice in the U.S., but in Paris, one peck on each cheek is an acceptable greeting. And, the firm handshake that is widely accepted in the U.S. is not recognized in all other cultures.

While many companies now offer training in the different cultures where the company conducts business, it is important that employees communicating across cultures practice patience and work to increase their knowledge and understanding of these cultures. This requires the ability to see that a person's own behaviors and reactions are oftentimes culturally driven and that while they may not match our own, they are culturally appropriate.

If a leader or manager of a team that is working across cultures or incorporates individuals who speak different languages, practice different religions, or are members of a society that requires a new understanding, he or she needs to work to convey this.

Consider any special needs the individuals on your team may have. For instance, they may observe different holidays, or even have different hours of operation. Be mindful of time zone differences and work to keep everyone involved aware and respectful of such differences.

Generally speaking, patience, courtesy and a bit of curiosity go a long way. And, if you are unsure of any differences that may exist, simply ask team members. Again, this may best be done in a one-on-one setting so that no one feels "put on the spot" or self-conscious, perhaps even embarrassed, about discussing their own needs or differences or needs.

Demand Tolerance

Next, cultivate and demand understanding and tolerance. In doing this, a little education will usually do the trick. Explain to team members that the part of the team that works out of the Australia office, for example, will be working in a different time zone, so electronic communications and/or return phone calls will experience a delay. And, members of the India office will also observe different holidays (such as Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday, observed on October 2).

Most people will appreciate the information and will work hard to understand different needs and different means used to reach common goals. However, when this is not the case, lead by example and make it clear that you expect to be followed down a path of open-mindedness, acceptance and tolerance.

Tolerance is essential. However, you need to maintain standards of acceptable behavior. The following “rules of thumb” seem to be universal:

· Team members should contribute to and not hinder the team's mission or harm the delivery to the team's customer.

· Team members should not damage the cohesion of the team or prevent it from becoming more effective.

· Team members should not unnecessarily harm the interests of other team members.

Other factors (such as national law) are obviously important.

When dealing with people in a different culture, courtesy and goodwill can also go a long way in ensuring successful communication. Again, this should be insisted on.

Keep it Simple

When you communicate, keep in mind that even though English is considered the international language of business, it is a mistake to assume that every businessperson speaks good English. In fact, only about half of the 800 million people who speak English learned it as a first language. And, those who speak it as a second language are often more limited than native speakers.

When you communicate cross-culturally, make particular efforts to keeping your communication clear, simple and unambiguous.

And (sadly) avoid humor until you know that the person you're communicating with "gets it" and isn't offended by it. Humor is notoriously culture-specific: many things that pass for humor in one culture can be seen as grossly offensive in another.

And Get Help if You Need It

Finally, if language barriers present themselves, it may be in everyone's best interest to employ a reliable, experienced translator.

Because English is not the first language of many international businesspeople, their use of the language may be peppered with culture-specific or non-standard English phrases, which can hamper the communication process. Again, having a translator on hand (even if just during the initial phases of work) may be the best solution here. The translator can help everyone involved to recognize cultural and communication differences and ensure that all parties, regardless of geographic location and background, come together and stay together through successful project completion.


                         VOCABULARY PRACTICE

1. Explain what these words stand for:

span, incomprehension, background, diversity, appropriate, courtesy, open-mindedness, hinder, unambiguous, completion

2. Find the English equivalents of these words in the text and use them in the sentences of your own:

расширяться, отдаленный, взаимный, переписка, неуверенность, приветствие, любопытство, смущаться(чувствовать себя неловко), сплоченность (цельность), обидеть

3. Translate into Russian:

1. business environment

2. within convenient driving distance

3. to reach the widest possible audience

4. between the two parties

5. can be a tricky area inter-culturally

6. behaviors and reactions are sometimes culturally driven

7. be mindful of time zone differences

8. no one feels “put on the spot” or self-conscious

9. a little education will usually do the trick

10. experience a delay

11. rules of thumb

12. humor is notoriously culture-specific

13. the use of the language may be peppered with culture-specific or non-standard phrases

14. having a translator on hand

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary:

1. to rely _____

2. to reach _____

3. _____ instance

4. _____ an effort

5. a key _____

6. _____ detail

7. _____ least

8. to engage _____

9. to be aware _____

10. to contribute _____

11. to prevent _____

12. to deal _____

13. to insist _____

14. _____ fact

15. regardless _____

5. Do the translation to check your knowledge of the active vocabulary:

1. Иногда культурные различия могут привести к взаимному непониманию и препятствовать нормальной работе.

2. Мы должны принимать культурное разнообразие во внимание и быть вежливыми и открытыми.

3. Разные формы приветствия могут быть неуместными в зависимости от культурных особенностей той или иной страны, и люди могут почувствовать себя смущенными или обиженными.

4. Его бизнес расширялся, он открыл несколько филиалов в других городах.

5. Хотя сотрудники многонациональной компании работали отдаленно, это не нарушало сплоченности их команды.

6. Частная переписка деловых партнеров была обнародована во всех подробностях и вызвала любопытство сотрудников.

7. Успешное завершение проекта зависит от его знаний, мы можем на него положиться, у него осень основательная образовательная подготовка.

8. В попытке охватить широкую аудиторию не нужно забывать о разнице во времени и нужно быть в курсе межкультурных особенностей.

9. Чтобы предотвратить непонимание лучше нанять переводчика, т. к., например, английский юмор печально известен тем, что его редко понимают жители других стран.

10. Директор настаивал на том, чтобы каждый сотрудник независимо от должности внес, по крайней мере, свой небольшой вклад в решение этой задачи.   



6. Answer the questions:

1. What difficulties are connected with the process of today’s business expansion worldwide?

2. How gas the Internet altered the way people communicate and do business on a large scale?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic communication?

4. What is the role of the English language as the international tool of business communication?

5. Do cross-cultural issues seem complicated to non-native speakers of English only? Give some examples.

6. What key points are necessary to understand to make business cross-cultural communication more effective?

7. Why is it relevant to know at least some basics about the language and culture of a person one is planning to work with?

8. Do you find it necessary for employees of multi-national companies to take a course in cross-cultural communication? Why?

9. Why are the issues of patience, courtesy, and curiosity considered to be a key to effective cross-cultural communication?

10. Do you agree with the author on the essence of tolerance? Give your grounds.

11. What “rules of thumb” seem to be vital as far as cross-cultural issues are concerned?

12. How good is the knowledge of English among business people throughout the world? Can you give some examples?

13. Why is it advisable to avoid humor, fancy language, and idioms in cross-cultural communication?

14. When is it appropriate to hire a good interpreter?

7. Discuss the following points:

1. Difficulties in cross-cultural communication frequently hamper the process of conducting business.

2.  Due to the accessibility of the Internet doing business is getting easier and easier.

3. Electronic communication has resulted in most people’s inability to communicate in person.

4. These days knowing English as a foreign language is not enough in the business environment.

5. Problems in cross0cultural communication that native speakers of English from different countries may come across.

6. It is crucial to respect and tolerate other people’s diverse cultures, behavioral patterns and values.

7. The necessity of overcoming certain stereotypes and prejudices in perceiving people of other nationalities in cross-cultural communication.

8. To avoid conflicts it is still more preferable to form a team out of people of one nationality.

8.Write a 250-300-word essay on the quotation given above the text “We didn’t all come over on the same ship, but we’re all in the same boat.” (Bernard Baruch, American financier and statesman)


                                              TEXT 5

Read the text and speak of the most/least significant issues that need to be taken into account in cross-cultural communication:


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