Attorney/Adversary Model (Barney and Black, 1994) 

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Attorney/Adversary Model (Barney and Black, 1994)

This model makes several assumptions as its creators attempt to compare lawyers to public relations practitioners. According to Barney and Black, these two professions are alike in two ways:

1. Both are advocates in an adversarial climate.

2. Both assume counterbalancing messages will be provided by someone else.

In this model of public relations ethics, Barney and Black suggest practitioners have no obligation to consider the public interest or other outside points of view. Because they assume a counterbalancing message is someone else's job, public relations practitioners should only consider the view of their client in their decision-making process.

Those who oppose this approach to public relations ethics cite differences between the conditions under which lawyers and PR practitioners operate. Lawyers practice in a court of law where fairness and equal representation are guaranteed. PR professionals work in the court of public opinion. Opponents say because a counterbalancing message is not guaranteed, practitioners cannot afford to overlook the public interest in ethical decision-making.


                          VOCABULARY PRACTICE

1. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words and word combinations by paraphrasing them and recall the situations in which they were used in the text.

2. Do the quiz on the active vocabulary of the text:

Give the synonyms of the following:

1. to use in practice

2. to do research, carry out opinion polls

3. something that leads a person and helps them not to get lost

4. exactness, precision

5. something connected with the number or amount

6. straightforward lying, unhidden deceiving

7. important and significant

8. trust, validity, worthiness

9. to a huge/enormous extent

10. to be well-educated, aware, with a large scope

11. to feel like doing something, to tend

12. to support, stand for, back up

13. to be suitable, meant for something, to make clothes

14. a scientist

15. companies that work primarily not for earning money

16. an aspect, point, corner

17. to be supposed, believed, to be likely

18. assessment, calculating, thinking over

19. a quality that prevents people from doing something illegal, letting others down, betraying

20. a result

21. suppositions, ideas, beliefs, opinions

22. a discussion, debate aimed at coming to an agreement, concluding something

23. the process of working together

24. accomplishment, completion, finishing successfully

25. unpleasant, hostile, competitive

26. justice

27. to stop quarrelling, to find peace

28. to lose sight, to ignore, neglect, not to pay attention

Translate into English:

1. Сотрудники не могли приступить к работе, пока им не дали руководящих указаний.

2. Это открытие оказало огромное влияние на последующее развитие физики.

3. Социологи провели опрос с целью выяснить, как люди предпочитают отдыхать.

4. Информация в этом отчете отличается точностью и достоверностью.

5. Применение этой теории на практике вызвало неожиданные затруднения.

6. Большинство просвещенных образованных людей считает, что наше общество недостаточно терпимо.

7. Важно помнить, что неприкрытая ложь в PR уже не считается нормой.

8. На основании результатов эксперимента ученые сделали некоторые предположения.

9. Он по натуре одиночка, поэтому сотрудничеств о всегда давалось ему с трудом.

10. Переговоры были отложены на неопределенный срок, т. к. стороны не смогли достичь взаимопонимания ни по одному вопросу.

11. Ряд некоммерческих организаций начал сбор средств для помощи бездомным.

12. После того как он с ней грубо обошелся, его замучила совесть.

13. Нужно посмотреть на проблему под другим углом, тогда все станет более или менее понятно.

14. Выполнение задачи зависит от правильной оценки средств и возможностей, имеющихся в наличии.

15. Нельзя упускать из виду такие важные детали, иначе мы не сможем насладиться плодами нашей усердной работы.

16. Два сотрудника нашего отдела поссорились и никак не хотят мириться, поэтому обстановка в коллективе весьма враждебная.


3. Answer the questions:

1. Why is it relevant for PR-practitioners to have a certain number of theories in their sphere?

2. Do you find working in the PR-industry without theories like it used to be in the past easy? Why?

3. What people do we mostly associate the emergence of PR-theories with? What do you know about their activities?

4. What is the job of a press agent like?

5. What are the priorities of the press agentry model and what is it aimed at?

6. What ate the peculiarities of a public information model?

7. How is the issue of ethics treated in terms of a public information model?

8. Who is this kind of theory mostly used by? Give some examples.

9. What is the aim of a two-way asymmetric model? Who mostly uses this theory in practice?

10. Why does James Grunig believe a two-way symmetric model is the best way to achieve ethical decisions?

11. What are the desired results of using a two-way symmetric model?

12. Who is this model usually employed by?

13. How is a PR-practitioner expected to act within a two-way symmetric model frame?

14. Do you agree with some critics who claim that a two-way symmetric model in public relations is utopian? Give your reasons.

15. What did Botan suggest about the two main branches of PR?

16. Which issues does each of the branches have to deal with? Which are you personally more interested in?

17. What presents one of the most complicated issues in PR?

18. Which theories are most commonly applied in public relations these days?

19. What are the key points of responsible advocacy theory?

20. Do you agree that PR-practitioners serve the public interest in most cases?

21. Comment on the key message of the enlightened self-interest model “Businesses do well by doing good.”

22. What does the issue of ethics have to do with doing business, in your opinion?

23. What reasoning do the opponents of this theory come up with?

24. What are the similarities between PR-practitioners and lawyers?

25. Do you find some reasonable issues behind this theory?

26. What do the opponents of this theory stand for?

4.   Make a brief summary of each of the theories enumerated in the text highlighting their essence, applicability, strong and weak points, etc.

5. Choose any of the abovementioned PR theories and think of a real situation in modern business/politics/social sphere where it can be implemented.

                                  TEXT 2


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