The emergence and development of public relations 

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The emergence and development of public relations



                                                 UNIT 1




1. Read the following terms, learn them and use them in the sentences of your own:

Account team: These are the key players that bring a campaign together. This normally consists of an account director (responsible for overseeing overall team management); account manager (responsible for day to day project management); senior account executive/account executive (carries out most of the day to day functions); account manager (programs execution of campaign activities on a daily basis) and an account assistant (providing clerical assistance and researching information to support the campaign).

Advertorials: These are feature articles that are used to promote a company’s services and products and can be found online and in print. These articles normally contain a number of keywords to help their ranking in key search engines.

Brief: This is the outline of the campaign that is given by the client to the PR agency or developed as collaboration between the two.

Brainstorming: This is the idea generation process that takes place within an agency to develop a campaign strategy.

Copy: This is normally text in the form of press releases or articles that are distributed through a variety of mediums including journalist contacts, social media and press release websites.

CSR (Corporate Social/Environmental Responsibility): This is the process of promoting a company as an ethical organization. This may include details of their charity work or fundraising initiatives or partnerships with environmental organizations. This is in an attempt to show how a corporation is fully accountable for its actions.

Crisis Management: This is plan that is put in place to deal with unexpected problems in a company such as a product recall or environmental disaster.

Embargo: This outlines that a press release or other publication cannot be used until a specific date.

Evaluation: This is when a PR agency monitors the effectiveness of its campaigns on an ongoing basis.

Integrated campaign: This is a program that integrates a variety of marketing and communication tools to deliver consistent message to consumers.

Media: This is the umbrella term for a number of communication methods such as newspapers, magazines, radio and TV.

Pitch: This is the full presentation of the public relations program to clients, after weeks of in-depth market research.

Press pack/kit: This is a collection of information on a client that is handed out to the media.

Teaser: This is a promotion that is sent out ahead of a PR campaign to generate interest in a new product or service.

Viral Campaign: This is a campaign that encourages consumers to spread an advert to others via email or social media sites.

2. Translate into English using the terms from Exercise 1:

1. В задачу PR - команды входит организация всех мероприятий, направленных на продвижение продукта, улучшение имиджа компании, решение кризисных задач и т. д.

2. Во время мозгового штурма члены PR -команды могут выдвигать различные идеи и предложения.

3. В наши дни очень важно представить компанию как организацию, соблюдающую этические нормы, а не только заботящуюся о прибыли.

4. В случае кризиса PR-отдел должен организовать пресс-конференцию, где представители компании выступят с сообщением о сложившейся ситуации и путях решения.

5. Так как информация об изменении цен на акции была засекречена, был наложен запрет на её появление в СМИ до официального заявления совета директоров.

6. СМИ – это всеобъемлющий термин, включающий в себя все средства массовой коммуникации: ТВ, радио, печатные СМИ и Интернет.

7. Для рекламной кампании нового продукта были привлечены мировые звезды, чтобы вызвать интерес публики.

8. Очень часто непосредственно перед рекламой продукта появляются рекламные щиты, завлекающие потенциальных покупателей необычным слоганом.

9. Рекламные статьи отличаются от рекламы на стендах, плакатах, баннерах и т. п. тем, что дают более подробную информацию не только о самом товаре, но и о компании, которая его произвела.

10. Сейчас многие компании отдают часть прибыли на благотворительные нужды, и это является неотъемлемой частью поддержания репутации и создания положительного имиджа.

3. Choose one of the terms from Exercise 1 and make a report on it using additional information.

4. Read the following tips on how to succeed in the sphere of public relations and say which of these you find the most/least relevant and why:

                   Top Ten Tips to Public Relations Success

· Establish goals and objectives for your company prior to developing your marketing plan. This will help you maintain focus on your key needs.

· Focus your message. A consistent message should be used to communicate to both internal and external audiences.

· Integrate your marketing messages. Keep consistent messages and positioning throughout your company’s advertising, public relations, trade media and direct marketing programs.

· Repeat your message. Repetition of a consistent message is the most effective way to reach current and potential customers.

· Understand the power of publicity. Consumers believe the news media more than paid advertising. Public relations help establish third-party credibility.

· Maintain healthy relationships with your customers. Solicit feedback from customers to measure their satisfaction levels and to determine if their needs are changing.

· Be responsive to your customers. Customers want to know that once the deal is finalized you will be available and responsive to their needs.

· Give your marketing and sales programs a regular checkup. Use research, either focus groups or simple surveys, to help determine the effectiveness and impact of your efforts.

· Be prepared. Knowing how to effectively communicate, combined with proper preparation, allows you to maximize opportunities.

· Know your facts, know your audience and support your company’s message. When asked questions, by the media be prepared to appropriately use examples, facts, statistics, quotes, analogies, anecdotes, personal experience and graphics to help illustrate and emphasize your point.

5. Make up a list of qualities and qualifications a PR specialist needs to possess to work efficiently these days. Say which of these you already have or still lack in. Compare your list with that of your group mates.


                                             TEXT 1  


Public relations, byname PR, is an aspect of communications involving the relations between an entity subject seeking public attention and the various publics that are interested in it. The entity seeking attention may be a business corporation, an individual politician, a performer or author, a government or government agency, a charitable organization, a religious body or almost any other person or organization. The publics may include segments as narrow as female voters of a particular political party who are between 35 or 50 years of age or the shareholders in a particular corporation; or the publics may be as broad as any national population or the world at large. The concerns of public relations operate both ways between the subject entity, which may be thought of as the client, and the publics involved. The important elements of public relations are to acquaint the client with the public conceptions of the client and to affect these perceptions by focusing, curtailing, amplifying or augmenting information about the client as it is conveyed to the publics.

The role of PR was once defined by Edward L. Bernays, one of its pioneers, as “the engineering of consent”. The characterization is accurate, but out of context it is oversimplified and has been used to attack public relations as cynical and manipulative. The real tasks of PR in the business world may focus on corporate interests or those of marketing products or services, on image creation or defense against attack, on broad public relations or straight publicity. In general, the strategic goal of public relations is to protect a favorable public image, one of corporate good citizenship, and the first responsibility of public relations is to persuade management that the reality must correspond with the desired image.

Public relations is concerned with creating a favorable climate for marketing the client’s products or services, including maintaining good relations with merchants and distributors as well as placing product publicity and disseminating information to trade and industrial groups. It further includes publicizing praiseworthy activities by company personnel.

To a large extent, the job of public relations is to optimize good news and to forestall bad news, but when disaster strikes, the PR practitioner’s task, in consultation with legal counsel, is to assess the situation and the damage, to assemble the facts and to offer these to the news media, along with answers to their questions. When a client is under attack it is a public relations responsibility to organize the client’s response, usually involving several complicated issues.

Modern corporate executives often do not excel at public speaking or writing, and a duty of public relations is to translate executives’ knowledge into speeches or articles intelligible to non-specialists. In fact, the prime responsibility of public relations can be seen as interpreting the client to the public and vice versa.   



                                 VOCABULARY PRACTICE

1. Explain the meaning of the following words by giving their definitions:

entity, to seek, shareholder, concern, perception, to curtail, to amplify, to convey, consent, accurate, citizenship, to persuade, to disseminate, praiseworthy, personnel, to forestall, to assess, issue, intelligible, vise versa

2. Fill in the blanks with the right preposition where necessary:

1. to be interested _____ smth.

2. _____ large

3. to acquaint _____ smb. _____ smth.

4. to affect _____ smb./smth.

5. _____ _____ context

6. to focus _____ smth.

7. _____ general

8. to correspond _____ smth.

9. to be concerned _____ smth.

10.  _____ some extent

11.  to excel _____ smth.

12.  _____ fact

3. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:

прозвище (другое название); включать в себя, задействовать; политик; благотворительная организация; избиратель; дать определение; основоположник, первооткрыватель; основная обязанность; создать благоприятный климат; поддерживать хорошие отношения; торговец, коммерсант; когда случается катастрофа; юрисконсульт; ущерб; средства массовой информации


4. Do the quiz on the active vocabulary of the text.

       Translate into English:

1. Эта дисциплина включает в себя много разных понятий.

2. Во время предвыборной кампании политики пытаются привлечь как можно больше избирателей.

3. Иногда бывает трудно дать четкое определение PR.

4. Другое название этой благотворительной организации – «Звезды – детям».

5. Он заложил основы (явился первооткрывателем) этой науки в России.

6. Основная обязанность менеджера по персоналу – создать благоприятный климат в компании и поддерживать хорошие отношения.

7. Когда в компании случается катастрофа, PR-отдел вместе с юристами разрабатывают стратегию поведения и действий в кризисной ситуации.

8. Конкуренты нанесли ущерб бизнесу этих коммерсантов.

Give synonyms of the following:

Look for, stockholder, to familiarize, to influence, to reduce, agreement, exact, to spread, staff, estimate (evaluate), the other way round

  Give definitions of the following words:

Entity, concern, perception, convey, citizenship, intelligible, issue

Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

_____large, to focus_____, _____general, to correspond_____, _____some extent, to excel_____, _____fact.


                       ORAL SPEECH PRACTICE

5. Answer the questions:

1. What entities are involved in the sphere of public relations?

2. What are the implications of the word “publics” in the context of public relations?

3. What are the most important elements of PR?

4. How do you understand the definition of public relations as “the engineering of consent”? Do you agree it reflects the essence of the trade?

5. What are the real tasks of public relations in the business world today?

6. What is “the strategic goal” of public relations?

7. What is the first responsibility of PR regarding management?

8. What are the main goals of public relations in marketing and commerce?

9. What are the tasks of public relations practitioners when “disaster strikes” or when “the client is under attack”?

10.  In what other fields has PR become very important? 

6. Enlarge on the following statements:

1. The main aspects of concern in public relations.

2. Types of entities seeking public attention.

3. PR as “engineering of consent.”

4. PR is used to manipulate people.

5. The tasks of public relations in the sphere of business.

6. Crisis management and the role of PR in crisis situations.

7. Creating a favorable image by means of PR.

8. Public relations in the sphere of politics.

9. The art of speechwriting is required from PR practitioners.

10. Damaging or ruining reputation by means of PR. The role of a PR specialist in connecting the client with the public.

11. The cause of ordinary people’s negative attitude ti PR and ways of overcoming it.

12. Creating a favorable climate and pleasant working environment in a company with the help of PR.

7. Give a brief summary of the text.


                                                 TEXT 2


Many people frankly have difficulty in distinguishing publicity from advertising and press agentry from public relations. This difficulty is hardly the public fault, for the practitioners in these several fields have a way of using terms in referring to their work which tend to blur the lines of demarcation. Let us take each of these words and phrases in turn and attempt to clear up the general befuddlement.

Publicity we can define as the process of making something known. It is as old as the first gesture of announcement. It utilizes all the existing media of communication – oral, written, pictorial. It makes known what it wants through advertising, through press agentry, and by means of pamphlets and billboards. Publicity succeeds when it brings its information to the public.

Advertising is the commercial phase of publicity. Through paid announcements in the press, over the radio, on television and on the Internet, on painted signs or on the lowly handbill, the advertiser endeavors to sell the articles or beliefs which he wants sold.

Press agentry as a phrase covers the diversified and sometimes frankly devious methods used by press agents to secure publicity for their clients in one or all of the mass media free, gratis and for nothing. Press agents are most familiarly associated with a Broadway or Hollywood clientele, but their clients may be corporations, government departments, resorts, plays, books, theories, institutions or individuals. Their resourcefulness and unorthodoxy, no doubt, led the New York Times to make the editorial comment that “press agentry is a profession whose subtle methods of approach are viewed by newspaper editors with a cold eye”. When, however, the professional drum beaters for Broadway organized themselves as “New York Theatrical Press Agents” the same Times congratulated the group for the “frank and disarming fashion” in which they announced themselves.

Public relations, the newest term of the four, describes an organized system devised for the influencing of opinion. It utilizes when necessary all the skills and techniques of publicity, advertising and press agentry, and it does that after careful investigation, thus giving rise to the “two-way communication” concept. Averill Houghton, public relations counsel, claims that opinion is formed by outside impressions.

The multiplicity and speed of these impressions through modern communications make it possible to achieve social changes in a few years which in the past would have taken generations or centuries.

Today the publicity man, the press agent, and the public relations specialist control the news which the media get from all the possible sources. Much of the local and international news emanates from them.


                                   VOCABULARY PRACTICE

1. Match the words with their definitions:

frank, to distinguish, to refer, to blur, befuddlement, pamphlet, billboard, lowly handbill, to endeavor, devious, gratis, resort, institution, resourcefulness, unorthodoxy, subtle, to approach, to devise, counsel, to emanate

a. to create or invent something

b. a very big poster located outside

c. to move closer, almost reach a particular level

d. to come from, originate

e. little flyers or brochures given out in the street

f. a place where people go to relax or improve their health condition

g. to have some link or connection, to mention

h. to recognize the difference between things, to be a feature that makes something noticeable

i. an important tradition on which society is based

j. honest, sincere

k. something that can be obtained for free, without paying for it

l. a piece of writing about some serious political or economic issue

m. confusion, embarrassment

n. the one who gives legal advice

o. dishonest, tricky, indirect, used to mislead or deceive

p. to darken, make vague

q. to attempt, to try

r. the ability to make decisions quickly on the spot

s. something thin, hardly visible

t. something new, unique, extraordinary



2. Give the English equivalents of the following words and use them in the sentences of your own:

иметь тенденцию; по очереди; попытаться; дать определение; объявление; с помощью (посредством); охватывать, освещать; поздравить, тщательное исследование (рассмотрение); источник, местные новости

3. Do the translation using the active vocabulary of the text:

1. Иногда действительно бывает сложно разделить такие понятия, как связи с общественностью и реклама.

2. В докладе лектор несколько раз сослался на работы этих выдающихся ученых.

3. Он попытался дать более четкое определении е этого понятия, приводя практические примеры.

4. Информация распространялась с помощьюпамфлетов, рекламных щитов, листовок, плакатов и т. д.

5. Изображение было несколько размытым, что вызвало замешательство.

6. PR-специалисты имеют тенденцию использовать хитрые, тонкие методы воздействия на аудиторию.

7. Его находчивость и неординарность подхода сыграли решающую роль в том, что ему поручили этот проект.

8. Все коллеги по очередипоздравили его с новым назначением.

9. Это событие широко освещалось нашими местными новостными каналами.

10. Гостям, впервые приехавшим на этот курорт, предлагались бесплатные безалкогольные напитки.


4. Answer the following questions:

1. Why, in your opinion, do many people find it difficult to differentiate between PR and advertising, publicity and press agentry?

2. Do you believe many people really have the idea of how they use the abovementioned terms? Give your grounds.

3. How can publicity be defined? What means and methods are utilized to make something known?

4. What is advertising?

5. With whom do most people associate press agents? What organizations do they mostly work for?

6. How did the New York Times characterize press agents’ work? Do you agree?

7. What is the definition of public relations? What methods are employed in this field?

8. Do you share Averill Houghton’s viewpoint about how opinion is formed? Give your reasons.

9. Why can social changes be achieved faster at present?

10.  How is news received by the media controlled nowadays?

5. Comment on the following statements:

1. Difficulties people usually come across when distinguishing between PR and advertising and ways of overcoming them.

2. The most common tools used by public relations practitioners and advertisers in their work.

3. Define publicity and give some examples of its application.

4. Speak about the role of advertising in contemporary society.

5. Enumerate the most widespread forms of advertising and say a few words about them.

6. The clientele of press agents and the functions of press agentry.

7. A “two-way communication” concept in public relations.

8. Comment on the phrase “Opinion is formed by outside impressions.” Give some examples.

9. The role of PR-specialists and press agents in the process of obtaining and disseminating news.

10. The further development of PR, advertising, and publicity.

6. Go over the information of Unit 1 and be ready to give a brief talk on each of these topics:

1. The concept of public relations.

2. The difference between public relations and advertising/publicity.

3. Qualities and qualifications indispensable for a PR-specialist.



                          UNIT 2

Отсрочка исполнения

Другой способ внедрить непопулярное решение заключается в том, чтобы представить его в качестве «болезненного и необходимого» и добиться в данный момент согласия граждан на его осуществление в будущем. Гораздо проще согласиться на какие-либо жертвы в будущем, чем в настоящем. Это предоставляет гражданам больше времени для того, чтобы свыкнуться с мыслью о переменах и смиренно принять их, когда наступит время.

Газетная реклама

Газетная реклама является самой читаемой в мире. Общий объем затрат на нее составляет примерно 40% всех рекламных расходов в мире. Давая объявление в газету, рекламодатель учитывает её тираж, частоту выхода, наличие приложения и другие аспекты. Имеет значение и место в газете, где опубликовано рекламное объявление, использование цвета, фотографий, рисунков, общее изображение изображений и текста. Реклама в газете обращена к весьма значительной, во многих случаях, разнородной аудитории. В настоящее время четырехцветная печать широко используется большинством крупных изданий, хотя более мелкие до сих пор печатаются в черно-белом варианте. В газетной рекламе следует давать конкретную информацию, например, указать конкретные даты проведения распродаж, цены, расположение магазина, представленные торговые марки и т.д. В неспециализированных периодических печатных изданиях реклама не должна превышать 40% объема одного номера.

Престижная реклама

В современных условиях недостаточно лишь произвести хороший товар, распределить продукцию, обеспечить маркетинг и эффективно продать её. Даже качественная продукция может не иметь успеха, если её производитель проводит слабую политику и не понимает интересов общества. Нужно, чтобы компания являлась достойным членом общества и играла в его жизни как можно более полезную роль. Это и является так называемой престижной или фирменной рекламой. Есть два основных вида такой рекламы. Первый ставит перед собой задачу информировать общественность о том большом вкладе, который вносит компания в благосостояние нации. Второй вид использует менее открытый подход и заключается в том, что общественность получает информацию по интересующим её вопросам при простом упоминании компании-спонсора. Существует свыше 50 крупных международных журналов, таких как “Reader’s Digest” или “Time”, которые распространяются по всему миру, и наибольшую часть рекламы в этих изданиях составляет престижная реклама.

Наружная реклама

Наружная реклама – медиаканал, который доносит рекламные обращения до получателей при помощи отпечатанных типографским способом плакатов, устанавливаемых в местах с наибольшим скоплением народа или оживленным уличным движением. Основные носители наружной рекламы – рекламные щиты (billboards), вывески на остановках (bus shelter) электронно-механические щиты с периодически меняющимся изображением (prismavision), транспаранты-растяжки (banner) и др. Рекламный контакт достигается во время передвижения по улицам и поэтому является очень кратким по времени. В связи с этим обращение должно быть лаконичным, а изображение – привлекающим непроизвольное внимание и выразительным по форме. Преимуществами наружной рекламы являются: широкий охват аудитории, относительно невысокая стоимость и долговременность воздействия на аудиторию. Наряду с этим, есть и недостатки: под влиянием атмосферных явлений резко снижается качество изображения на щитах, носители наружной рекламы требуют постоянного контроля над их состоянием.  

Реклама на транспорте

Реклама на транспорте является высокоэффективным средством воздействия на массовую аудиторию, когда избирательность не играет значительной роли. Выделяются такие типы её основных носителей: внутрисалонные рекламные объявления; наружная реклама на транспорте (помещается на бортах транспортных средств); стационарная реклама, размещенная на станциях метро, вокзалах, остановках и т. д. Основными характеристиками такого вида рекламы являются: широкий охват, мобильность (если рекламный щит жестко «привязан» к одному месту, то изображение, нанесенное на борт транспорта, целый день перемещается по городу и охватывает большую аудиторию); высокий уровень воздействия (пассажир, едущий до места назначения более получаса, невольно почтет все рекламные объявления в салоне транспорта).

Реклама в интернете

Реклама в интернете становится все более и более популярной. Рекламодателей прежде всего привлекает: охват потенциальной аудитории; мультимедийные возможности и гиперссылки, позволяющие последовательно, шаг за шагом вести потребителя по своей виртуальной экспозиции, притом что стоимость рекламы в интернете может оказаться значительно ниже, чем в других СМИ; возможности интернет технологий позволяют каждому рекламодателю узнать реальное число посетителей его странички. Самым популярным способом представления рекламы в интернете является собственная страница. Но сама по себе даже профессионально сделанная страница не может гарантировать привлечения внимания потребителей, если она размещена не на «раскрученном» сервере. Необходимо во всех рекламно-информационных материалах предприятия обязательно указывать адрес страницы в интернете и чаще обновлять информацию на ней.

Журнальная реклама

Журнальная реклама имеет ряд преимуществ по сравнению с газетной. Журналы, как правило, имеют довольно четкую целевую аудиторию, к тому же, полиграфические возможности журналов гораздо шире, чем газет. Выбирая журнал для размещения рекламы, учитывается на только аудитория, но и частота выхода издания в печать. Качество подачи рекламного материала (от бумаги до цвета) гораздо выше, чем в газетах. В качестве иллюстрации в журнальной рекламе чаще всего используют фотографию, т.к. она более четко передает образ продукта. Фотография должна демонстрировать преимущества товара. Также рекомендуется приложить к журнальной рекламе что-то, что привлечет читателя: рецепт, в котором используется данный товар, купон на скидку, образцы продукта, которые можно попробовать. К преимуществам журнальной рекламы также, несомненно, можно отнести её относительно невысокую стоимость по сравнению с рекламой на телевидении.

Сувенирная реклама

Сувенирная реклама используется для охвата заранее намеченной аудитории путем бесплатной раздачи сувениров без каких-либо обязательств со стороны получающего. Сувениры при этом служат знаками расположения рекламодателя к потенциальному покупателю и напоминают ему об отправителе. Выделяют следующие основные категории рекламных сувениров: календари (настенные и карманные); изделия с логотипом (ручки, блокноты, папки, брелоки, зажигалки); деловые подарки (кейсы, настольные телефоны). Если первые два вида сувенирной рекламы рассчитаны на широкую аудиторию, то последний предназначен для особых клиентов, занимающих достаточно высокое положение на фирме – адресате рекламного обращения и вручается лично.

Write a250-300-word essay on one of these quotations:

1. “Promise, large promise is the soul of an advertisement.” (Samuel Johnson.

2. “Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.” (Stephen Leacock)

3. “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, and the trouble is I don’t know which half.” (Viscount Leverhulme)

4. “It is not necessary to advertise food to hungry people, fuel to cold people, or houses to the homeless.” (J. K Galbraith)


                                    TEXT 1


The largest percentage of PR advertising is done in magazines, with network television and newspapers and Sunday supplements is second and third place, respectively. The trend is increasingly to targetniche audiences.

Magazines, which are already very specialized, will probably continue to get the lion’s share of “image” advertising, and network television will lose ground to cable network.

There are several types of public relations advertising. At times, the distinctions between categories can become blurred. However, there are five basic types: image-building, investor and financial relations programs, public service messages, advocacy and announcements.


Not only can advertising strengthen an organization’s reputation and image, but it can also contribute to consumer and client acceptance of the organization’s products and services. Consumers don’t just buy a product: they also buy the company if it is perceived as being well-managed, socially responsible, environmentally-conscious and willing to stand behind its products.

A good example of an image-building campaign is one by NYNEX, the telephone company serving New York State and New England. The company decided to put a human face on high technology with a series of ads that focused on its employees working for and with customers to solve their telephone problems.

The attempt to humanize and personalize the company came after research which indicated that people were turned off by advertisements that emphasized the cold, impersonal imagery of fiber-optic networks, microchips and other technology hardware. Indeed, companies too often emphasize the wonders of technology without really paying attention to showing how it improves the quality of life for the consumer.

The NYNEX campaign had an internal component as well. By featuring typical employees and distributing glossy brochures about the campaign to the entire staff, it improved morale among the employees.

                           Investor and financial relations

A different type of public relations advertising is targeted at the financial community – individual and institutional investors, stock analysts, investment bankers and stockbrokers. The objective is to portray a company’s financial strengths and prospects in the most flattering way.

Such advertising is used extensively during proxy fights for control of companies, when a company is undergoing some major reorganization or when a company believes it is being unfairly attacked by consumer groups or regulatory agencies. A variety of these ads can be seen in financial publications.

In one instance, Honeywell (the company producing aviation and electronic equipment) placed a full-page ad in the “Wall Street Journal” to announce that it had won a major lawsuit against The Minolta Camera Company for infringing on its patents. The winning of the suit and the protection of its patents assured the financial community that Honeywell would continue to make profits on its technology.

                                             Public service

Public service advertisements provide information, tips and how-to suggestions. A number of non-profit and charitable organizations use such advertisements for public education, for example:

· The American Cancer Society gives information about vegetables and fruits that can reduce the risk of cancer.

· The American Heart Association informs people about the warning signs of a heart attack.

· The American Red Cross gives a list of don’ts to prevent the spread of AIDS.

· The American Lung Association warns people about the dangers of smoking.

Business also does public services advertising to generategoodwill. In most cases, it is related to their products and services, for example:

· The Pacific Gas and Electric Company provides helpful hints on how to reduce energy costs during the winter months.

· The Shell Oil Company gives motorists hints on how to get better gasoline mileage.



Although persuasion is an element of all institutional; advertising, it is the primal goal in advocacy advertising. This often means trying to get readers or viewers to agree with the position of the advertiser on some issue. Ideally, the advertising campaign will cause people to change attitudes, modify behavior and even take steps to influence others about the issue.

A good example of an advocacy campaign designed to achieve a specific goal was run by The American Association of Railroads. Millions of Americans watched one of its commercials in which a woman and her two children are almost run off the road by the impatient driver of a triple-trailer truck.

What the viewers may not have known is that the American Association of Railroads was waging a campaign to discredit the trucking industry. The objective was to generate public opposition to congressional legislation that would allow the trucking industry to use larger and heavier vehicles on the nation’s highways. Such legislation would, of course, make the trucking industry more competitive with the railroad industry.

The National Cable Television Association, facing public pressure for Congress to pass a bill to regulate cable television rates, also used an extensive advertising campaign to change public attitudes about the industry. One series of ads, designed for placement by local cable companies, concentrated on the multiple benefits of cable television. The ad did not directly discuss the impending legislation (which was ultimately passed): rather, they concentrated on improving the image of the cable industry. The objective was to mute public criticism and stem the flow of angry letters to legislators about high rates.  



Announcement can be used for any category of public relations advertising. Their primary use is to inform the public promptly about something that affects everyone. Recalling a product, explaining a failure of service or rebutting a charge of irresponsibility are appropriate announcements.

Sears Company used announcement advertisements to tell how car owners could apply for rebates if they believed they were charged too much or paid for replacement parts that were not needed. And Jack-In-The-Box Company used announcement ads to reassure consumers that it was taking precautions to make sure its restaurants met new health standards after an outbreak of food poisoning at several locations in the Seattle area.  


                         VOCABULARY PRACTICE

1. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words.

2. Paraphrase the following expressions:

lion’s share; to lose ground; to become blurred; to humanize and personalize the company; financial community; the winning of the suit; non-profit organization; warning signs; to reduce energy costs; primal goal; to take precautions

3. Find in the text the English equivalents and use them in the sentences of your own:

иногда (время от времени); потребитель; хотеть, желать; ряд, серия; попытка; делать акцент, выделять; улучшать; распределять; представить, отразить; несправедливо; момент, мгновение; объявить; заверить; доход, прибыль; совет; предотвратить распространение; транспортное средство; быстро; уместный; соответствовать стандартам

4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary:

1. to contribute _____ smth.

2.  to focus _____ smb./smth.

3. to be targeted _____ smth.

4. to undergo _____ smth.

5. _____ case

6. to be related _____ smb./smth.

7. to cause _____ smth.

8. attitude _____ smb./smth.

9. to concentrate _____ smth.

10.  to pay _____ smth.

5. Explain the difference in the use of these words:

lose-loose; relation-relative; to solve-to decide; to search-to research; objective-objection; prospect-perspective; persuasion-conviction 

6. Do the following quiz to check your knowledge of the active vocabulary of the text:

Translate into English:

1. Процент людей с высшим образованием растет каждый год.

2. Каждую неделю она покупает воскресное приложение к этой газете.

3. Рекламная кампания этого продукта нацелена на аудиторию молодых успешных людей с хорошим достатком.

4. Он перечислил американские штаты и их столицы соответственно.

5. Принятие резолюции усилило авторитет партии.

6. Эта компания воспринимается клиентами как организация, осознающая важность охраны окружающей среды.

7. Ей не понравился безликий интерьер офиса, и она решила принести цветы в горшках и фотографии родных.

8. Нам нравится просматривать глянцевые журналы и быть в курсе последних модных тенденций.

9. Менеджер по персоналу решил поднять моральный дух сотрудников.

10. Не надо льстить боссу: если ты хорошо работаешь, он и так тебя повысит.

11. Компания подала в суд на конкурентов за нарушение авторских прав и выиграла процесс.

12. В статье даются советы, рекомендации по выполнению и список того, что не нужно делать в данной ситуации.

13. Продукт пришлось отозвать, т. к. в партии обнаружились вещества, причиняющие вред здоровью.

14. С неё взяли слишком большой налог, поэтому она обратилась к налоговому инспектору за возвратом.

Paraphrase the following:

a big part of something

to become replaced

to be vague, not comprehensible

business society

to pay less for electricity/utilities

the main objective

to be careful/take preventive measures

non-commercial body

  Make up a story referring to the sphere of PR/business/ advertising using the following words:

иногда, потребитель, ряд (серия), транспортное средство, попытка, делать акцент, распределить, несправедливо, доход, быстро, соответствовать стандартам, объявить

Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary:

to contribute _____, to focus _____, to undergo _____, to be related _____, _____ case, attitude _____, to concentrate _____, to cause _____, to pay _____

Translate into English the phrases with easily confusable words:

проиграть сражение; свободная одежда; близкие отношения; единственный родственник;решить проблему; решить закончить сегодня; искать информацию; исследовательский институт; основная цель; без возражений; карьерные перспективы; перспектива на картине; убедить пойти на курсы; убежденность в своих словах



7. Answer the following questions:

1. In what media can we see the biggest percentage of PR advertising? Why do you think it is so?

2. What are the main types of public relations advertising?

3. Why, in your opinion, is image-building such an important type of PR advertising? How can it influence customer loyalty?

4. Why is NYNEX company’s campaign considered successful? Give some more examples like these.

5. What is the main target of investor and financial relations programs?

6. When is such kind of advertising especially effective?

7. Comment on the example of Honeywell company given in the text.

8. What are public service advertisements aimed at?

9. What do they mostly inform the public about?

10.  What is the primary goal of advocacy?

11.  What campaign did the American Association of Railroads once design?

12.  How did the National Cable Television Association follow the principle of advocacy in their campaign?

13.  What is the main objective of an announcement?

14. How can you characterize the examples of announcements given in the text?

8. Search the information on the internet and find one example of each of the types of PR advertising described in the text and be ready to speak about it.

9. Make a summary of the text “Types of PR Advertising”.

10. Give a talk on each of the topics on advertising given below”

1. The role of advertising in contemporary society.

2. The most widespread forms of advertising nowadays.

3. Speak about a(n) (un)successful advertising campaign of any product or brand you like.



                                  UNIT 6

                  CRISIS MANAGEMENT



1. Divide the following crisis management key steps for companies in a crisis into three groups: a) before the crisis; b) during the crisis; c) after the crisis:

1. Set up a crisis management team.

2. Try to predict what crises could occur.

3. Role play a potential crisis.

4. Inform the directors.

5. Disclose as much information as you can

6. Analyze the actions you took to deal with the situation.

7. Write down and circulate your crisis management program.

8.  Practise making decisions under stress.

9. Work out an action plan to ensure the crisis does not happen again.

10.  Find out what happened and how it happened.

2. Complete the sentences with the words given above:

Odwalla Foods

When Odwalla's apple juice was thought to be the cause of an outbreak of E. coli infection, the company lost a third of its market value. In October 1996, an outbreak of E. coli bacteria in Washington state, California, Colorado and British Columbia was traced to unpasteurized apple juice manufactured by natural juice maker Odwalla Inc. Forty-nine cases were reported, including the death of a small child. Within 24 hours, Odwalla conferred with the FDA and Washington state health officials; established a schedule of daily press briefings; sent out press releases which announced the recall; expressed remorse, concern and apology, and took responsibility for anyone harmed by their products; detailed symptoms of E. coli poisoning; and explained what consumers should do with any affected products. Odwalla then developed - through the help of consultants - effective thermal processes that would not harm the products' flavors when production resumed. All of these steps were communicated through close relations with the media and through full-page newspaper ads.


Mattel Inc., the toy maker, has been plagued with more than 28 product recalls and in the summer of 2007, amongst problems with exports from China, faced two product recalls in two weeks. The company "did everything it could to get its message out, earning high marks from consumers and retailers. Though upset by the situation, they were appreciative of the company's response. At Mattel, just after the 7 a.m. recall announcement by federal officials, a public relations staff of 16 was set to call reporters at the 40 biggest media outlets. They told each to check their e-mail for a news release outlining the recalls, invited them to a teleconference call with executives and scheduled TV appearances or phone conversations with Mattel's chief executive. The Mattel CEO Robert Eckert did 14 TV interviews on a Tuesday in August and about 20 calls with individual reporters. By the week's end, Mattel had responded to more than 300 media inquiries in the U.S. alone."



The Pepsi Corporation faced a crisis in 1993 which started with claims of syringes being found in cans of diet Pepsi. Pepsi urged stores not to remove the product from shelves while it had the cans and the situation investigated. This led to an arrest, which Pepsi made public and then followed with their first video news release, showing the production process to demonstrate that such tampering was impossible within their factories. A second video news release displayed the man arrested. A third video news release showed surveillance from a convenience store where a woman was caught replicating the tampering incident. The company simultaneously publicly worked with the FDA during the crisis. The corporation was completely open with the public throughout, and every employee of Pepsi was kept aware of the details. This made public communications effective throughout the crisis. After the crisis had been resolved, the corporation ran a series of special campaigns designed to thank the public for standing by the corporation, along with coupons for further compensation. This case served as a design for how to handle other crisis situations.




The Bhopal disaster in which poor communication before, during, and after the crisis cost thousands of lives, illustrates the importance of incorporating cross-cultural communication in crisis management plans. According to American University’s Trade Environmental Database Case Studies (1997), local residents were not sure how to react to warnings of potential threats from the Union Carbide plant. Operating manuals printed only in English is an extreme example of mismanagement but indicative of systemic barriers to information diffusion. According to Union Carbide’s own chronology of the incident (2006), a day after the crisis Union Carbide’s upper management arrived in India but was unable to assist in the relief efforts because they were placed under house arrest by the Indian government. Symbolic intervention can be counterproductive; a crisis management strategy can help upper management make more calculated decisions in how they should respond to disaster scenarios. The Bhopal incident illustrates the difficulty in consistently applying management standards to multi-national operations and the blame shifting that often results from the lack of a clear management plan.


On March 24, 1989, a tanker belonging to the Exxon Corporation ran aground in the Prince William Sound in Alaska. The Exxon Valdez spilled millions of gallons of crude oil into the waters off Valdez, killing thousands of fish, fowl, and sea otters. Hundreds of miles of coastline were polluted and salmon spawning runs disrupted; numerous fishermen, especially Native Americans, lost their livelihoods. Exxon, by contrast, did not react quickly in terms of dealing with the media and the public; the CEO, Lawrence Rawl, did not become an active part of the public relations effort and actually shunned public involvement; the company had neither a communication plan nor a communication team in place to handle the event—in fact, the company did not appoint a public relations manager to its management team until 1993, 4 years after the incident; Exxon established its media center in Valdez, a location too small and too remote to handle the onslaught of media attention; and the company acted defensively in its response to its publics, even laying blame, at times, on other groups such as the Coast Guard. These responses also happened within days of the incident.



Crisis as Opportunity


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